He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2491 The ownership of the keystone bracelet!

Chapter 2491 The ownership of the keystone bracelet!

"The keystone bracelet is in the mouth of the Lucario statue."

This was the reminder that Serena and Citron heard. The two looked at each other and immediately had an idea.

With only the last minute left before the treasure hunt ended, the two simply walked under Lucario's sculpture.

The mouth of the sculpture's head is more than ten meters above the ground and cannot be touched normally.

"Okay, long-tailed fire fox, use the phantom light!"

The long-tailed fire fox nodded, and raised the firewood with a solemn expression. The aperture of his mental power began to condense and spread outward.

This distance is almost the limit of the distance that the long-tailed fire fox can control objects with its telekinesis. It requires full concentration.

The actions of one person and one fox naturally attracted the attention of others.

"I see."

"Is the target there?!"

The fishing uncle and the paranormal fan girl immediately glared sharply and came closer without leaving any trace.

The Slowshell Beast and the Cursed Doll in front of him are also planning their moves.

Although the rules say it is forbidden to fight and destroy buildings.
But if it’s just to seize the props, shouldn’t it be within the restrictions of the rules?

The two of them glanced at Cocobul and Xiaomao, who were the notaries, and they seemed to have no reaction to their actions, and they both felt calm.

No longer pretending, they both shouted:
"Slowshell beast, strong mind! Grab the keystone bracelet!"

"Curse the doll, we also use mental force!"

Likewise, these two Pokémon also possess long-range telekinesis moves.

As for Miss Junsha and Miss Joy, they were righteous throughout their lives and did not intervene in this final battle.

However, just when the two Pokémon were about to release their mental power and plunder, Citron appeared behind them at some unknown moment.

He pushed up his glasses and suddenly shouted:
"Furry Sheep, use electromagnetic waves!!"

The RongRong Sheep had also been prepared a long time ago, and dense electric currents burst out from his body, spreading out quickly and hitting the two of them.


The paralyzing arc flowing through their bodies instantly made Slowpoke and the Cursed Doll freeze in place, and their moves were completely interrupted.

"Hey referee! If you attack directly, this guy must have committed a foul!!"

The fishing uncle immediately protested angrily.

The fearful paranormal fan girl also nodded in agreement.

"Well, electromagnetic waves don't have any harmful effect. In theory, they can't even attract hatred, so it doesn't violate the rules!"

Citron quickly corrected.

On the other side of the Sala Gym, they simply chose to turn a blind eye to this ambiguous action.

"There seems to be no problem."

Cocobul pretended to be thoughtful, and then said:

"But if you think this is a foul, then according to the rules, both sides of the battle, that is, the three of you, will be eliminated."

This sentence made Citron's eyes light up:
"I have no objection to the decision! Then I am eliminated!!"

There is no punishment for elimination anyway, his purpose is just to protect Serena and get the final treasure safely.

Sure enough, with Citron's troublesome behavior, Serena and the long-tailed fire fox's actions were very smooth.


Under the control of the phantom light, a finished keystone bracelet actually flew out of the mouth of the Lucario statue.

Finally, it fell lightly into Serena's hands.Holding it in my hand, the dust has settled, this treasure hunt is completely over, and this keystone bracelet has a confirmed owner.


"Just a little bit!!"

The paranormal fan girl lowered her head, while the fishing uncle beat the ground with hatred and cursed.

It's just that whether it was the final battle or the first discovery of the target, they were actually at fault and could only leave it at that.

"Hey, is that where it is?"

"Why didn't I think of hiding inside the statue! That's awesome Serena!"

"Is the most dangerous place the safest place?"

The three little Carloss, who had just rolled up from the rooftop, were lying on the railing of the stairs above and looking down, with expressions of both surprise and regret on their faces.

They have no choice but to go elsewhere to find their own key stones and mega stones.

According to the list of illustrations that have been published so far, the three Kanto families they own are all Pokémon with the possibility of mega evolution!

As for the final winner.
Serena held the keystone bracelet in her hand, her heart was surging, and her pretty face became extremely rosy.

However, she did not forget her friend, so she walked up to Citron, raised her bracelet, and exposed half of it.


Citron was immediately grateful, with tears in his eyes, and he quickly held the keystone bracelet with him.

Relying on friendship and cooperation to win the final victory, warm applause suddenly erupted in the Tower of Refining, and the Sara celebration was officially over.

In the crowd, Xiaozhi saw Serena's bright eyes from a distance, gesticulating towards him.

"Thank you, Ash!"

Maybe this is the sentence?
Xiaozhi naturally gave the former a thumbs up and grinned, hiding his merit and fame.

Beside him, Xiao Mao nodded thoughtfully, and then patted Xiao Zhi on the shoulder.

"I see, I finally know why this Carlos girl likes you so much~ Tsk tsk, I couldn't stand it anymore~"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, thinking that Xiaomao was talking about tomorrow's battle, so he took over the conversation and said:

"Humph! Even if you can't hold it in, you have to hold it in. I'll fill it up for you tomorrow!!"

Xiaomao: "."

Afterwards, everyone returned to the Pokémon Center.

Although Serena couldn't put down the keystone bracelet, she still kept it in Citron's custody for the time being.

After all, it is a prop obtained by the cooperation between the two of them, and they plan to use it together. In fact, the keystone bracelet and the mega stone can be used universally, and there is no exclusive term for them.

A gym can pass down a set of key stones and mega stones forever.

However, none of them can use mega evolution now. For the two of them, this rare keystone bracelet is no different from ordinary jewelry for the time being.

"When my furry sheep evolves, I will go to my father to ask for information about the electric dragon mega stone, and try to get this key stone bracelet to work as soon as possible!"

Citron was very excited. If we really wanted to calculate it, his progress would be much faster than Serena's.

Serena, on the other hand, forced down her enthusiasm for mega evolution and temporarily stopped her focus. This is not her focus now.

"Are you going to fight Miss Korni tomorrow?"

Serena clenched her fists and encouraged herself secretly.

He must win and strive to allow Xiaozhi to continue fighting with full morale!

(End of this chapter)

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