He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2467 Waveguide and Lucario Mega Stone

"So can Ishika Town really find Lucario's mega stone?"

This is what everyone is most curious about.

Although Shixiang Town has legends of ancient gods that have been passed down from ancient times, and special stones are often unearthed in the surrounding areas, it seems that there is no talk of mega evolution stones here.

"There are some! My grandfather would never lie to me, you can definitely find it here!!"

With that said, Korni stood up suddenly, put on the pulley protective gear again, and prepared to search the streets.

"We will definitely find it, Lucario!"


Her Lucario was also very tough. He clenched his fists and started running.

"But this is so clueless. There are no clues at all."

Serena couldn't help but speak out.

"Then leave it to me. In anticipation of such an event, I invented the great machine in advance!!"

At this time, Citron's lenses flashed brightly, and he suddenly became elated.

By surprise, he took out a detector with a radar receiver from his backpack.

"I named it the Searching for Lucario Mega Stone Machine! ON!!"

Seeing that it was a temporary name, Citron became very excited and immediately controlled the machine, looking for the signal of the mega stone.

"Since it is Lucario's mega stone, then fix the signal source to a frequency band similar to your Lucario's."

The radar horn rotated, and soon the central detector was pointed at Lucario.

This scene made Xiaozhi and Korni's eyes shine brightly, they clenched their little fists and exclaimed in unison:
"Ah! The power of science is so great!!"

Serena & Yulijia: "."

These two people seem to get along unexpectedly?
"The data interception is successful, now we can find the whereabouts of the mega stone!"

The radar horn began to rotate around, seeming to be looking for a target.

Under the curious gaze of everyone, the radar finally locked onto Xiaozhi! ?

Xiaozhi scratched his head, was it the direction behind him?

But when he dodged to the right, the radar horn shifted to the right. It was completely aimed at him.

"It's strange. Is there something wrong? What I'm looking for is a stone."

Citron's face gradually became ugly, and he kept controlling the controller in his hand, Shi Shi corrected.

Ash did have a mega Lucario, they had seen it before, and it had a mega stone on it.

But after the game, I went back to the backyard to meditate, so I didn’t take it with me.


The detection machine suddenly began to vibrate, making a strange jamming sound that became more and more intense.

Boom! !
The next moment, the machine exploded with a bang, directly blowing up the upper bodies of several people around him into the same color number as Chucklo, and all their hair turned into afros and curled up.

"Hey, how could this happen? It should be successful this time!"

Citron fell to his knees and looked at the remains of his machine in disbelief.

"Is it because of me?"

Xiaozhi wiped the black marks on his face and thought to himself.

Maybe the principle of the machine is to find the waveguide that is synchronized with Lucario, but it detects the power of the waveguide in itself?

"By the way, the power of the waveguide!" Since the machine was unreliable, Xiaozhi suddenly brightened up and had an idea.

Although the Mega Stone is a dead object, it is closely related to Lucario after all, and it should have a certain resonance reaction with its own waveguide power.

For a generous and outgoing girl like Kerni, Xiaozhi still had a good impression and wanted to help, so he patted his chest and said:
"Don't worry Kerni, leave the rest to me!"

After saying that, he closed his eyes, raised his palms, and released his waveguide power to the surroundings.

Korni: "?"

She was a little puzzled by Xiaozhi's actions.

But beside him, Lucario couldn't help but pricked up his black ears, with a horrified expression, as if his whole body was being scanned by someone.

It just felt a very familiar aura. Isn't this its own waveguide ability?
Why does the man in front of me seem to know how to use it?

And it seems to be much more powerful than my own waveguide? !
Every Lucario is born with the ability to use the power of waveguides, but it is only limited to the most basic operations, such as condensed wave missiles, and simple waveguide sensing.

Without special training in the later period, the power of the waveguide is actually quite limited, and it can't actually do much at all.

"found it!"

After Xiaozhi probed for a while, he actually opened his eyes with a look of surprise.

It really made him feel a strong waveguide aura. It didn't come from an ordinary Pokémon, but did it really have a natural mega stone?
But why does it feel like someone put it there on purpose?
Moreover, he also noticed two waveguides belonging to living things around the mega stone.

"Anyway, everyone, come with me!"

Xiaozhi took the lead and led the way.

Citron and others quickly followed, and although Korni looked confused, she still followed with Lucario.

"Did Xiaozhi turn out to be a person with super powers?"

She thought to herself that she was not directly connected to the Heroes of Wave Guide.

They ran all the way to Jialuo, east of Shixiang Town, and even passed through the strange rocks on the edge of the town.

There was a bare low mountain in front of him. It didn't look like anything out of the ordinary, and few people from Shixiang Town usually came here.

The long and narrow mountain road winds up, and from a distance, you can see that it leads to a cave.

"Is that there? I smell treasure!"

Korni couldn't help but get excited. There were mega stones hidden in the mysterious cave, which fit perfectly with the adventurous treasure hunt she imagined in her mind.

"Come on, Lucario!"

This time it was her turn to walk at the front excitedly.

Xiaozhi and others also wanted to see how natural mega stones were unearthed.

Although Xiaozhi has a lot of mega stones in his hands, they are mostly gifts from others and he has not actually mined one in the wilderness.

Walking towards the entrance of the cave, it was dark inside and there was the echoing sound of dripping water.

"Let me make up for it this time!! Citron machine, ON!!"

Citron took the initiative to ask for help. This time he didn't even take off his backpack. A long mechanical arm automatically appeared from behind, and the disc at the end opened above Citron's head like a sunflower.


The next moment, high-power lights lit up on the disk, illuminating the cave.

"This is my invention, the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard Flash Technique~!"

Citron couldn't help but feel proud again. This is a solar lighting lamp he invented based on the luminous principle of the photoelectric umbrella lizard. Especially in this dim environment, there is no need to hold it at all, and a light will naturally erect behind it.

In what age are you still using the traditional flash technique? !

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