He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2471 Crystal Rock Snake and Mirror Cave

Leaving Shixiang Town, Xiaozhi and his party continued to move towards the north.

But he always had a feeling.
When he was in Shixiang Town, something seemed to be staring at him, giving him an inexplicable sense of disobedience.

And those strange rocks on the edge of the town also gave him a creepy feeling.

It seems that it is not an auspicious place.

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore."

Xiaozhi was not a person who liked to think wildly, so he immediately focused his attention on what was in front of him.

At this moment, they had come to a low and continuous mountain road. The back of the mountain was bare, without any trees or Pokémon.

But at the end of this mountain road, there is a cave.

"This cave is called Mirror Cave. It is famous for the mirror-like crystals that grow everywhere inside. Through this cave, you can reach Salo City."

Citron read the introduction on the map.

He originally wanted to turn on the photoelectric lizard light behind him again, but seeing that the cave was bright and full of light reflected by crystals, he turned it back.

At the entrance of the cave, there are some crystals growing vertically.

Unlike other crystal caves, the crystals grow together in clusters, forming the shape of stone pillars.

The crystals in the mirror holes are more like wide mirrors, with extremely smooth and shiny surfaces that can clearly reflect people's shadows.

"I really want to move a big crystal to my home and use it as my dressing mirror~"

Serena attached great importance to her appearance. She walked to a two-meter-high mirror humming a tune, straightened the ends of her hat and hair, and looked around.


Yulijia ran to a low, wavy crystal door, squatted down and made a face. Yulijia in the mirror was bent in a very funny way.

The dreamlike scene in the Mirror Point is obviously very popular with women.

Coupled with the light blue light around it, it feels like entering a fairy tale world.

"Are they all crystal?"

However, Xiaozhi took out a Poké Ball from his arms and had other thoughts in mind.

The Poké Ball opened, and the red light turned into a giant Pokémon, rising from the ground like a mountain.

Fortunately, the path to the Mirror Point is not too narrow and can be stretched out completely.

Serena and the others took a closer look, and they were all shocked by the Pokémon released by Ash.

"This is... a big rock snake?!"

"No, isn't the Big Rock Snake looking gray?!"

What he saw was a majestic and tall rock snake, but the rocks that made up its body were icy blue, more like finely carved crystals than pieces of frozen rock and ice.

It's Xiaozhi's Crystal Rock Snake!

"Hey, this is my friend who traveled with me in the Orange Islands before. His body looks a little strange~"

Xiaozhi patted the Crystal Rock Snake's body, made a crisp sound, and introduced it to his friends.

Serena and the others were amazed again. All the mutated Pokémon on Ash's body popped out like a mess!
"It's so beautiful, like a work of art!"

Yulijia couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged a crystal body on the lower body of the crystal rock snake. The smooth touch was a bit chilling.

The normal rock snake looks ugly and fierce, but the crystal rock snake looks delicate and elegant, like a masterpiece carefully crafted by a skilled craftsman, and is not very scary.

Moreover, this crystal body gives people a sense of vulnerability that could be shattered to pieces at any time during a battle.

The Crystal Rock Snake was quite kind-hearted. It let out a low cry and looked curiously into the depths of the Mirror Cave.Soon, Xiaozhi also explained the reason to several people.

"Ordinary big rocks rely on metal films to evolve into big steel snakes. But due to the strange body of my crystal big rock snake, the direction of evolution does not seem to be in the direction of steel."

"Probably using the "crystal membrane" or "diamond membrane" to complete the evolution. I had planned to take it to some crystal mines in the Carlos area to look for opportunities for evolution."

Hearing this, Serena and the others nodded.

Indeed, the mines throughout the Kalos region often produce some special ores.

Maybe there is something in the Mirror Cave that can allow the crystal rock snake to evolve.

"Then the Crystal Rock Snake, go look for it yourself. Follow the general direction we are going and see if there is anything useful to you nearby."

Xiaozhi didn't know what the latter needed specifically, so he simply asked the Crystal Rock Snake to find it on his own.


The crystal rock snake understood, its body rose up, and then its head rushed toward the ground.

rumble! !
As the ground trembled, after a while, the crystal rock snake had completely dived into the ground, leaving only a huge hole on the ground.

The Mirror Cave is not the only mine that produces crystals in the Kalos region. Xiaozhi plans to let the crystal rock snake out for a walk every time he goes to a mine, so that he can always find his target.

"Let's go, everyone, the crystal rock snake will follow us below."

A few people understood and then walked towards the depths of the Mirror Cave.

As the cave goes deeper, there are more and more branches, including many narrow paths.

In addition, the mirror crystals growing vertically in the corners of the surrounding rock walls reflect the scene, making it difficult to identify the path.


At this time, Pikachu on his shoulder suddenly shook his ears, as if he heard something.

Then he jumped out and ran continuously towards a fork in the road.

"Hey Pikachu, stop running around!"

Xiaozhi subconsciously chased after him and couldn't help but complain.

Naturally, the speed of one person and one mouse cannot be matched by Serena and the others. After turning several forks in a row, Serena and the others who followed behind completely lost Xiaozhi's figure.

They could only stop and listen carefully to the fork in the road where Xiaozhi was.

As for Xiaozhi
He was taken to a dead end stone room in the Mirror Cave by Pikachu.

There is no more way ahead, only a huge mirror crystal grows on the inner rock wall, reflecting the figures of Xiaozhi and Pikachu.

"Hey, Serena and the others seem to have lost track. What's going on, Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi looked back and saw that the back was already empty.

Pikachu, on the other hand, curiously walked all the way to the mirror and sniffed forward vigorously.

"What happened to this crystal?"

Xiaozhi was aroused and became more serious. Pikachu was rarely so active.

He walked up doubtfully and couldn't see anything wrong, so Xiaozhi tried to reach out and touch the mirror crystal.

call out.!

However, this mirror seemed to be transparent, and Xiaozhi's palm penetrated directly through it.

Subconsciously losing focus, Xiaozhi stepped over half of his body, as if traveling through time and space, and felt an extremely strange feeling in his heart.

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