He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2460 Swallowing God Z in one mouthful? !


Harry looked around and realized that no one was paying attention to him, so he lowered his head and carefully observed the "green cells" among the grass.

Although there seemed to be eyes on the head, the unusually simple eyeballs, one large and one small, were motionless and looked more like decorations.
Ha Lili tried to take advantage of it and poked it.

It feels soft to the touch, like a ball of jelly.

It just seems lifeless, without any feedback, more like a puddle of soft mud lying there.

Halili couldn't help but pick it up and weigh it. It didn't weigh much. He even lowered his head and sniffed it up and down.

The natural taste of the earth, I wonder if it can be eaten?


As soon as this idea came up, Harry's mouth drooled.

I feel like as long as I eat this thing, my strength will be greatly improved!

The "green cells" didn't react at all in its hands, and there was no breath of living things. To Ha Lili, they were more like some "treasures from heaven and earth" that grew out of the ground.

Yes, this must be a gift from nature!

"Halili, are you eating well~?"

At this time, Xiaozhi's voice suddenly came from behind, which scared Harry so much that the slime in his hand almost fell to the ground.


Subconsciously, Ha Lili stuffed the entire green ooze, including his palms, into his mouth and hid it before turning his head with a sneer.

"Oh~! It's very delicious, so I feel relieved!"

Seeing Harry's belly bulging and his mouth still full of food, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

His criterion for judging whether a Pokémon is healthy is very simple - whether it can eat.

The more you eat, the healthier you are, Pikachu knows it all!
Just when Ha Lili also breathed a sigh of relief, he was about to take out his palm and the mysterious existence in his mouth again.

After all, if you really want to eat such a large cell, you have to cut it into pieces and swallow it piece by piece.
"Hey!! There are some brats over there!!"

At this time, another rude shouting came from the distance, which startled Ha Lili, who had just recovered.

The throat area, subconsciously exerted force.


There was a swallowing sound, and this time, the entire group of "green cells" was completely swallowed!
However, Ha Lili did not feel the stuck feeling in his throat as he expected.

Although it has a soft jelly feel, it can completely fill its mouth.
However, this ball of jelly was swallowed very smoothly, and it seemed to melt into warm liquid in its throat, reaching the stomach in one step.


Halili sat down on the spot blankly, hugging his bulging belly, with an expression as if the sky was falling and he was in trouble, and he was at a loss.

It actually swallowed it completely! ?

No, food poisoning? !
On the other side, rude shouts attracted the attention of Xiaozhi and his group, but they did not pay attention to the physical changes of Harili at this moment.

"Is he from Team Flare?!"

Seeing the two men walking over from the boulder nearby, both wearing avant-garde orange-red clothes and hairstyles of the same color, Xiaozhi couldn't help but frown.

Why is this Team Flare everywhere now?

The two soldiers from Team Flare walked over and took the lead, still giving rough orders.

"Hey you guys, have you seen a green Pokémon nearby? It looks like an underdeveloped Soaring Snake?!" "Damn it, that little one actually ran away! Now I'm going to Got scolded by the boss!”

Hearing this, Xiaozhi looked stunned. He tried to imagine an immature vine snake in his mind and couldn't imagine it at all!
"No, we were just eating lunch here. We didn't see anything."

Citron responded boldly.

Team Flare is actually not an evil organization in the Kalos region, although they seem to have a bad temper.

"Lunch? Hey, sir, I happen to be hungry!"

"A bunch of brats, do you still have soup? Damn it, our lunch subsidy is just a dry baguette..."

The two Team Flare soldiers finally noticed the table next to them, especially the food placed on it, which exuded a rich buttery aroma.

The two of them leaned forward and began to eat the King's meal.

"Wait a minute, that's our lunch."


Before Xiaozhi could step forward to stop them, the frog next to them took the lead and landed in front of the two of them.

He put his fingers together and naturally assumed a ninja stance, making no effort to hide his hostility.

"Hey, where's the frog? Don't disturb our meal!"

"Looks like I'm going to teach you a lesson!"

Seeing that the frog didn't show the slightest fear, one of the Team Flare soldiers laughed ferociously and turned around, with an elf ball in his hand.

The red light fell, and it turned out to be a Dairubi from the Johto area.

The pitch-black puppy with white bone patterns grinned and looked fierce.

Facing a fire-type Pokémon, Frog's eyes narrowed to a slit. As soon as he closed his palms, he planned to throw a wave of water to kill the Delubi instantly.

"Hmph! Use Roar!!"

However, the Flamboys took the lead and shouted fiercely.

The little Delubi's scream was extremely loud, and it also contained the unique intimidation of canine Pokémon.


The face of the frog changed, and with a loud roar, its body flew out uncontrollably, turning into a beam of red light and returning to Xiaozhi's elf ball.

And at the end of the crowd, Ha Lili was still doubting life.

Suddenly, his body seemed to be attracted by a magnet, flying forward uncontrollably, and did not stop until it landed in front of Darubi.

When Ha Lili came to his senses, he raised his head and saw in front of him a ferocious-looking black vicious dog with flames burning at the corners of its mouth!
"Halili, come back quickly!!"

Xiaozhi quickly wanted to take out the elf ball and take Harry back.

After all, he had just been defeated by the Crooked Frog, and now faced with Dairubi, who had disadvantaged attributes, he might be directly burned!
"Hey, do you want to take it back? Dairubi, use block!!!"

Delubi roared again, and the intimidating cry directly blocked Harry's movement to retract the elf ball.

This made Ha Lili sit there with his butts trembling, shivering.

"It's really an idiot! Can't you get a free lunch? Then just kill it and let them know the great glory of our Team Flare!!"

"Darubi, use Flame Fang!!"

Dairubi's teeth ignited with flames, and the vicious dog pounced on Harry, trying to bite off its neck with one bite! (End of chapter)

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