He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2473 Great Magician Citron!

Chapter 2473 Great Magician Citron!
"Hey Xiaozhi, I just said a few words casually and said we wanted to separate!"

On the same spot, Mirror Cave Serena looked worriedly towards the direction where Xiaozhi ran away, but still turned her head away and snorted softly.

Xiaozhi's face was so soft and weak that she couldn't help but want to bully him.

Next to him, Jingxuan Citron pushed up his glasses and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I've already done the math. Xiaozhi's luck is good today, so there should be no problem~"

"As expected of my brother! What a wonderful plan!"

And Jingxue Youlijia also changed her helpless expression towards Citron, instead she was filled with admiration and praised him in a polite tone.

The completely upside-down scene made Xiaozhi couldn't help but move his head behind the stone.


Mirror Point Serena's eyebrows condensed and she immediately scolded.

The long-tailed fire fox in front of him also had a strong fighting spirit. He raised the firewood and pointed it over, and the front end began to condense with flames.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, it's one of our own!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi could only stand up from behind the stone, raised his hands, and subconsciously performed a Kalos salute.


After seeing Xiaozhi's face clearly, Serena and others looked puzzled, and turned to look in the direction where Xiaozhi ran away.

Didn't he run over there? Why did he suddenly appear here?


Mirror Cave Serena couldn't help but frown. The Xiaozhi in front of her made her feel very uncomfortable.

Xiaozhi has also traveled through parallel universes before, and even met Xiaozhi in other worlds.

In the Acroma simulator, I even experienced the growth history of "Sad Xiaozhi", who has not been able to win a championship in 20 years.

He quickly accepted it and quickly explained:

"I am Xiaozhi! But I am not the Xiaozhi you know."

After some explanations, several people in the mirror cave quickly accepted it after the initial shock.

Because the Xiaozhi in front of me is exactly the same except for the face.
Nothing else is similar!

Their own Xiaozhi has a delicate and timid temperament, and speaks politely, for fear of offending something.

But the Xiaozhi in front of him had bright eyes, exuding confident self-confidence, moving forward bravely and without fear.

Not alone at all!
"I understand! This Xiaozhi from another world must be a brave man summoned by some great sage, and he shoulders the important responsibility of saving the world!!"

Citron of the Mirror Point suddenly shouted loudly and blurted out.

The series of metaphysical words in his mouth made Xiaozhi twist his mouth.

These words could actually pop out of Citron's mouth? !

And wait a minute, what's that thing on the back of your backpack? !
A burgundy wooden staff with a spiral front end.
If Xiaozhi saw it correctly, is the Mirror Point Citron in front of him carrying a magic wand? !

"Brother's guess is reasonable, so this Mr. Xiaozhi from another world, how come you suddenly appear here?"

Beside you, Yulijia smiled softly on her face, showing her gums slightly, and asked politely like a lady.

This scene also made Xiaozhi extremely uncomfortable.

He still prefers the naughty and playful Yulijia who calls him by his first name!
"I was inexplicably sucked into this world by the mirror crystal in the mirror cave."

Xiaozhi was also confused. When he touched the mirror before, he felt an inexplicable attraction.

Although the force was not great, it still sucked his entire body.

I don’t know what happened to Pikachu, Serena and the others who stayed where they were, but don’t wait any longer. "Don't worry, I'll check the magic book and maybe I can help you draw a magic circle to teleport you back to your world!"

Citron in the Mirror Cave World looked very confident and moved very quickly as he began to flip through a thick book that looked like a dictionary and had a weird cover.

"As expected of your elder brother! You can do anything!"

Yulijia also acted like a brother and sister, helping by the side.

Serena and Xiaozhi, who were only in the mirror point, looked at each other.

"Haha~ Hello, Serena from the Mirror Cave~"

Xiaozhi even felt a little embarrassed about this, because he had never felt this way about Serena before.

"Hey, please make it clear, in this world, I am the real Serena, and you should be called "Ash from the Mirror Point"!"

Mirror Point Serena crossed her arms and said bluntly.

Serena's completely fiery personality made Xiaozhi feel in a daze again.

And I don’t know if it’s an illusion that Serena always looks at me with a bit of hostility in her eyes?

"So, what am I like in that world over there? Am I as good as me~?"

Mirror Point Serena gave a thumbs up and pointed at herself rather proudly.

"Eh, they are all excellent~"

Xiaozhi could only rub the back of his head and answer perfunctorily.

It's just so different!
In comparison, he still prefers the Serena in his own world.

After a while, Citron of Mirror Point reacted.

"This Xiaozhi from another world, it seems that the magic circle in this book is not enough for you to complete the teleportation. After all, it is a forbidden magic level in the two worlds."

The great magician Citron has already raised the staff in his hand, with a proud look on his face.

"But it's not a big problem. There is a record of the Mirror Point in the book!"

"In legend, the crystals in the mirror cave have magical powers, and each mirror crystal is actually connected to a different world."

"But in most cases, each different world is independent of each other. Even if it is possible that there is "Ash", "Serena", or "I" in each different world. But generally it will not happen. related."

"Only when one of the worlds has a desire for oneself in the other world, and this desire is strong enough, can it be possible to activate the teleportation magic circle of the mirror crystal and create a real connection between the two worlds!"

Although they were all magic terms, Xiaozhi probably understood them.

"It's just that I don't have any desire for my other self, right?"

He tilted his head, looking puzzled.

To say that I am eager, it is better to say that I am eager for the evolution items of the Crystal Rock Snake.

"Well, maybe the legend is not very clear. It does not mean that both parties have to desire each other."

Citron's eyes were fixed, and he seemed to have made enough judgments.

“When one person desires enough for the other, the bridge opens.”

Mirror Point Serena's brows were always furrowed and she touched her chin.

"This Mirror Point Xiaozhi doesn't have any desire. In other words, it is the real Xiaozhi of our world who desires you?!"

She suddenly became confused and became a little angry:

"Damn it, we have such a good partner and yet we are so thirsty for other people!"

(End of this chapter)

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