He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2468 Guardian beast? vs flame chicken! !

“The power of science is indeed great!!”

Xiaozhi and Korni couldn't help but praise it again. Even Pikachu was rarely able to be lazy and didn't have to generate electricity by himself.

Only then did everyone turn their attention to the cave in front of them.

Although there is only a small opening from the outside, the space inside is extremely spacious, and the rock wall on the ceiling is extremely high.

As the cave goes deeper, there is a small lake inside, which reflects the blue water of the entire cave. In the center of the water flow is a long, narrow and straight path that leads straight to the end.

"Look, Korni!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly reminded him, and saw that at the end of the stone path was a high step platform, on which was placed a crystal clear, translucent orange amber.

Irregular stones, about half a meter wide, are placed there, like secret treasures in the cave. They are particularly conspicuous in the dim lake cave.

"It's Lucario's mega stone!!"

Korni's eyes brightened and she recognized him instantly.

Her grandfather was the former Sara Gym Leader, and naturally he also controlled Lucario's mega evolution.

Korni has seen the Lucario Mega Stone from her grandfather. It is an orange bead on the whole and has red and blue patterns on the inside.
At this moment, in the center of this huge orange stone, there are also two small, intertwined red and blue lines.

Cut off most of the original orange stone, leaving only the small dot in the center, which is a standard mega stone!
"So this is how the mega stone originally looked."


Even Xiaozhi couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise. It turned out that the original mega stone was so big.

"Then come on, Lucario!"


Korni and Lucario couldn't hide their excitement and ran up side by side impatiently.

"Wait a minute Korni, there's more over there."

Xiaozhi came to his senses and when he subconsciously wanted to remind him, a slender black shadow suddenly appeared from behind the high platform at the end of the cave.

It has amazing jumping ability, jumping more than ten meters high. Before I can see its specific appearance, the first thing it does is a dive kick.

Unable to defend himself, Lucario could only put his hands in front of him to barely resist.

Bang Bang!

Even so, his body was kicked back several meters on the ground, and his wrists were trembling and painful.


Korni's expression changed and she quickly exclaimed. When she regained consciousness, she realized that the attacker was a heroic flame chicken.

The body covered with fiery red fur, especially the long and strong legs, is capable of delivering powerful kicks with dexterity.

Seeing a sudden enemy attack, Serena Citron and others subconsciously wanted to step forward to help.

"Wait a moment."

Xiaozhi quickly raised his hand to stop everyone.

And this flame chicken did not launch a continuous attack immediately. Instead, it flew down in front of the steps of the high platform and stood firmly there.

And his eyes were fixed on Korni and Lucario, the meaning was already obvious.

"Is it the guardian beast of the mega stone? Just right!"

Instead, an excited smile appeared on Korni's face. Getting the mega stone so easily was not in line with the adventure she fantasized about!

Xiaozhi also felt the same way. While looking forward, he reminded his companions:
"This is a battle that belongs to Korni alone, let's not interfere!"

Serena and Citron looked at each other, although they could barely understand.
But a mega stone is a mega stone. When you get the mega stone, you still need to fight the guardian beast!
"Lucario, let it see your power and use the Enhanced Punch!!"

On the other end, Korni took the lead in attacking, and even the trainer himself made a fist move.


Lucario's face turned fierce, and he rushed towards the flame chicken, and his clenched fists condensed orange-red energy.The flame chicken dodged backwards continuously, relying on its flexible movement to continuously dodge the attacks of the enhanced fists.

"Crack it!!"

He even seized the opportunity to counterattack, his legs ignited with raging flames at the same time, and he kicked Lucario.

In terms of attributes, it can be said that Lucario is at an absolute disadvantage, and the flame kick is a fatal threat to it.

call out!Whoosh! !
The movements of this flame chicken are extremely crisp and neat, and it can even complete a handsome three-kick spin in the air, with each blow hitting Lucario's head.

"It's not like a wild flame chicken."

Xiaozhi also had a flame chicken before, and he could tell the details of this flame chicken at first glance. It was definitely a well-trained fighting master.

And behind the stepped stone platform, there is a waveguide hidden.
There is a high probability that he is the trainer of this flame chicken.

It seems like this is a test specifically for Kerni.

"Yeah. They are so strong."

Serena watched with great concentration and recorded carefully.

After all, she will challenge the Sara Gym next, which means that in the future, she will have to fight against Korni's Lucario.

With her current lineup, let alone mega Lucario.

Even normal Lucario is difficult to defeat!
"According to the rules of attribute restraint, it is enough to defeat it with the fire fox. The experience value of the host fire fox has reached the critical level and is enough to evolve."

In my mind, the voice of the system popped up.

Serena secretly remembered it in her heart. It was just like this. At this moment, she had to watch the battle between the fire-attributed flame chickens more carefully.

"Now, beat me with the bone stick!!"

Finding an opportunity, this Lucario formed a bone club with both palms and slammed it at the flame chicken.

However, the Flame Chicken actually raised his arm and forcibly blocked the blow with his arm.

Then he moved his arms and pushed Lucario's bone rod away, completely exposing the latter's body.

The flames accumulated in the corners of the Flaming Chicken's mouth have been completed, and they are spurting out!

Throw flames!

snort! !
The blazing flames hit Lucario's chest without any hindrance, and the flames exploded into the sky.

Not only was it burned by high temperatures, but there was also a terrifying impact of the flames, which pushed Lucario directly out of the air by more than ten meters.


Then it hit the edge of the rock wall hard, splashing gravel, and finally fell into the water.

The effect is outstanding!


Korni looked anxious and quickly knelt down on the shore of the lake to look around. This blow caused serious damage!

"Cha! Cha!"

After the attack was successful, the flame chicken was still raising its claws and provoking again and again.

This undoubtedly aroused Korni's competitive spirit.


There was even a sudden explosion of water in the lake, and then Lucario's figure jumped up and landed in front of Korni.

“You have great perseverance!!”

This made Xiaozhi nod his head repeatedly. Kerni's character was indeed very similar to his own.

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