He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2440 Looking for jaw fossils!

The baby tyrannosaurus's habitat is an artificial mountain area. Most of the locations are bare rocks and raised hills, as well as some ancient shrubs and plants that are difficult to see in ordinary places. The temperature is also higher than outside.

However, the dome cannot be fully opened, and visitors can only walk on a passage with an iron cage.

"After all, Baby Tyrannosaurus and its evolved form, Monsterjaw, are both rude Pokémon and will attack strangers."

Takeda explained that only professional keepers can enter and exit the indoor dome freely.

On the mountain in the distance, Xiaozhi and others saw two small tan tyrannosaurs. After seeing a few humans entering, they all raised their heads and looked over curiously.

Next to the two baby tyrannosaurs, there was also a tall tyrannosaurus with a reddish-brown body.

Like a hill, its back is covered with dense thorns and spikes.
However, the other party was sleeping, and Xiaozhi and others could only see his back from a distance.

"That is the evolved form of the Baby Tyrannosaurus, the Strange Jaw Dragon. It is said that in ancient times, it was the absolute top hunter on land and was a king-like existence."

Takeda introduced to several people in a low voice.

It's still early, so it's not easy to disturb these grumpy tyrannosaurs.

Unable to see the whole picture, Xiaozhi and the others could only feel a little regretful, and their movements and voices also became smaller.

However, this situation is completely reversed in the indoor dome next door.

As soon as I opened the door, I was greeted by a gust of cold wind.

The interior is completely icy and snowy, a vast expanse of white, and the ground is also light blue frozen soil, as if you have come to some polar snow mountain.

"Hiss, it's so cold!!"

Serena and the others immediately shivered and hugged their shoulders.

Takeda also quickly prepared warm-weather clothes for several people, which made things much better.

There are no protective passages in this dome, and they are completely open.

Hearing the movement, a figure came running "dong dong dong" from a distance.

Its size is not huge, almost a person tall, with thick body and limbs and a slender neck.

The whole body is smooth and light blue, and the skin on the sides of the back seems to be inlaid with prismatic ice crystals.

On the head is a pair of large dark blue eyes, which look very gentle. The eyebrows on the eyes are yellow-pink, with thin films like small wings.


The latter's running movements seemed quite slow, and it took him a long time to reach the crowd.

As soon as he got up, he started to rub against Takeda coquettishly, and then took the initiative to rub against Xiaozhi and his group, without any fear of strangers.

"No wonder it has to be protected. Is it a docile Pokémon?"

Citron understood and was surprised.

"Hiss, it's so cold~!"

"So cute, Ice and Snow Dragon~!"

Serena and Yurika couldn't help but lift up the ice and snow dragon's smooth body, which was as cold as ice.

Xiaozhi took out the illustrated book:
"Ice and Snow Dragon, with attributes of rock and ice, has a slow personality. It lives in a cold land without rough enemies such as Monsterjaw Dragon. Although it was successfully restored, it is considered unable to survive for a long time due to the overheating of the current environment. It is the signature of the Kalos region. One of the fossil Pokémon."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but stepped forward and gently touched the little ice and snow dragon. The eyelids and eyelashes were like fish fins and were quite soft to the touch.

Ice Dragon is a Pokémon that was reconstructed using fin fossils.

As for its evolved form, the Ice and Snow Dragon doesn’t know where it lives.Because the body color is opposite to the surrounding environment, it is difficult to find where to hide.

"As the illustrated book says, the ice and snow dragon tribe cannot survive in a normal environment. Only in this ice and snow environment can they live normally."

Looking at Serena and Yurika who were playing with the ice and snow dragon, Takeda couldn't help but said with emotion.

"But there are also fossil Pokémon that can live in normal environments, right?"

Citron sounded confused.

For example, Mr. Chucklo's baby Tyrannosaurus Rex, there is no artificial dome in Haruka City.

There is also the Carlos champion Miss Karuna. It is said that there is an ice and snow dragon in the team. Even though she carries it with her, she does not prepare a special ice and snow environment.

"It probably has something to do with the fossil recovery machine, right?"

Takeda said, at least the baby tyrannosaurs and ice and snow dragons in the research institute cannot be taken out.

It should be that the previous fossil restoration technology was not perfect. Although the restored fossil Pokémon came back to life, it also completely lost the ability to integrate into the modern environment.

It's not a big problem, their research institute doesn't mind keeping these fossil Pokémon for the rest of their lives.

"But now the fossil restoration technology has been very perfect. The restored Pokémon can live normally in the external environment as long as they are properly trained."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that the fossils in the Kalos region were so limited.

So he also asked the question he wanted to ask all morning.

"Mr. Takeda, I want to tame a baby tyrannosaurus. Where can I find a suitable fossil now?"

Ash has not forgotten the idea of ​​gathering a team of dragons, and Baby Tyrannosaurus is one of them!

"Xiao Zhi, do you want to subdue him?"

Takeda was stunned.

If he were the director of the research institute, he wouldn't mind giving Xiaozhi a fossil directly. After all, Xiaozhi's strength is completely worthy of an ancient tyrannosaurus.

It's just that he alone can't decide the institute, and things can't be given away casually.

"Then you have to dig out a jaw fossil by yourself. Generally, this kind of fossil is only found in the Shining Cave at the end of Route 9 in the Kalos area."

"If you dig up the jaw fossil, Xiaozhi, our Fossil Research Institute can help you restore a baby tyrannosaurus for free."

Xiaozhi nodded, this information was no different from what he had heard before.

Thinking of this, he even couldn't wait. He turned around and wanted to go directly to the shining cave to dig for fossils!
At this time, Serena next to her also came over and couldn't help raising her palms.

"Well... I also want to tame an ice and snow dragon!"

Serena couldn't help but feel fond of the cute and docile ice and snow dragon.

The most important thing is symmetry!

Takeda nodded and continued:
"It's all the same. We have also excavated fossils of the fins of ice and snow dragons in the Shining Cave!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi looked at Serena with a surprised look on his face:
"Great Serena, let's leave for Shining Cave later and try to dig out both fossils before night!"

Serena's face turned red and she could only nod.

Since Route [-] was extremely bumpy, the Citron brothers and sisters had no intention of going along with them. They planned to wait for good news at the Guxiang Fossil Research Institute and wait for their return.

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