He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2415 Professional rock climber, Techara!

Yaoxiang City, a street cafe.

It is located on a high slope at the edge of the city, with a panoramic view of the coast to the west, and there is a ramp path next to it, which leads to the sandy beach below with rugged turns.

At this moment, the four of Xiaozhi were sitting on a round table outside the coffee shop, drinking coffee leisurely and chatting casually.

"Is this Serena's Firefox? I haven't seen it fight yet!"

Serena released her own Firefox on the round table, its cute appearance and thick and shiny fur made Yurika amazed and wanted to start masturbating right away.

However, the haughty Hufox doesn't seem to like being touched by outsiders, but he is too shy to refuse.

"Turkey autumn~!"

Facing the small hand extended by You Lijia, Firefox suddenly sneezed, spewing out faint sparks from its nose, causing the surrounding people to burst into laughter.

"Hey, let's say that Xiaozhi was an experienced trainer before. I saw Xiaozhi's performance in the Hezhong World Championships on the Miare News!"

Serena intentionally brought the topic to Xiaozhi.

"Haha, it's okay~"

Xiaozhi rubbed the back of his head and smiled, but he finally remembered the name Serena.

As Miss Pansy said before, she also has many female fans in the Carlos area, and there are many postcards sent by her.

Among them was a fan named "Serena".
But looking at the way Serena treats her, she seems to be no different from ordinary people, Xiaozhi can only think that she is not the same person.

"So Serena, haven't you decided on your future path yet?"

Citron couldn't help asking curiously.

The Carlos area is still very free, and there are even free shopping activities in some cities.

Like the normal trainer route, the enthusiasm for challenging gyms and alliance conferences will not be inferior to other regions.

Although there is no gorgeous competition, the Triple Crown Satellite Competition is also quite suitable for female trainers.

Not to mention that there are all kinds of sports events, such as rock climbing, cycling, and pulley. The participating groups are not small.

For example, Serena's mother is a famous armored rhino riding champion.

"Eh, I haven't thought about it yet."

Serena touched her cheek with an unnatural expression, her eyes subconsciously fell on Xiaozhi's face.

The latter just cast his gaze, and the two looked at each other, which made Serena's cheeks flush, she turned her head in panic, and said in a hurried tone:
"So now I plan to help the doctor first, and choose my own path while traveling."

As she spoke, she took out the instrument she brought from Dr. Brattano and placed it on the table.

Citron naturally became interested, pushed his glasses, and checked carefully.

I really want to see how this machine works right away.
The four of them were still casually chatting in this street cafe. At this time, two figures walked slowly in the distance, both of which were quite tall.

The figure on the left is very familiar to the few people, it is the owner of the Yaoxiang Gym that Serena just conquered yesterday - Chaklo.

And the figure on the right is much stronger than Chakro, and he is also a hot guy, and the color is much darker than Chakro, with chocolate-like skin, and obvious bulging muscles can be seen on the arms.

He was wearing a black sports tights, fully showing the muscle lines of his body, like a bodybuilder.

He has black hair and a cropped head, and his face is tough and stern, exuding a resolute breath like tough black steel.

But the expression doesn't seem to be very good.

"Yo, Mr. Chucklow, good afternoon"

Xiaozhi was the first to say hello, but he was interrupted by the black-skinned man in the middle of speaking.

"You are Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"

Walking all the way in front of the four of them, this hilarious man folded his hands on his chest, showing a bad look on his face.

Chakro laughed dryly and quickly smoothed things over.

"Hi everyone, this is my elder brother T'Challa, a professional rock climber."

The two are quite similar in appearance, but T'Challa is obviously a few years older than Chakro, and is much more mature.

The four of Xiaozhi were puzzled, this is the first time everyone has met, why are you so aggressive?
"Uh, that's the comment you posted on the Internet, Xiaozhi. My elder brother saw it, so I plan to challenge you."

Chakro explained.

His eldest brother T'Challa is a well-known rock climbing champion in the Carlos area, not like himself, who only climbs amateur rocks when he is free in the gym.

Moreover, the former is jealous of evil and has a strong sense of justice, especially his strong sense of pride in his own region.

After seeing Xiaozhi's crazy remarks, he couldn't bear it anymore, and planned to justify the name of the Carlos area!

I heard that Xiaozhi had already defeated a Carlos fighter who came to challenge him
Hmph, not enough to watch.

T'Challa is Carlos' orthodoxy!
Xiao Zhi knew it, and was speechless.

The news that updated his actions in real time, even marked his location information.

So it just so happened that the rock climbing competition came to an end, T'Challa, who was on vacation, saw Xiaozhi's location in his hometown, and immediately ran back in a hurry.

"Mr. Et'Challa, that news is all fake, and I didn't actually post it"

Xiaozhi quickly defended himself a few words.

Looking at the angry appearance of this Gallic black chicken, it seems that it is about to turn into a black panther in the next second, and it will directly pounce on it and tear itself apart.

For a professional rock climber, his hand strength should be very strong, right?

"Yes, we testify! Xiaozhi is a very nice trainer!"

Chakro next to him also spoke for Xiaozhi.

Although he hadn't played against him before, during the entire match yesterday, Xiaozhi was actively cheering on the sidelines, and his personality was obviously very easy to get along with.

"I don't care. Since I'm here, let's fight!"

T'Challa's face was quite cold and severe, and he didn't want to hear these redundant explanations at all:
"If I lose, I can apologize to you, but if you lose, you have to take down your online comments and apologize to us Carlos!"

Obviously, T'Challa attaches great importance to Carlos' collective sense of honor.

Sometimes, I even want to wear a mask to disguise myself as a superhero and fight for justice in the Carlos area.

Xiaozhi could only rub his head vigorously.
The website that made the remarks seems to be from the Flame Group, and he has no authority to withdraw it at all, and it is useless to call the police.

Forget it, forget it!

Xiaozhi shook his head and regained his composure.

In short, let's beat him first, he wants to see the purpose of the people behind the scenes for him to accept the challenge of so many people!
Coincidentally, there is a large open space in front of the coffee shop, which can be used for fighting.

Seeing this, Xitron also showed joy, and looked at the detection equipment on the table.

So fast, can you see how this machine works?

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