He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2419 Information on Fossil Pokémon!

The battle was over, and T'Challa willingly conceded defeat.

"I lost you and your Lucario are very good."

T'Challa pursed her lips and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

My Boss Kedora is not good at special attack and defense, so it can be said that it is restrained by the opponent's focus.

Of course, he didn't know that Xiaozhi, this Lucario, took the dual-knife route, and his moves such as flame kicks and melee combat were equally powerful!
"However, I still don't agree with your previous insult to our Carlos region!"

"Wait a minute, Mr. T'Challa, I've said it all, those comments on the Internet are deliberately smeared by some black people!"

Xiaozhi quickly emphasized again.

But this time, T'Challa nodded in a serious manner, as if he really listened, which was the complete opposite of the previous ignorance.

The words of the strong are naturally more credible.

"Then the person behind this is really abominable. He dared to deceive and use the feelings of us Kalos."

T'Challa cursed indignantly.

Then he nodded with Chakro and took back the defeated Boscodora, T'Challa planned to bid farewell to Xiaozhi and his party.

The power of the last giant wave missile is not light, so I have to take Boss Kedora to the elf center for treatment.

Everyone watched T'Challa leave, and then their eyes shifted to the handsome and ruthless Lucario, surrounded on both sides, looking at this humanoid Pokémon in surprise.

"Is this the power of the waveguide?"

"What a handsome dog~!"

"I heard that the trump card of the owner of the Sala Gym is also a Lucario."

Everyone was chattering and surrounded in the middle, while Lucario was indifferent, closing his eyes and resting quietly.

A simple Boss Cordora is not enough to satisfy it.

With the addition of mega evolution, it also possesses the strength of Lucario, the power of waveguide. Even among the Pokémon of Xiaozhi's multi-capable mega evolution, it is one of the best.


Next to him, Citron was carefully recording the data of the detection instrument, completely stealing Serena's job.

The latter was happy and relaxed, and was not very interested in this kind of scientific research work.

"When Pokémon Mega evolves, the frequencies of trainers and Pokémon tend to overlap, and the higher the overlap rate, the stronger the power that can be displayed in the end."

In this battle, Xitron collected two sets of data from Xiaozhi and Lucario, as well as T'Challa and Boss Cordora. It is obvious that the overlap rate of the former is much higher, almost becoming a line .

I just don't know if this phenomenon of overlapping frequencies will only appear in mega evolution?

It stands to reason that there should be such an overlap phenomenon when fighting with ordinary Pokémon.
However, the instrument invented by Dr. Bratano can only specifically collect data after mega evolution, and has no effect on ordinary Pokémon.

Citron was secretly moved. As the owner of the Miare Gymnasium, perhaps he should also master this power in order to fully understand the mystery behind this phenomenon.?

"Mega evolution."

Witnessing the cool and powerful mega evolution battle, Serena was also shocked, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Fighting against traditional Pokémon feels like two worlds!


Thinking of this, Serena secretly made up her mind.

"Have you decided to cosplay into a mega-evolved Pokémon?"

In my mind, the system suddenly popped up a question.

Serena ignored the system's nonsense, her eyes fell on Xiaozhi, and she clenched her fists slightly.

It's decided, like Xiaozhi, she also wants to master the power of mega evolution!
"By the way, Mr. Chaklow, I happen to have a question for you!"

Chakro was still bowing his head, looking at Lucario carefully, Xiaozhi suddenly said.

"Oh Xiaozhi, what's the matter?"

This gentle hi guy raised his head and asked happily.

"It's your baby tyrannosaurus, where did you take it in?"

Xiaozhi asked straight to the point. The tiger-headed baby Tyrannosaurus rex in the gymnasium competition attracted his attention.

Speaking of it, there seem to be quite a few dragon-type Pokémon in the Kalos area. Bats are dragon-type, and fossil Pokémon are also dragon-type.
It is said that the local quasi-god Pokémon is also a rare dragon attribute.

It happens that the leprechaun attribute is popular in the Carlos area.
With his own single-headed dragon, Xiaozhi plans to form a handsome and domineering dragon attribute team in the Kalos area!
"Baby Tyrannosaurus? This is a fossil Pokémon. There is no habitat in the wild."

Chaklow knew everything, and slowly replied:
"Some man-made Pokémon protected habitats or large research institutes should have baby tyrannosaurs, but generally they will not give up their precious baby tyrannosaurs to outsiders."

"So my suggestion is Xiaozhi, you go find the fossils yourself, and complete the fossil restoration by yourself."

Xiaozhi nodded. The way to obtain fossil Pokémon in other regions is probably the same.

"As for the jaw fossil of the baby Tyrannosaurus, it has only been found in the Shining Cave so far. If you want to find it, go there."

"And the city closest to the cave - Guxiang Town, has a local research institute that can provide fossil restoration technology, which can provide one-stop service."

"If you're lucky, you might even get the fin fossil of Ice Dragon, which can restore Carlos' other fossil Pokémon."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was very grateful, and quickly wrote down all the information.

Serena took out her own map—it was an instrument similar to a small dressing mirror, and when it was flipped up and down, the electronic map inside could be revealed.

"Guxiang Town, it's still very close to us. It can be reached by walking south along the coastline of Route 8, and the cave at the end of this road is Shining Cave."

She is also interested in fossil Pokémon, and she has heard that there is a large aquarium in Guxiang Town.
This is a famous dating place!
"Leave it to me, I'm already formulating a strategy."

In my mind, the system responded naturally.

"Then our next stop will be there!"

Seeing that the Xitron brothers and sisters had no objections, Xiaozhi was in high spirits, and immediately made a decision.

"By the way, let me give you an extra piece of information."

Before leaving, Chakro added a sentence:
"Xiaozhi's words, it shouldn't be necessary, but Citron and Serena's words, they should be very interested."

Hearing this, Serena and Xitron looked at each other with puzzled faces.

"One month later, Sala City will hold an event, and the prize will be a rare keystone"

After finishing speaking, Chakro waved and turned to leave.

On the spot, Serena and Citron's eyes were both bright, and they were obviously interested in the key stone! (end of this chapter)

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