He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2416 The second mega challenge! vs Boss Cordora!

Soon, the two had already stood on the open space and were ready.

Xiaozhi also replaced the battle Pokémon from the Damu Research Institute.

Next to Serena and Yurika couldn't help holding each other's palms, watching nervously
As for the instrument that Dr. Bratano gave, it directly became Citron's special product, and the latter was carefully operating it with fiery eyes.

Since Citron was interested, Serena simply outsourced this task, so she could concentrate on watching Xiaozhi's battle!
"Then this is a battle about mega evolution. The two sides can only use one Pokémon. After one side loses the ability to fight, the winner will be determined!"

Chakro acted as the referee and said loudly.

He naturally noticed the keystone bracelet on Xiaozhi's wrist, and a keystone also inlaid on the back of his elder brother T'Challa's bag of rock-climbing stone powder.

Chaklow is still very envious of this, he doesn't have a keystone yet.

Even in the Carlos area where mega evolution battles are popular, not everyone can experience this kind of battle.

Obtaining one of your own keystones requires a huge chance, and you can't find one just by digging in any cave.

It is said that an event will be held in Sala City recently, and the prize is a rare keystone
If it weren't for the fact that he still has a gymnasium to take care of, Chakro is already preparing to go to Salo City.

He is a serious and responsible gym owner.

Looking back at the game, the trainers at both ends also took out a Poké Ball from their hands.

T'Challa was the first to throw the poke ball, and the red light condensed into a huge figure.

When everyone took a closer look, they saw that it was a heavy armored dragon beast, with a hard gray-black body, joints on the limbs, and a thick silver-white metal armor covering the top of the head.

With a ferocious expression, and a pair of sharp long horns on the steel armor above his head, it is enough to easily pierce through rocks!
"Boss Cordora? As expected, it is a rock-type Pokémon!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself.

After all, the other party and Mr. Chaklow are brothers, and there is a high probability that they are also experts in rock properties.

At the same time, Xiaozhi's Pokémon also appeared in the red light.

A handsome and graceful wolf fighter with the appearance of a wolf fighter, his figure is not very muscular, but he looks very well-proportioned and light.

It has a gray-blue body, and the fur on its limbs is pitch black. The eyes on the wolf's head are extremely firm and full of momentum!
"It's Lucario! This is a very rare Pokémon!"

Citron couldn't help exclaiming that even in the Sinnoh region where it originated, very few trainers could get a Lucario.

This is a Pokémon with both strength and beauty!

In terms of attribute restraint, Lucario is obviously more advantageous.

And both Pokémon are wearing mega stones. Not to mention Xiaozhi's Lucario, the mega stone of Boss Cordora is inlaid on the steel horn on the top of the head.

He quickly stabilized his mind and pointed the two small radars extended from the detection instrument at Lucario and Boscodora respectively.

"We can fight side by side again, Lucario, don't underestimate your opponent!"

Xiaozhi's face was full of spirits, his momentum was outstanding, and he reminded him.


Lucario didn't look back, and responded with a low drink, clenched his palms slightly, and entered the battle state.

This is the general who traveled together in the Sinnoh area, and he has the powerful waveguide power. Xiaozhi is quite confident in Lucario's strength!
"Then, the battle begins!"

As Chuck Luo's voice fell, the eyes of the two became sharper instantly.

"Preemptive strike, Lucario, vacuum wave!"

At the beginning of the battle, Xiaozhi immediately shouted loudly.

Lucario in front of him understood, the ears on both sides were inexplicably suspended, and the power of the waveguide was released, and at the same time, he punched the void without any fancy.


At the end of the fist, a light blue fist shadow sprang out quickly, rushing towards the direction of Boscodora!
Vacuum wave, originally an ordinary fighting move, is powerful in scraping.
But Lucario, who has been training hard, can already infuse his waveguide power into it, turning it into a waveguide-vacuum wave, which is far more powerful than those low-power preemptive moves!

You know, even though Boss Kedora looks ferocious and ferocious on the outside, it also has the two attributes of steel and rock at the same time.
Fighting moves are four times more restraint than terror!
T'Challa obviously also noticed that this Lucario is not low-level, and the power of the vacuum wave he hit casually is already impressive.

Without the slightest hesitation, he took off the keystone from the lime bag and held it up high.

"The heart of steel should be fearless and climb the peak! Mega evolve, Boss Kedora!!"

A burst of quick chanting, the keystone in his hand suddenly burst into dazzling light, and the mega stone on top of Boss Kedora's head also released a strong light that enveloped his whole body.

"Does it mega-evolve as soon as it comes up?"

Xiaozhi quickly took a closer look. Although Boss Kedora is a Pokémon in the Yoshien area, this is the first time he has seen the latter's mega evolution form.


Within a few breaths, Boss Kedora roared violently, and the light burst, and the mega Boss Kedora made an exciting appearance!
The figure became even bigger, and the body that was originally pitch black without any armor was completely transformed into a dark silver metal at this moment.
The armor covering the head also became more ferocious, this time even the steel armor on the arms had sharp spikes.

The whole body was completely turned into a pile of steel, which also caused Mega Boss Kedora to completely eliminate the rock attribute and become a pure steel attribute Pokémon!


Waveguide Vacuum Wave flew over, Mega Boss Kedora slightly lowered his head, and split it with the wide horn like a sharp blade on the top of his head.

The only steel attribute, obviously fighting attribute moves, no longer has the dangerous effect of quadruple restraint on it.

"Flame Kick!!"

Even when Lucario rushed out, turned over and kicked out a blazing flame kick, which hit Mega Boss Kedora's chest, it only left a scorched black mark, and the damage did not seem to be particularly high.

Xiaozhi frowned involuntarily. Even if it wasn't four times the restraint, it should be twice the restraint. Why doesn't it seem to have any effect?
"Hmph! My mega Boss Cordora feature is filtering!"

T'Challa couldn't help but smile triumphantly, and said casually:
"As the name suggests, it can filter out a part of the damage with outstanding effects!"

The originally restrained fire moves, under the filter feature, immediately reduced a lot of damage.

It can be said that in front of mega Boss Kedora, none of the 18 attributes can be restrained, and the effect can be doubled!

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