He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2490: Battle between Xiaozhi and Xiaomao!

The time soon reached the afternoon, and many people were already planning to give up because they failed to find the treasure.

They sat in various locations in the Refining Tower to rest, waiting for the official to reveal the answer at dusk, or who would win the flower earlier.

Of course, there are still some trainers sweating profusely and actively engaging in the search.

"The process of searching for key stones and mega stones is originally a kind of practice to master the evolution of mega~"

At some point, Cocobul had arrived behind Xiaozhi and Xiaomao, and Youyou sighed with emotion.

Unexpectedly, these two young men were acquaintances.

Could it be that Xiao Mao mentioned before that the wave guide hero from the same town is Xiao Zhi?
It seems that Korni has mentioned before that Xiaozhi also owns a powerful Lucario.

"Oh~ So you two know each other! What a coincidence~!"

Korni also walked over and looked at the two people in front of her in surprise.

One is enthusiastic and kind, a complete activist like himself, and the other is an arrogant but knowledgeable young man.
The combination of these two people is really refreshing.

Xiaomao looked at Xiaozhi and Kerni with a smile and couldn't help but said:
"Really? But when you two stand together, except for your different faces, you are completely the same person~"

Korni seemed to know that she couldn't talk enough about Xiaomao, so she simply said it and hummed back:

"Humph~ You did me a big favor, so whatever you say next, I won't refute~"

Then Erni looked at Xiaozhi with excitement:

"So Xiaozhi, you are the wave guide hero Xiaomao mentioned, right?!"

The last time he took away Lucario's wave missile with his bare hands was obviously some kind of special superpower!
It's incredible!
Xiaozhi nodded, not hiding anything.

"The Waveguide Braves. It turns out they are real."

After hearing Xiaozhi's admission, Cocobul was greatly moved, and his face became as rosy as a young man:

"Even the ancestors of the Sara Gym have never had a Wave Guide Hero."

Then his eyes narrowed and he looked at Xiaozhi pleadingly:

"Please let me see the battle between the legendary waveguide heroes, Ash!"

"It's not a legend."

Xiaozhi was a little surprised, but it was a small matter such as a battle, and there was nothing to refuse.

"Okay, okay! Then Xiaozhi will have a battle with me!!"

Korni was the first to raise her hand excitedly, and Lucario behind her also touched fists, blood boiling.

"Well, since we are going to watch the battle between the wave guide heroes, then the opponent's strength naturally cannot be too weak. I don't mean to ridicule you, Korni, your strength is too far behind Xiaozhi, but there is nothing to fight against."

At this time, Xiao Mao shook his head helplessly from the side.



These words immediately made one person and one dog extremely angry, completely forgetting the previous "no refutation" words.

"If you don't mind, it's okay to be old."

So Cocobul's face turned red and he was about to introduce himself, but was suddenly interrupted by Xiao Mao:

"Teacher, how about I do it?"

As he said that, Xiao Mao's eyes ignited a bit of fire that he hadn't seen for a long time, and he stared straight at Xiao Zhi:

"Speaking of which, it seems like the two of us haven't played against each other for a long time, Xiaozhi. Do you want to have a spar after a long time?"

Although Xiaomao has changed his career to become a researcher, Xiaomao has not completely given up his career as a trainer, but he is not as devoted to training as before.In terms of training Pokémon, Xiaomao doesn't think he is weaker than Xiaozhi.

Of course, he wants to see how strong Xiaozhi is now after the two of them embarked on two separate paths!

"Would you like to have a battle with Xiaomao?!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and this suggestion made his blood flow.

Xiaomao's strength has been extremely strong a long time ago. After such a long period of accumulation, he may have a new breakthrough!
But I have devoted myself wholeheartedly to the path of being a trainer, so I can't let my opponent overturn!
"Okay, I accept it!"

Xiaozhi immediately agreed, as he had never fought against a truly strong opponent in the Kalos region!

"Oh~ you are much more confident than before~!"

Xiao Mao teased casually, but the expression on his face was also extremely serious.

This scene also made Cocobul very regretful. He also wanted to have a battle with the legendary Wave Guide Hero!

"Hmph! Xiaozhi, give him a good education!!"

Kerni's face brightened up, and she immediately chose to stand in line, helping Xiaozhi wave the flag and cheer.

"Then the time will be set."

Cocobul's words were interrupted this time by his granddaughter:

"Let's make it tomorrow, after the gym battle between Serena and I!"

There was already a gym battle between her and Serena, and it just happened to be a seamless transition.

"No problem~"

"I accept!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao nodded at the same time, and held their hands together with a "pop" sound, which was regarded as a pre-match ceremony.

The friends who were still immersed in treasure hunting in the front were also very surprised when they found out:
"After my gym challenge.?"

Serena became even more nervous, fearing that if she didn't perform well in the game, it would drag down Ash's morale.

"Can we see Ash's full battle!?"

Citron's eyes shone brightly. He had long wanted to see Xiaozhi go all out.

"But the focus now is still on treasure hunting~ You two, please keep working hard~!"

Cocobul coughed, but also gave a reminder, so Serena and Citron could only temporarily put away the restlessness in their bodies, and turned around to continue searching.

As dusk approached, almost everything in the Refining Tower had been rummaged through.

Just break every brick on the ground but still no one can find the target treasure.

Even most people have given up, leaving only a few fishing uncles and supernatural fans who are still gritting their teeth and persisting.

Similarly, Citron and Serena were sweating profusely from exhaustion, but they were still searching for any places they might have missed.

This performance made Xiaozhi quite satisfied.

If the search process is also a test, at least my two friends have withstood the test.

So he walked towards the two of them, leaned over and whispered in their ears
Upon hearing this, both Serena and Citron's eyes lit up, as if they were enlightened.

Together they looked at the hall on the first floor, where the statue of Mega Lucario was high, located at the corner of the mouth.

The mouth of the statue is slightly open, and there is a groove inside. And the keystone bracelet is lying quietly in it at this moment! (End of chapter)

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