He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2439 Ancient Fragrance Fossil Research Institute!

The next day, Xiaozhi and the four of them arrived at the Guxiang Fossil Research Institute as scheduled.

"Welcome, everyone~!"

Early in the morning, Takeda was already waiting at the gate. When he saw Xiaozhi and others on the street in the distance, he warmly greeted them.

Several people looked a little surprised and looked at the researcher up and down.

Today, Takeda no longer wears the professional diving suit, but puts on a formal suit and white coat.

His brown hair is neatly combed and slightly curled, and he wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his face. He is dressed in a very standard researcher style and cannot be associated with the toned surfers of yesterday.

"Come on, come on~ I'll show you around our research institute first~!"

Takeda enthusiastically walked in front and led the way. Xiaozhi and others naturally followed him in without doubting his presence.

Since Guxiang Town is a third-tier town with a small population, housing prices are naturally not expensive.

Therefore, this research institute was also built quite huge, without skimping on the land area.

In addition to the magnificent museum exhibition hall at the front, and the laboratory and laboratory rooms that serve as bridges in the middle, there are also two places connected to the back that are similar to Pokémon backyards.

But it's not open-air, it's more like a spherical greenhouse, surrounded by solid walls.

Since it was still early, there were almost no visitors in the front hall of the museum.

The interior decoration and furnishings also have an obvious Carlos style, somewhat similar to a classical medieval castle.

"Are these fossils? So cool!!"

Yulijia took the lead. As soon as she came in, she saw a nearly two-meter-long skeleton. She immediately lay down in front of the glass excitedly and exclaimed.

The layers are stacked up to look like a Pokémon, with slender limbs and a hard shell covering its back.

Especially the front end of the arm, which is shaped like a sickle. This is a classic fossil Pokémon from the Kanto region, Sickle Helm!
Around them, there are also some foreign fossil Pokémon skeletons such as Spiny Ammonite, Archaic Armor, and Castle Dragon.

"No. These are just skeleton models. It is impossible for ordinary fossils to completely show the appearance of an ancient Pokémon."

Takeda came over and explained with a smile.

Fossils preserved from ancient times can retain part of the body, even a complete hand, which is a luxury.

With that said, he led everyone to another flat display cabinet.

Palm-sized brown rocks are placed on top and separated.

They all look like very old stones, and in the center, you can faintly see some different shapes.

For example, some Pokémon's hooks, shells, feathers, sharp teeth, etc.
"These are the real fossils~"

Takeda patiently introduced to several people one by one:
"These two shell fossils and carapace fossils are from ammonite beasts and fossil helmets from the Kanto region. The root-like fossils and claws are from the Fangyuan region."

The collection of the Ancient Fragrance Fossil Research Institute is quite rich. It has collected almost all rare ancient Pokémon fossils from various regions, and they are all displayed here.



Serena and Citron nodded repeatedly, staring closely at these fossils of various shapes, trying to get a glimpse of what they looked like in ancient times.

As for these fossils, Xiaozhi had basically seen them before, and even kept a few in the backyard, so he wasn't too surprised.

"Eh, is that so?"

Yulijia held her mouth and felt bored.

She thought that Pokémon fossils were all one-to-one replicas of real people, but they turned out to be palm-sized, dry stones.
It doesn’t look much different from the stones on the roadside!It's not as interesting as the aquarium. At least you can see living water-type Pokémon from all over the place!

After wandering around the front hall, in addition to some real fossils, there were also some models of fossil Pokémon, ancient cultural relics from various places, and other things.

However, none of them are experts in the related field, so they passed it after reading it once.

After a while, several people arrived at the laboratory area in the center of the Fossil Research Institute.

This place is generally not open to outsiders, and those who come in and out are basically the staff of the institute.

"For example, the fossils we excavate will be sent here for testing, protection, and even the restoration of fossil Pokémon~!"

Takeda proudly introduced a giant machine in the experimental hall to several people.

Below are incomprehensible instruments, and above is a huge cultivation cabin, which is more than enough to throw a person into.

The culture chamber is filled with dark green liquid, and there are many conduits connected to the outside, which are connected to the instruments below.

"Is this the fossil recovery machine? Incredible!!"

Citron's eyes immediately lit up, and he almost fell on it.

I really want to dismantle it and study the internal principles.

"Yes, as long as you have a fossil with complete genes, we can restore a corresponding fossil Pokémon~"

Takeda pushed up his glasses and said proudly.

Although fossil recovery technology has been promoted in many regions
However, there is basically only one research institute in each region that possesses this technology.

It can be said that their Ancient Fragrance Fossil Research Institute is the absolute authority in this field in the Carlos region!

"So! Has a fossil Pokémon been restored now?! Yurika wants to see it!"

Yulijia immediately raised her palms and said loudly.

Fossils from almost all regions have been put on display. So it should mean that all fossil Pokémon have been restored, right?

Life is still interesting!
"Well, due to environmental reasons, there are only two types of fossil Pokémon that live in our research institute."

Takeda paused before replying.

After all, in the Kalos region, it would be weird if the sickle helmets and ammonite beasts from the Kanto region were restored and living there.
Therefore, at present, the Guxiang Research Institute only retains two local fossil Pokémon in Kalos-Baby Tyrannosaurus and Ice Dragon.

"These two giant eggs are the habitats of two kinds of Pokémon. Since they are ancient Pokémon, they cannot fully adapt to the modern environment, so they have always lived in artificial environments."

Takeda pointed to the two forked passages at the rear, which connected to the two greenhouse domes respectively.

The two Pokémon require different environments and need to be separated.

"I want to see, I want to see!!"

Yulijia was naturally the first to shout, and Xiaozhi and others also looked curious.

One of them is a baby tyrannosaurus, which I have seen before at Haruka Gym.

But Xiaozhi has not seen the other one yet.

"Although it's not opening hours now, I can still make the decision on such small matters. Come with me~"

Takeda beckoned and walked ahead to lead the way.

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