He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2470 Playing wave missiles like basketballs!

Chapter 2470 Playing wave missiles like basketballs!

The rough mega stone in Lucario's hand levitated out of the air, and seemed to be integrated with the former.

The next moment, Lucario's whole body burst into dazzling light, transforming into a pale pink energy eggshell form.

boom! !

Finally, the energy wave exploded violently, and Lucario showed a new look.

"Sure enough, he's so handsome!"

"Although it's not the first time I've seen it, Lucario's mega evolution is amazing no matter how many times I see it!"

Citron and others couldn't help but admired that they had seen the appearance of Mega Lucario from Xiaozhi before.

There are black stripes on the body and bloody lines on the ends of the limbs.

Even after the evolution of Mega, its own waveguide ability has been greatly improved. Light blue energy light patterns are visible to the naked eye, and even three pairs of slender black strips above its head are floating out of thin air.

"This is my mega Lucario!!"

Korni looked at her Pokémon excitedly, her eyes shining brightly.

When she was a child, when she watched her grandfather's gym battles, she often saw the latter using mega Lucario. Growing up, she also hoped that one day she could do the same scene.

However, something doesn't seem right.

Mega Lucario lowered his head, hunched his arms, and his shoulders twitched strangely.

"What's wrong.?!"

"Don't go near him!"

Korni subconsciously wanted to step forward to investigate, but Xiaozhi held her hand across her face and protected her behind her.

The next moment, Mega Lucario raised his eyes again, and his eyes were filled with red blood.

"Road roar.!"

He bared his teeth and let out a continuous growl, with drool dripping from the corners of his mouth.

Totally crazy!
"Everyone, please stay away, Lucario has lost his mind.!!"

Cocobul looked shocked and quickly reminded him, secretly thinking that he shouldn't.

When either the trainer or the Pokémon is immature, even if the prerequisites are gathered, the mega evolution may not be completed. Even after the mega evolution, the Pokémon will lose its mind and be out of control.

But Korni and this Lucario have been together since they were Pokémon eggs. When it comes to tacit understanding and bond, no one can match them.

Korni's own level as a trainer is enough to support her in controlling mega evolution.

Logically speaking, this kind of irrational behavior should not occur at all.

"Road roar.!!"

When Mega Lucario lost his mind, his first reaction was to attack everyone around him.

As soon as the palms of the hands were closed, a wave missile condensed and formed instantly. Both the size and the energy contained in it were far greater than the wave missiles used before.

Such an attack would be life-threatening!
Cocobul subconsciously took out the Poké Ball and sent his Mega Lucario to suppress it head-on.

However, a surprising scene occurred.

But Xiaozhi took the first step, and his palm actively flicked towards the wave missile.

"Don't touch it, little brother, your hands will explode."

Before Cocobul finished speaking, he saw that Xiaozhi's palm seemed to have some kind of magnetism, and actually forcibly sucked the wave missile in Lucario's hand.

When Lucario threw the wave missile, he pushed it before, pushing Loneliness away.

Then Xiaozhi weighed and played with the wave missile containing terrifying energy in his hands like he was playing basketball, making the flame chicken next to him feel ashamed.

This scene, let alone the few people watching.


Even Mega Lucario, who had lost his mind, regained his senses in an instant and stared with wide eyes. "Since it's the power of the waveguide, leave it to me~!"

Xiaozhi was very confident about this, and then he put his two palms together and rubbed them vigorously.

This wave missile was like a shriveled balloon, quickly rolled into a round cake, and then the power of the waveguide turned into light blue gas and gradually dissipated.

"Is this little brother the Wave Guide Hero?!"

Cocobul finally came to his senses and blurted out.

Only the wave guide warriors who have mastered the power of wave guides can use wave missiles in such fancy ways!
"The Waveguide Hero.?"

Korni is obviously not as well-informed as her grandfather.

And the most important thing now is your own Lucario!
"Flaming chicken, do it!"

Cocobul reacted and suddenly launched a surprise attack.

Beside him, the Flame Chicken understood the situation and struck Mega Lucario in the chest with a sweeping kick, sending him flying and falling into the cave lake next to him.

The cold water slapped on his face, and the momentary stimulation finally relieved Lucario's red-hot state.


A burst of light flashed across his body, and Lucario finally exited his mega-evolved form.


It kept panting heavily in the water, as if it had consumed a huge amount of energy and was exhausted.


Korni quickly stepped forward and carefully helped him to the shore, then knelt on the ground and looked at Lucario with great distress.

Ever since she was little, her Lucario has never looked like the mad dog he was before.
It seems that you are still planning to attack yourself? !

Although he didn't know what happened, seeing the moist and helpless look in the corners of his trainer's eyes, the Lucario weakly raised a hand and rubbed Korni's eyes.

Serena and the others next to her also had astonished faces. They really saw something extraordinary today.

"It seems that mega evolution is also risky. The Pokémon may tear the trainer apart at any time."

"If you use mega evolution in the future, you must be careful."

Citron and Serena thought to themselves, giving themselves a heads up.

Afterwards, everyone returned to Guxiang Town.

Kerni and Cocobul are ready to return to Salo City first.

After all, they still have to prepare for the celebration, and they can't travel leisurely like Xiaozhi and others.

Beside Korni, Lucario also regained his energy, as if the previous violence had never happened.

But everyone knows that this is like a time bomb and this problem must be solved as soon as possible.

"Don't worry. By the time Serena comes to challenge our Sara Gym, Lucario and I will have fully mastered this power!"

Korni still cheered up and said again.

"Um, come on!"

Serena laughed dryly.

In fact, it would be good for you to fully master the mega evolution after she completes the gym challenge.
"And Xiaozhi, let me see your mega Lucario next time! It must be very strong!!"

Although she knew that Xiaozhi would not challenge the gym, Korni still wanted to have a battle with Xiaozhi.


Xiaozhi agreed casually. The two had quite similar personalities. They couldn't help but hold their hands and smile at each other before parting.

(End of this chapter)

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