He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2489 Everyone Showing Their Abilities

In Xiaozhi's impression, he was chasing a mosquito tadpole.And separated from the large army.

However, he has a fearless temperament, and even if he doesn't have a single Pokémon on him, he still dares to walk boldly into the grass.

Then in a corner of the jungle, I saw a girl wearing a straw hat. It seemed that her knee was injured. She was squatting under a tree, holding her knees and crying timidly.

Xiaozhi, who was willing to help others, naturally took the little girl back to the camp smoothly.

Long brown hair, gentle and sweet facial features.
The appearance of the six or seven-year-old girl in my impression began to overlap with the Serena in front of me.

What a person!

"What a coincidence, Serena, it turns out we have known each other since we were children!!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised. What a coincidence of fate.


Serena's heart was full of mixed feelings. Did you just remember it now?

And this has nothing to do with fate at all!

Although I really want to continue chatting with Xiaozhi on this topic, a group of people around me are watching fiercely with expressions of eating melons.
"Hey, do Serena and Xiaozhi know each other?"

"Why have I never heard you talk about it?"

Brother and sister Citron and Yulijia expressed their shock.


Shana, who was eavesdropping next to her, was even more shocked.

Did he steal her plot, or could it really be such a coincidence? !
And it's not just Xiaozhi who has lost his memory, it seems that Xiaomao also has no memory of him at all!
"Uh haha, it seems like this is really happening."

Serena quickly laughed and excused herself. She should wait until the celebration is over to talk to Xiaozhi alone about such a personal matter.

"Now our focus should be on finding the keystone bracelet! Yes, long-tailed fire fox, continue to use the phantom light to find the target!!"

She quickly pretended to be serious and got into the activity, walking in front with the long-tailed fire fox.

The rest of the people were also stunned, but seeing that the protagonist at the center of the incident didn't elaborate, they could only give up in frustration.

"I see."

But Yulijia covered her mouth with a teasing expression, as if she saw everything through.

No wonder Serena took the initiative to help the doctor transport the equipment. It turned out to be like this!

Among the crowd, the only one with such an expression was Xiao Mao.

"I see."

Staring at Serena's carefully searching back, but the former's ears were completely dyed red, Xiao Mao touched his chin and also showed a meaningful smile.

Then he turned to look at his childhood sweetheart, looking up and down, with a puzzled look on his face.

He even complained without mercy:

"You're not handsome either. It's really strange. Why would a beautiful Carlos girl fall in love with you?"

Moreover, Xiaozhi seemed to have no specific purpose for this trip to Kalos. He neither challenged the alliance gym nor the local strong players.
There isn’t even a main theme, it seems like it’s just for tourism.

Could it be that he came just to have fun with Serena?

Xiaozhi didn't have much reaction to this.

When he meets again when he grows up, there is nothing else besides sighing about the coincidence of fate.
The treasure hunt for the Salo Celebration is still going on, and at this moment, most people have left the ground floor hall and are searching upwards along the spiral staircase.

The two people who knew the answer, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao, had nothing to do and followed behind, watching the actions of other trainers.

Many of them are very purposeful, and they came here specifically for the Keystone Bracelet today.

And Xiaozhi also saw that the angler with the Slowshell had a Slowshell mega stone embedded in the shell behind his Slowshell.It is estimated that the last step is just the key stone.

"I've never seen a mega Slowpoke before."

Xiaozhi tried to imagine it in his mind, but he couldn't imagine what the former looked like at all.

"Slow-shell beast, have a strong mind and find the target for me!!"

The fishing uncle looked excited and determined to win.


The Slowshell Beast's expression was sluggish, and its movements of raising its hands were very slow, but its eyes, which lit up with blue light, released powerful telepathic energy in circles.

As a pure super-type Pokémon, its detection range and intensity are much stronger than Serena's Long-tailed Firefox.

There is also the lady who is a paranormal fan with a cursed doll. She is also directing the cursed doll to cross the stone wall like a ghost, searching for the target.

Cursed Doll is also a Pokémon that can complete mega evolution.

"Wow wow."

Just walking through the wall for a long time consumes too much hunger.

After a while, the cursed doll wilted and shrank at the feet of the supernatural fan, in urgent need of an apple to restore its strength.

There is also the thunder beast used by Miss Junsha, which relies on its keen sense of smell to sniff and track everywhere.

The local Miss Joy took back Jigglypuff and released a similar doll - this is a common companion of Miss Joy in the Hezhu area, and it is also a Pokémon that can undergo mega evolution.


Almost like a doll, it uses the slender tentacles hanging down from its ears to contact things in the Tower of Refining.

These two tentacles are like stethoscopes, giving almost a doll a strong sense of perception.
“Everyone really shows off their talents.”

Watching the performance of other players, Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh.

But in my heart, I also feel a little proud.
His waveguide power is indeed the strongest!

But at this rate, it is estimated that by dusk, it will be difficult for anyone to target Lucario's statue.

From the beginning, I was misled and chose the wrong direction.

Moreover, there are countless separate small rooms in the Tower of Refining, and there are various small objects placed in them, which is too disturbing.

The three little Carloss have even reached the rooftop of the Refining Tower and plan to search the walls outside the building.

According to the rules, this is also a place where it is entirely possible to hide.

"Well, I'm afraid of heights."

"My weight is not safe either"

It's just that Doroba is a little timid and afraid of heights, and Tierno's figure is too big.

"You two boys are really useless. It's better for me to watch Bulbasaur and use Vine Whip!!"

Shanna had no choice but to put her hands on her hips, and then she could only ask her Bulbasaur to use the vine whip as a safety rope, and carefully lowered her down, looking for the rock wall along the way.

"Huayedi, you go and help too!"

Doropa released the Huayedi he had conquered earlier and surrounded Shana to help - it had now evolved from Hua Beibei.

But what he was dragging was only the common flower petals in the Carlos area, but he couldn't touch the magical Gracidia flower.

Tierno was very strong, so he carefully dragged Bulbasaur on top, so that the whole toad would not be suddenly pulled down (End of Chapter)

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