He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2474 Is there a summer camp here? !

Chapter 2474 Is there a summer camp here? !

After understanding this, the next question becomes easier.

"So if Xiaozhi from another world wants to return to his own world, it's actually very simple. All he needs to do is find our Xiaozhi, and the two of you will repeat your previous actions, and the teleportation array will naturally be opened again~!"

The great magician Citron inserted his staff into the ground and concluded in a deep voice.

Although the personalities of the people in the two worlds are very different, the same thing is that they are all kind-hearted people.

Now that they met Xiaozhi from another world, their first reaction was to want to help.

"As expected of you, brother, you performed perfectly today~!"

The polite Yulijia had already clapped her hands.

Obviously, Citron in this world enjoys his sister's soft compliments every day. It's hard not to be confident!
"Then take action and find the crybaby!"

Mirror Cave Serena was completely the leader of this team. She waved her hand and directed the action.

It's just that the jungle in front of him is complicated and full of bushes, and no one knows where Xiaozhi from Mirror Cave went.

"It's not a big problem, leave it to me"

"It's not a big problem, leave it to me~!"

Just when Xiaozhi wanted to say that he could use the power of the waveguide to detect Xiaozhi's location in the mirror cave, the great magician Citron raised his staff again and answered.

I saw that he first drew a circular magic circle on the ground, dotted with strange and symmetrical lines in the middle.

"Then...take a big pathfinding spell from me!!"

Then Citron gave a low shout and inserted his staff into the center of the magic circle.

With the influence of gravity, the staff quickly fell in one direction.

"Found it, Xiaozhi is over there!"

Xiaozhi: "."

What kind of foolish metaphysics? If Citron, the great inventor of his world, saw this scene, he would probably break his defense on the spot.

It's just that Xiaozhi is also using his waveguide power to sense his surroundings.

The location of Xiaozhi at the mirror point is exactly in the direction pointed by the staff.

"Um, there isn't really magic in this world, right?"

Xiaozhi twisted his mouth, this world is too strange.

"Let's go! It just so happens that today's exercise target hasn't been completed yet!"

The great magician even took the lead, running at the front and leading the way, with extremely rough and agile skills.

In Xiaozhi's mind, Xitron, whose motor nerves are basically equal to 0, is completely different.

However, in order to return to his own world, Xiaozhi could only follow him quickly.

And what made him even more curious was.

"Xiao Zhi from the Mirror Point, is it possible that he really desires me?"

On the way to find Xiaozhi in the mirror cave, everyone couldn't help but chat.

After all, we are people from two worlds, and everyone is still very curious about themselves in the other world.

"What?! Citron from another world is actually pursuing science?!"

After knowing his personality and preferences in another world, the great magician Citron broke through the defense directly, gritting his teeth and saying:
"Damn it, science is completely ignorant heresy! I really want to burn that person with a fire!"

Xiaozhi: "."

The conversation was so weird that Xiaozhi couldn't help but look at the eldest sister Serena in the mirror cave:
"Speaking of Serena, how did you travel with Ash here?"

One is a crybaby and the other is a strong feminist. How did they get mixed up?Mirror Cave Serena walked with her arms crossed and her head held high.

"Huh, I've known Xiaozhi a long time ago!"

She glanced sideways at Xiaozhi and replied with a slight hum.

"When he was young, Xiaozhi once came to our Kalos area to attend a summer camp, and I happened to be in that summer camp."

"Later, Xiaozhi, this idiot, got lost alone and injured his foot. He huddled in a corner of the jungle crying and was at a loss. Finally, I found him and brought him back to the camp."

Speaking of this, Mirror Cave Serena's face rarely softened.

And Xiaozhi seemed to see a hint of blush on the other person's cheek.
It was precisely because of that summer camp experience that Serena completely remembered this crybaby from the Kanto region.

So soft and weak that people want to bully them, and
take care of.

The crying Xiaozhi made Mirror Cave Serena feel a surge of love and pity. She just wanted to stay by Xiaozhi's side and protect the former.

"Huh, when people say that, they just want to encourage Xiaozhi to get back on his feet. I didn't expect this guy to want to break up with me. I'm really angry!!"

Thinking of this, Mirror Point Serena turned her head proudly, and couldn't help but stamped on the ground angrily.

"Sister Serena, don't worry. Mr. Xiaozhi will definitely understand your good intentions one day."

Jingxue Youlijia comforted her thoughtfully.

Xiaozhi: "."

Is there such a development?
His worldview has been completely refreshed!
And speaking of summer camp, it seems that I have participated in Dr. Ohki's summer camp before.

Was Serena there at that time?

On the other side, the jungle corner of the Mirror Cave world.

It felt like he had returned to the summer camp of his childhood. At this moment, Xiaozhi in Mirror Cave was huddled under a tree trunk alone, as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.

He hugged his knees, buried his head in them, cried, and his shoulders twitched.

This Xiaozhi's strength can be said to be quite comparable.

Just like the unlucky Xiaozhi that Xiaozhi saw in the Acroma simulator, it was wrong, or even worse.

Although he also traveled to many regions along the way and challenged several regional alliance conferences.

Best result, top 8.

Mirror Point Xiaozhi has even been completely broken. He might as well go home, take a shower, and prepare to retire directly.

Then, Serena specially came to the Kanto region, came to visit him, and encouraged him to continue on the path of being a trainer.
It was precisely because of this that Xiaozhi from the Mirror Cave plucked up the courage to challenge the Kalos Alliance again.

"As expected, I don't have any talent as a trainer."

It's just that his strength is still weak. Even after experiencing many regions, it is still a big problem to collect the gyms in the Zikalos region at this moment!

And he was often humiliated by Serena.
"How about I just retire?"

"But Serena"

"It would be great if a strong me could appear at this time, so that I can live up to Serena's expectations!"

Although Xiaozhi from Mirror Point is a crybaby, what is different from Xiaozhi is that he has a delicate mind and is finally no longer just a piece of wood!

He didn't know Serena's good intentions.

It’s just that he is completely unworthy of Serena’s enthusiastic expectations!
This made him have a strong desire, hoping that another version of himself would appear in the world.

A strong and confident self. In that case, Serena will definitely be satisfied!

(End of this chapter)

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