He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2459 The power of 9Z God! ?

Chapter 2459 Nine. The power of God Z! ?

After the game, several people also planned to say goodbye to Shana.

"Hey, what a pity."

She didn't have time to change her dress yet. After knowing Serena's thoughts, Shana said with regret.

She plans to continue on her path as a performer, but now she has one less powerful rival.

She didn't regret the loss in today's game.

"Shauna and Bulbasaur performed very well today! They will definitely become stars among performers in the future!!"

Serena congratulated her sincerely, squatting down and rubbing Bulbasaur's honest head next to her.

When she saw a few people were about to leave, Shana pulled Serena aside and whispered.


Xiaozhi scratched the back of his head, confused. He didn't understand why these two women were whispering while still secretly staring at him.

After their trip to Haruka City, Xiaozhi and his team set out on the road again.

The target is Salo City in the north, where a conference will be held soon, and the prize is a precious key stone, so Xiaozhi and others want to participate.

"It is said that for this conference, a celebrity from the Kanto region was specially invited to look after the Kanto region. Maybe he is an acquaintance of yours, Xiaozhi~?"

Citron was constantly following the online news and couldn't help but speak.

As for who this Kanto native is, the news did not say.

"Are you from Kanto?"

Xiaozhi nodded, maybe he really knew him.

By the way, I seem to have heard somewhere before that a friend of mine is coming to the Kalos area. I completely forgot about it.


Regarding the key stone prop, Serena and Citron in the team both have keen eyes on it and want to get it.

At this moment, the group of people came to Route 10 in the north of Yaoxiang City.

Here is an endless wilderness lawn, surrounded by dense forests on both sides in the distance, which seems impassable.

The lawn that can be passed smoothly seems to have not been mowed for a long time. It is overgrown with weeds and shrubs and ferns that are ankle-length and waist-high grow together.

And along the way, there are strange boulders of different shapes erected everywhere.

They are all gray-brown rocks, which stand out among the grass.

"As long as it's not a tombstone."

Xiaozhi didn't take it seriously. Like Stonehenge, it must be a unique local landscape, right?

A few people chose a better-looking boulder, put down their luggage in front, opened the tables and chairs with skillful cooperation, and prepared lunch.

In the team, Ha Lili seemed to have no memory at all, and he fought and lost again and again. He once again challenged the Bubble Frog.

Even Xiaozhi rarely gave any command, allowing the two Pokémon to perform freely.

Bubble Frog is a mature Pokémon, so you don't have to worry about inflicting serious damage to Harry, as you can basically hit it every time.

He is clearly at a complete disadvantage in terms of attributes, but so far, Ha Lili has not won once.

"Nima, Nima!!"

Today, Harry looked particularly excited and shouted especially loudly.

I saw it hit the ground in front of it with a headbutt.


The ground trembled slightly, and then a slope of more than one meter high rose out of thin air at the soles of the foam frog's feet.

"Oh~ Did you master the rock climbing trick so quickly?!"

Xiaozhi said in surprise.

Although it is just a low-end version of rock climbing trick, his turtle can climb the rock to a height of ten meters. However, the rock climbing slope in front of him only breaks through one meter.


This even became an excellent springboard for the foam frog to jump high and dive towards Harry Li's position.Just as it was about to approach, the foam frog's figure completed a ghostly and swift swallow maneuver at an incredible angle, changing from a "dive and press down" trajectory to an "up punch" arc.

Yan Hui's upward kick was crisp and solid, hitting Ha Lili's chin and sending him flying away.

The effect is outstanding!

Another crisp and quick kill!

It was just a sharp contrast. On one side, Ha Lili fainted on the ground with his belly turned upward.

After the foam frog on the other side fell back to the ground, its body suddenly froze in place, and its eyes became hollow.


The next moment, the body bloomed with dazzling light!

Such movement naturally attracted the attention of Xiaozhi and his party, and they quickly gathered around.

"Is this...evolved?!"

Xiaozhi swallowed, looking nervous and excited.

So fast? No, Bubble Frog was already practicing hard before leaving the institute.

Coupled with the acceleration of the Pokémon virus and practicing the secrets of ninja, there is also an experience bag that is given to me every day for free.
There doesn't seem to be any problem with evolving in such a short period of time.

As the light dissipated, the foam frog completed its evolution and its appearance changed!
The blue color on the skin of the body becomes deeper, especially the limbs and torso become more slender, presumably able to make more flexible and high-speed movements.

The foam surrounding the neck extends a tail toward the back, like a fluttering bubble scarf.

"The little frog has become even more handsome~!"

Xiaozhi nodded with satisfaction and did not hesitate to praise him.

This Pokémon had been seen by Ninja Sanpei before, and Ash was not too surprised by its appearance.

"Have you evolved so quickly?"


Serena and Fire Fox looked at each other, curled their lips, and there was a hint of disappointment in their eyes.

The gap between Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi (croaking frog) is getting bigger and bigger...!

"And you, Harry, you use your new moves very beautifully. Don't worry, you will also evolve so handsomely in the future."

Xiaozhi did not forget about Halili. Seeing that the latter had woken up leisurely, he stepped forward and rubbed Halili's head.

But he was helpless at this point, so it would be fine if there was one outstanding top student in the team.
The key is that Ha Lili is still tirelessly challenging this top student every day.

After Halili woke up, he saw the appearance of the frog, which was obviously a level bigger than himself.

"Nah?! Nah."

At first he was shocked, then envious, and finally he sat down on the ground in despair.

I feel like I will never be able to surpass the croaking frog in the future.

How about changing your opponent and comparing yourself with that little arrow bird in the future?

No, the latter will be a combination of fire + flying attributes in the future, which will completely kill you!
Thinking of this, Ha Lili couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

Under the worried gaze of everyone, it picked up its food bowl in despair and walked to the side of the lawn alone.

Well, even though my mentality is broken now, I can't treat my stomach badly.

Go, go, go!

While putting food into his mouth, Harry burst into tears.
It wasn't until the food box was empty and Ha Lili couldn't touch the food that he lowered his head subconsciously.


Harry suddenly found a cellworm-like creature lying on the grass next to the food box, and he jumped up in fright.

The flat body is green, with a blue gem-like thing on the abdomen. The body structure is extremely simple.


What surprised Ha Lili the most was that he felt an unprecedented surge of energy from this "green cell"!
It seems that as long as you have this power, it will no longer be difficult to defeat the croaking frog in the future!

 Thanks to **113514 and Four Planet Book Friends for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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