He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2514 The power of Phoenix King, the sacred flame! !

Chapter 2514 The power of Phoenix King, the sacred flame! !
"Use big characters to explode!!"

Faced with the dragon wave coming from his opponent, Emperor Yan showed no mercy. The blazing flames continued to condense and compress around his mouth, turning into a big character of flames and blasted out!

snort! !
The hot and windy explosions directly broke through the dragon wave with an overwhelming advantage, and pushed back towards the fierce thunder drum.

The expression of Meng Leigu changed slightly, and he let out a low roar, and a transparent wall of light condensed out of thin air in front of him——

Obviously, just like its body shape, Thunder Drum is a more meat-shield Pokémon, and it can master the light wall and reflective wall moves.


After being weakened by the light wall, the power of the big character explosion flames was greatly reduced.

When it hits the Thunder Drum, the latter has excellent dragon-type resistance, so there is almost no damage.

"If fire-type moves don't work, then try this move! Hot sand land!!"

Xiaozhi waved his hand and attacked again.

Emperor Yan roared to the sky, and the ground under his feet suddenly surged with hot sand, one after another like huge waves.
However, before the move of Hot Sand Earth was fully prepared, a bunch of fast lightning arrows suddenly shot out and hit Emperor Yan's chest with great accuracy.

Clap! !
The electric arrow directly pinned Emperor Yan back several meters, causing his whole body to feel numb.

The hot sand that had just surged up less than two meters below my feet, without the support of Emperor Yan's energy, naturally covered it up and collapsed again.
The hot sand earth move failed to be used!

"Tsk, is this the lightning attack that Chris mentioned?"

Xiaozhi frowned, this move was really troublesome.

Moreover, this attack form of turning electricity into arrows is unexpected, and it is very suitable for my Pikachu to use?
It's a pity that the Pikachu guy didn't follow him, so he couldn't see the Thunderbolt move with his own eyes, otherwise he would have stolen it on the spot.

Wait a minute, as long as the Thunder Drum is subdued, isn't it enough? !
Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he became more willing to conquer.

"Roar fiercely!"

But the fierce thunder drum still stood in place, staring at Emperor Yan with a lofty look, and the thunder clouds around his neck continued to rotate, flashing arcs from time to time.

Next, it just needs to focus on using the Thunder move.

As long as the opponent wants to attack, Xunlei will definitely be able to interrupt the opponent's offensive one step ahead.

"Is that the idea?"

Xiaozhi grinned and instantly came up with a way to break out:

"In this case, we just need to be faster than Thunder!"

"Emperor Yan, let it see your speed!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Emperor Yan suddenly ran forward, and his tan figure turned into a ball of invisible blue smoke, as if he had disappeared in an instant.


It was impossible to capture the figure of Emperor Yan at all, and all he could hear was the fierce wind piercing the sky.

It's a rather strange scene, but everyone knows that Emperor Yan is surrounding the body of Meng Lei Gu, waiting for an opportunity to launch a fierce attack at any time!

Whoosh! !
And the thunder arrow shot by the fierce thunder drum just landed at the starting position of Emperor Yan, and the move was completely missed!

"Hey, the surprise move is just to attack first, it's not impossible to avoid!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi rubbed his nose proudly.

In fact, all the three holy beasts in the Johto area can master the divine speed move.

The dinosaur Suicune I saw before could probably master this move. But the bulky long-necked Raikou in front of me would probably be impossible to master.

"Roar fiercely.!!"

Meng Leigu's eyes narrowed, and he finally no longer planned to use thunder moves.Even the thunderclouds around its head stopped spinning - this means that the move it uses next is not an electric-type move, but a dragon-type move!
The next moment, Meng Leigu's head was raised again on its extremely long neck.

The mouth opened and pointed into the air.


A dark purple spherical energy bomb suddenly shot straight into the sky, and burst violently after reaching its highest point, forming dense meteorite grenades that cut across the sky and fell.
Meteors! !

Boom boom boom! !

Dangerous meteor clusters crashed down one after another and began to carpet-bomb the ground. Each blow could blast a big crater in the ground!
Since we can't capture Yan Emperor's figure, we'll blow up the entire land! !
The terrifying power forced even Ah Jin and his group to retreat continuously.

"Big Daisy, use light wall!!"

Kris quickly released her initial Pokémon, Daisy, and propped up a huge wall of light more than three meters wide above her head, protecting the entire team below.

Boom boom boom! !

Under the terrifying and dense swarm of meteors, Xiaozhi and the frog were defenseless, staring closely at the battlefield until their bodies were completely submerged in the smoke and dust of the explosion.
"Hey, hey! Isn't this guy Xiaozhi dead?"

When the meteor swarm ended, Ah Jin quickly fanned the wind in front of him to blow away the smoke, and shouted anxiously.

It's just a thunder drum to subdue, no need to hit it so outrageously!
But as the smoke dispersed, Xiaozhi and the frog still stood there without moving at all.

And Emperor Yan finally revealed his figure, with some scars on his body, obviously affected by this powerful meteor swarm.

But it was obviously still far from falling completely.

"Are you going to enlarge your move? In that case, let's try our ultimate move too!"

Xiaozhi suddenly turned his hat back, his eyes were bright, and he shouted loudly:

"Emperor Yan, use the sacred flame!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the volcano behind Emperor Yan seemed to be really about to erupt, with pale volcanic grizzlies rising up.

A golden-white light flame condensed near Yandi's mouth.

In an instant, everyone felt an aura of destruction and destruction, and their backs lit up and chills stood up.

"Feng Wang?!"

Ah Jin shivered, as if he felt the breath of Phoenix King.

No, it’s this Flame Emperor using a power similar to Phoenix King’s!

"Damn it, what a pity!"

This made Ajin immediately feel regretful. He should have just commanded Emperor Yan to use this move and have a good time!
The hair on Meng Leigu's body stood up as he sensed the terror brewing in the opponent's mouth.

Even inexplicably, there is a vibration at the racial level of the soul
The three holy beasts of their paradox species seem to have little relationship with the three holy beasts.

But the latter is King Phoenix's subordinate after all, which also causes the Thunder Drum of the Paradox species to feel faintly afraid of and surrender to King Phoenix's power.


The fierce thunder drum immediately fired a thunder arrow, preparing to follow the same pattern and interrupt the opponent's offensive.

However, Emperor Yan just pressed his head slightly, and the thunder seemed to come to the door automatically, hitting the sacred flame next to his mouth.


In an instant, Thunder was burned into nothingness and ceased to exist.

(End of this chapter)

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