He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2437 Boiling sea water, steam explosion!

Over the beach, the sun became dazzling, and the scorching sunlight spread on the seaside, making the beach in this area look particularly hot.

"Sunny day?"

Takeda was a little confused about Xiaozhi's thoughts.

On a sunny day, although it can weaken the power of the water-type moves of the megalodon, the Gyarados is also water-type and will be weakened in the same way.

Could it be that in the future, they only plan to use flame moves to decide the winner?

"Don't be careless, Megalodon!"

Takeda hastily reminded that the power of the big character explosive flames before was not a joke, now coupled with the bonus effect of the sunny day, the damage will rise again!
"Gyarados, big characters bursting into flames!!"

Xiaozhi was not polite, and immediately launched a fierce attack with flames.

Gyarados opened its mouth, and the blazing flame energy condensed and was thrown out, turning into a "big"-shaped flame cannonball again, stirring up the hot wind, forcing away the sea water below!

"Megalodon, dive into the water!"

Takeda could only choose to temporarily avoid the sharp edge, even the strong forehead of the megalodon could hardly destroy such a large-character explosion.

The mega tooth shark immediately dived into the water.

Since the arena is in the middle of the coastline, the sea on one side of the arena is not very deep. The megalodon shark even needs to dive part of its body into the sand in order to only expose the shark's vertical fins on the water surface.

snort! !
The big-character explosion was a step late and missed its target. It suddenly detonated on a sea surface and ignited, directly creating a huge vacuum gap.

Immediately, the sea water flowed backwards, and the mist filled the air.

Wow wow wow!

The megalodon, on the other hand, did not completely emerge from the water. It still only exposed a dangerous shark fin, broke through the water flow, and swam rapidly in the direction of Gyarados.

"Use Bite!"

It even opened its bloody mouth wide, and the upper and lower jaws are full of dense and sharp fangs, which can easily bite through and smash even the reefs along the way!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi suddenly became interested and said mysteriously:
"It's time to show your strength! Gyarados, use hot water!"

This command made everyone a little confused.

I saw the Mega Gyarados standing on the spot, the crimson scales around its body began to deepen in color, and strange steam white smoke kept coming out.
At this moment, the Gyarados is like a machine running at high speed, and its body temperature keeps soaring.

Pfft! !
As the mouth opened, a thick stream of water spurted out, and bubbles could be clearly seen inside the water stream, and extremely penetrating steam and white smoke rose from the surface.

And when this ball of hot water falls into the sea
Plop plop! !

The temperature of the sea water in front of the Gyarados also rose rapidly, and bubbles kept rising to the surface of the sea. It seemed that the sea area was boiling all of a sudden!
And in the boiling water, this mega megalodon could no longer maintain its high-speed parade.


After uttering a scream, the whole body jumped out of the water immediately, and the surface of the shark skin was covered with scalding scars.

Any later, it will be cooked directly!

"how is this possible?!"

Takeda was completely stunned, and stood there in a daze.

As a surfer, he still has a good understanding of water properties.

The hot water move, although it sprays hot water, it is still a water attribute move, and its effect will be halved in sunny days.

Not to mention that the boiling of seawater in this area can be raised to 40 degrees, which is considered powerful hot water! "Hey~!"

In contrast, Xiaozhi's expression was very satisfied.

This is where his red tyrannosaurus is unique.

With two attributes, Gyarados's fire moves are the same as usual on a sunny day, enjoying the bonus effect.

As for the water attribute move, it can be transformed into boiling hot water, and it can also enjoy the effect of sunny days!

When he was in the backyard of the Damu Research Institute, Xiaozhi noticed the mutation ability of this tyrannosaurus.

It has both fire and water attributes, making it seem like there is a natural steam reactor in its body, which can create extremely hot boiling water anytime and anywhere!
The sea water in the arena has become boiling water, this megalodon shark can only be suspended high, not daring to touch the water.

Even the steam rising from below made the megalodon quite uncomfortable.

Gyarados doesn't seem to be uncomfortable with this environment at all. The red scales are not only hard, but also have a strong resistance to this high-temperature water flow.


At this moment, the Gyarados flicked its tail vigorously casually, and slapped it on the surface of the sea. The boiling water splashed made the megalodon tired of dodging and guarding, and the situation fell completely below.

"Damn it, I can't drag it on any longer."

Takeda glanced at the sky, the sunny day that has not ended for a long time, and his megalodon does not know the moves of the rainy day, and cannot change the weather.

Gritting his teeth, Takeda decided to launch a final onslaught.

"Cooperate with the strong forehead, use the strongest self-sacrificing charge!!"

The mega megalodon understood, and with a golden coat attached to its body, it rushed straight away like a cannonball!

Even in the energy package, at the frontmost position, the megalodon fully opened its mouth.

Directly using this shark's jaws to perform a sacrificial charge can make the power of this move climb to the extreme!

Even the bubbling and bubbling sea below was broken by the powerful momentum of the megalodon shark, and the waves turned to both sides!

"Have you come? Since this is the case, we must use all our strength to repay their enthusiasm!"

Xiaozhi's expression was equally excited, he punched out and shouted loudly:

"Gyarados, use steam explosion!!"

The name of this move sounds like Xiaozhi made it up, but it was actually named after Dr. Oki's suggestion.

Mega Gyarados also made a move, first closing its mouth completely, the red scales on its body deepened again, and white mist continued to rise from its surface.


Then the inside of the entire closed mouth seemed to be rioting constantly, causing the cheeks on both sides of the tyrannosaurus to suddenly bulge.

This made Gyarados, which was already very bloated in appearance, look even more enlarged and protruding at the moment.

The power was accumulated to the extreme, and the red tyrannosaurus opened its mouth suddenly.

Boom! !
Only a sharp high-pitched sound was heard, and a stream of water that was not huge spewed out.

But what is more eye-catching is that around the water column, there is a hazy translucent water mist and steam.
At this moment, the steam seemed to be compressed to the extreme, taking on the form of a light blue laser, spurting out at extremely fast speeds!

This is a steam explosion. The temperature of the water flow in the body is raised to the extreme, and the steam bursts out at once!
Not only does the high-temperature steam itself have a terrifying burning effect, but it even has an extremely strong impact force, which is not inferior to the blasting blast of destructive death light! (end of this chapter)

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