He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2475 A strong confession

In the forest of the mirror cave world.

Soon, under the guidance of Citron's great pathfinding technique, everyone finally found the location of Xiaozhi in the mirror cave.

At this moment, he was huddled under a tree trunk in a corner of the jungle, looking very aggrieved.

What just made Xiaozhi stunned was...
Next to Xiaozhi, there is a Pikachu doing push-ups.

"Pickup, pickup!"

While doing this, Pikachu was still shouting with high morale, encouraging himself, sweating like rain all over his body.

Nine hundred and ninety-six, nine hundred and ninety-seven.
The amount of exercise today is about to reach the target!
Even if the trainer is crying next to him, he will never forget his daily exercise!

Xiaozhi: "."

Visible to the naked eye, this Mirror Point Pikachu has a slender figure, and the bulging muscles can be faintly seen on its thin and short limbs.

So the Pikachu in this world is set to be a muscular Pikachu that advocates exercise? !
It's a pity that my Pikachu didn't come with me. Look at it and learn from it!

And Mirror Cave Serena also walked over, although she tilted her head coldly and arrogantly, as if she didn't care.

But in the end, he hesitated and spoke first to break the deadlock:

"Hey Xiaozhi, my tone before was too harsh. Hey, anyway, I'm sorry. Don't be angry again!"

Her words were a bit choppy, and she obviously rarely showed weakness like this.

When Xiaozhi heard the movement, he raised his head. There were still tears on the corners of his eyes that had not completely dried up.


He was a little stunned, not expecting Serena to take the initiative to apologize.

Then he came to his senses and stood up quickly, his expression becoming embarrassed and panicked:
"It's obviously my problem. I'm too weak. It has nothing to do with Serena. I just said those willful words!"

He also quickly apologized.

After the two opened up their hearts, the atmosphere relaxed again, and they even looked at each other and laughed.

Xiaozhi: "."

This was the first time he saw the smile of this Mirror Cave Serena. Just like his own Serena, her smile was very gentle and sweet.

"Sure enough, Serena in this world cares about Xiaozhi very much."

Xiaozhi nodded matter-of-factly.

Is that why you feel conflicted about yourself, who has a completely opposite personality?

"Wait a minute?! That is"

Xiaozhi from Mirror Point finally noticed Xiaozhi in the crowd, and his eyes widened immediately, almost popping out of his eyes.

Why is there another self? !

"Oh, this is Xiaozhi who was summoned from another world. It can be said that he is you in another world~!"

Citron raised his staff, chanted loudly and praised.

This situation is definitely a grand event in the magic world!

"Summoning? Wait a minute, isn't it because of what I just thought?!"

Xiaozhi from Jingxuan covered his mouth, full of surprise.

Hearing this, Mirror Point Serena immediately pressed forward with an angry look, raised her hand and pressed down on Xiaozhi's shoulder angrily.

"What?! You have such great partners like us, Xiaozhi, but you still want to summon Xiaozhi!!"

It turned out to be like what Citron said, because of Xiaozhi's desire? !

"Uh Serena. I just want to make myself stronger so that I won't live up to your expectations."

Xiaozhi from Mirror Point was forced to keep retreating, and he hesitated in defense.Serena pressed forward again and scolded sternly:

"Xiao Zhi is Xiao Zhi! You are the best Xiao Zhi in my heart, there is no need to change at all!!"

The rather forceful confession made Xiaozhi's face suddenly turn into a red apple, and steam came out of his body.

Sensing the ambiguity in her words, Serena's cheeks turned red and she quickly turned her face away, hugged her chest and hummed:
"Of course, it wouldn't be a bad thing if you could become stronger."

The incident of leaving the team came to an end, and the two Xiaozhi came face to face, looking at each other curiously.

They are all exactly the same in terms of clothing, appearance, and body shape. It's like looking in a mirror.

Of course, they are completely different in temperament.

"I didn't expect Xiaozhi to have such a confident side.?"

Citron was amazed. Xiaozhi with such a personality was completely unimaginable before.

Of course, if placed in the main world, Citron over there would never have imagined that Xiaozhi had such a delicate side.

"Huh, our Xiaozhi is cuter~!"

Mirror Cave Serena stood beside her with her hands on her hips and couldn't help emphasizing.

Xiaozhi from Jingxue's eyes suddenly lit up, and he moved forward eagerly.

"So you are the powerful and confident version of yourself that I summoned?!"

He had already felt the confidence, and the fearless temperament of Xiaozhi in front of him came to him, which even made him feel a little more confident and strong.

"Well, it should be, right?"

It was the first time he heard himself praising himself. Xiaozhi scratched his head in embarrassment, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Please, please make me stronger! I have always dreamed of winning an alliance conference!!"

Xiaozhi from the Mirror Point immediately made an urgent request and lowered his head.

He couldn't even remember how many times he had been defeated in the league conference.

Not to mention the trophy, I haven’t even touched the trophy’s feet!
"Ah, this."

Xiaozhi was stunned. Isn't the first thing to do now to solve how to get him back to his own world?

"Wait a minute. First of all, what is your strength? Don't mislead others!"

At this time, Mirror Point Serena suddenly interrupted.

He is indeed not a good teacher. He can't help but mock Xiaozhi every time he fights, which is even counterproductive.
It would be a good thing if there could be another powerful Ash from another world who could make Ash stronger.

But first she had to test the opponent's strength to see if he was qualified.

"Come and fight with me first, let me see how good you are!"

Serena had already taken out an elf ball, her eyes were sharp, and she took the initiative to invite the battle.

Seeing Xiaozhi hesitate, the great magician Citron next to him saw the clues and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi from another world. According to the records in the magic book, the portal in the mirror cave world can be opened again before that night. The time now is more than enough~!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi glanced at the sky and felt relieved. It was still early.

That's right, I was summoned to this world inexplicably, maybe I really have some mission to complete.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but focus on the "familiar companion" in front of him.

"Okay Serena, I accept the challenge!"

This scene immediately made Jingxue Xiaozhi very curious, and he watched happily.

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