He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2418 Giant wave missile, the winner has been divided!

On the field, I saw Mega Boss Kedora hitting the ground with both fists.

Clang! !
The next moment, the entire surrounding open space shook violently, as if using an earthquake trick.

Even under Lucario's feet, the ground kept undulating, and then suddenly rose up like a rocket into the sky, directly forming a vertical and slender pinnacle with a height of more than ten meters, pushing Lucario on the ground. the highest point.


And Mega Boss Kedora let out a roar of anger, dragged his heavy body, and charged away on his own initiative.

And the sharp claws of the limbs became more curved and long enough to be deeply embedded in the rocky walls of the mountains.


Like a tank, Boss Kedora drove directly up the vertical rock wall. After inserting its limbs and claws into the rock wall, it exerted force upwards, and its whole body suddenly accelerated towards the highest peak of rock climbing.

"It's not over yet, and then one hundred thousand horsepower!!"

After exerting force and accelerating on the rock wall at the bottom, this mega Boss Kedora can even change moves in mid-air. The surface of the steel armored body turns red, and even a lot of steam comes out, with a strong impact The magnitude has risen!
This is what he and Boss Kedora achieved after practicing rock climbing for many years——

First use rock climbing moves to push the target to the highest point, and there is no way to escape.

Then there is the acceleration charge at the beginning of rock climbing, which makes it enough to reach the highest point by itself.

Then according to the attributes of the opponent, change the moves, whether it is the heavy impact of the steel attribute, or the [-] horsepower of the ground attribute, the power is extremely majestic and heavy!

At this moment, to restrain Lucario's ground-type moves, only one shot of [-] horsepower is enough to tell the winner! !
"Climb to the highest point, go all out!!"

T'Challa couldn't help shouting loudly, wishing he could climb up with him.

The onlookers were also shocked by the aura of mega Boss Kedora. Seen from the back, it really looks like a silver-white heavy tank, unstoppable.


It's just that at the highest point of rock climbing, Lucario looked extremely calm, as indifferent as water.

Even with that, even Xiaozhi below had the same expression on his face, without any panic.

In the next moment, Mega Lucario's blood-colored black ears floated up on both sides, and his whole body released circles of ripples like water ripples.

Put your palms together in front of you, and a dark blue waveguide energy bomb quickly condenses into shape.
shhhhhh! !

It is no longer a matter of shape, the size and shape are still expanding.

Almost in an instant, it condensed into a giant wave missile with a width of two or three meters!

Let Boss Kedora's violent movements cause the rock-climbing mountain under his feet to shake constantly, as if he would tilt and collapse at any time. Lucario was as calm as water, as motionless as a mountain, and raised the giant wave missile above his head.

The powerful waveguide power contained in it, even a few people outside the field can feel the breath of heart palpitations
"Here we come! Wave missiles, burst out at full power!!"

Following Xiaozhi's loud shout, Lucario's sharp red eyes narrowed, and he threw the giant wave missile directly downward.

Sticking to the surface of the rock wall, it was thrown head-on in the direction of Bos Kedora's rush.

And the latter is still maintaining a galloping movement of 2 horsepower, and has already reached 3/[-] of the height of the rock climbing mountain.

The next moment, the giant wave missile crashed down.

In the first reaction, Boss Kedora raised its full horsepower and was about to smash it into pieces.

Bang! !
It just felt something was wrong just after touching it.

This giant wave missile is not only bluffing in appearance, but also like a hard iron ball weighing several tons, which cannot be crushed by its majestic strength.

Even the wave missile is on the top, it is on the bottom, and there is a gravity disadvantage
The galloping trend of [-] horsepower was completely blocked, and it was stalemate with it between the rock walls.

Even though the mega Boss Kedora continued to sprint, the Boss missiles showed no sign of retreating.
On the rock climbing peak at this moment, the surface of Lucario's body was glowing with waveguide blue light visible to the naked eye, and his arms were pushed forward, maintaining the advance of the waveguide in the void.

With the continuous infusion of waveguide power, this giant wave missile finally started to move forward!

It hit Boscodora's face directly, and its head seemed to be knocked crookedly, and it was forced to go sideways.

The limbs couldn't continue to sprint and exert force, so he could only hug the wave missile, trying to push it back.

This also caused the power of Mega Boss Kedora to become weaker and weaker.
In the end, the stamina was insufficient, and Boscodora's strength was exhausted.

Under the inconceivable eyes of everyone, on the rock wall in mid-air, the giant wave missile flew vertically downwards with Boscodora's body in succession!

Boom boom boom! !

Until it landed on the ground, a terrifying and vast energy explosion erupted, completely engulfing its figure!

Gravels are everywhere, and the air is full of light blue mist of waveguide energy.

The effect is outstanding!

This scene also made T'Challa's pupils shrink, he felt his lower limbs soften, and his eyes turned black.

Victory, come out! ?
The violent explosion below caused the precarious rock climbing mountain to collapse, causing another wave of smoke, dust and rocks to fall.


As for Mega Lucario, his breath was calm, he stepped on the same falling gravel around him, and finally landed firmly in front of Xiaozhi, his movements were extremely chic and neat.

After a few seconds, the smoke cleared, and a large pothole appeared at the original location of the climbing mountain, covered with many gravel remains.

And in the center, Mega Boss Kedora's eyes rolled, and he fell down there.

A burst of light flickered, and Boss Kedora withdrew from the mega-evolved form, returning to her original black-gray body.


On the other side, Mega Lucario just looked at the defeated opponent calmly, without saying a word.

The light flashed lightly, and it also exited the mega evolution posture.

This scene also gave Chaklow a judgment in his heart, and he quickly raised his arms:
"The victory and defeat have been divided, and Boscodora has lost the ability to fight! So this match will be won by player Xiaozhi and Lucario!!"

Chakro was secretly surprised.

What is the origin of this young man to defeat his eldest brother Techara so easily? He is also a well-known trainer in the Carlos area!
He could feel that neither Xiaozhi nor Lucario had fully exerted their strength.
"Too hot Xiaozhi!!"

The few people watching also had different expressions, and You Lijia naturally still had an expression of fervent admiration, waving and shouting unabashedly.

"Little Chi."

Serena hugged her palms in front of her body, her eyes fixed on Xiaozhi's face, and her heart couldn't help beating faster.

The latter's fanatical, focused, and high-spirited look on his face made her even more enthusiastic about Xiaozhi! (end of this chapter)

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