He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2438 Shouldn’t the system give rewards?

Boom! !
The steam explosion collided head-on with the Sacrifice of the Megalodon Shark.

Before the stalemate lasted for a long time, the megalodon felt the unprecedented impact from the front, and even the mega-evolved self seemed to be unable to stop it at all.

Boom! !
The high-temperature steam exploded, the Megalodon was hit at zero distance, and the whole body was thrown flying out heavily!

And there is also the burning damage caused by the high-temperature steam, which almost scalds the mouth of the megalodon shark.

The terrifying steam explosion move shoots straight all the way, forming a long and narrow vacuum tunnel on the sea surface, and another burst of smoke surrounds it.

After bearing heavy blows one after another, the megalodon finally couldn't hold it anymore.

During the inverted flight, his eyes had already started to spin, and he completely lost consciousness.


There was a burst of dazzling light on the body, and it exited the mega-evolved posture, and changed back into the tiger-striped shark appearance.

"Come back, Megalodon!"

Seeing this, Takeda didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly took out the poke ball, and took back the Megalodon shark that was still falling in mid-air.

You must know that the sea is still boiling water now, in case the megalodon sinks completely, it will really float up after being cooked!

"The megalodon has lost the ability to fight, so this friendly match will be won by Xiaozhi and Gyarados!"

Next to him, the curator Lu Dan said loudly and emphasized the tone of "friendly match".

He didn't want the two of them to fight for real.

But I have to say that the red Gyarados is a cruel and dangerous mutant steam power.
He is so satisfied!

"As expected of the Pokémon I've been chasing all my life, it's so perfect!!"

At this moment, Lu Dan's obsession with the golden carp king has completely shifted to the red Gyarados in front of him, no matter how he looks at it, he likes it.

As for the boiling sea water in front of me.
In fact, it doesn't have a big impact, and only in the area of ​​the arena is dangerous boiling water.

After a few rounds of surf, the water flow neutralizes, and the temperature will drop again soon.

"Nice job, Gyarados!"

Xiaozhi laughed with satisfaction, stepped forward and patted the red scales of the Gyarados, making a "bang bang" sound.

It's still very hot on top at the moment, and it can turn into an fried egg at any time if you hit a tortoise.

But Xiaozhi's palms are rough and fleshy, so it's not a big problem.


The red Gyarados also raised its head and let out a loud roar, obviously it enjoyed today's battle very much.

Immediately, its body also glowed with light, changing from a bloated body to a relatively well-proportioned original form.

I don't know where the mega stone went. It must have been swallowed by the Gyarados.

This completely saves trouble, and there is no need to specially install some mega stone protective gear on the Gyarados.

At the end of the battle, the friends were all in high spirits, still discussing the mutated steam power of the Gyarados.

"It seems that there is also a legendary Pokémon in our Carlos area, and it also has this kind of power?"

Citron secretly thought, but did not say it directly.

He is not sure, this is just a vague legend. Let's search for information after returning today.

As for the mega evolution data that Dr. Bratano explained, he has also finished collecting it.

Just seeing exciting mega evolutions several times in succession made Citron yearn for this kind of power even more.

"System, teach me how to use this power as soon as possible!" Similarly, Serena's eyes became more enthusiastic and urgent.

If I can work side by side with Xiaozhi in the future and use mega evolution to have a doubles battle, what a scene!

"The first step is to find the keystone. The second step is to find the Pokémon that can mega-evolve. The second step"

The system said some nonsense.

But what makes Serena dissatisfied is that
Generally speaking, the existence of the system shouldn't give corresponding rewards after the host successfully achieves the goal?

For example, if she did something, the system should directly reward her with a keystone or mega stone, right?

I always feel that her system is a bit cheap!

On the other side, the fit surfer also walked over. Although his expression was unwilling, he did not refuse to admit defeat.

Before he could speak, Xiaozhi took the lead and said:

"Let me say something first, Mr. Takeda, those comments about breastfeeding in the news are actually related to me."

Sure enough, it seemed that because of the buff bonus of the strong, Takeda believed it almost without much thought.

"I see. Is there such a hateful person!"

Takeda even helped Xiaozhi to reprimand with righteous indignation.

Naturally, Xiaozhi's attitude changed 180 degrees in an instant, turning into admiration for the master.

"Your Gyarados is really powerful. With such power, even the champion Miss Caroni's mega Xanadu may not be able to defeat you."

Hearing that Xiaozhi nodded, he had already heard a lot about Miss Carunai and her Xanadu along the way.

champion as carlos
This trip to Carlos, Xiaozhi will definitely challenge him!

The battle on the beach by the sea has come to an end.

As Xiaozhi took back the red Gyarados, the curator Lu Dan was also ready to leave, but he did not throw away the broken fishing rod in his hand.

Although his wish has been fulfilled, fishing here for decades has become his daily life.

In the next few days, it is estimated that they will also be with the Iron Arm Spear Shrimp every day.Let's fish here.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, in Guxiang Town, the Institute of Fossils is also very famous~ If you haven't been there, you can go to Takeda's Institute of Fossils tomorrow~"

Before leaving, Lu Dan reminded suddenly.

"Fossil Research Institute?!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at the surfer beside him.

Isn't this a fit and sunny surfer? Why is he still related to fossil research?
"Haha didn't I introduce myself?"

Hearing this, Takeda smiled and rubbed his head, and introduced himself again:

"My name is Takeda, and I'm a researcher at the Guxiang Institute of Fossils. I'm in charge of the restoration and protection of fossil Pokémon! Surfing is just my hobby, and I'm not actually a professional surfer~!"

Research is work, surfing is life.

Only then did Xiaozhi understand, no wonder he felt that the other party had a pedantic taste of intellectuals.

By the way, since the other party is a fossil researcher, shouldn't the mega Pokémon sent be a fossil pterosaur?

"A few of you probably haven't been to our Guxiang Fossil Research Institute yet, please do come tomorrow~ I'll wait for you there~!"

Takeda actively invited.

After bidding farewell to several people, I left this beach with curator Lu Dan. (End of this chapter)

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