He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2515 Conquer, violent thunder drum!

Chapter 2515 Conquer, violent thunder drum!

Easily destroying the opponent's thunderous move, Emperor Yan raised his head and shot out the golden-white flames from his mouth!

Holy flame! !
For a moment, the world in everyone's field of vision seemed to be only the black and white of a photo film. Only the flame in the middle looked extremely fierce and dazzling.

With the same power as Phoenix King, it was even more difficult for Meng Lei Gu to rise up to resist, and his usually calm expression became panicked.

In the end, it didn't have any response actions, only the wall of light that was turned on in the previous rounds automatically resisted.

It's just that the wall of light obviously can't block this beam of sacred flames, and even the weakening effect is very limited.

The next moment, the sacred flame hit Meng Leigu's neck and chest.

Chi Bang! !
The picture was not like those fierce and powerful explosion effects with large characters, but it still knocked the thunder drum back continuously.

Immediately afterwards, the whole body was eroded by the rapid spread of the sacred flame. In the blink of an eye, the entire body, including the head on the long neck, was covered in golden-white flames.

The flame seemed to be eternal and burning continuously.

"Ouch fiercely!"

This made Meng Leigu roll on the ground in pain, his physical strength dropped rapidly, and he looked very miserable.

Under the sacred flames, within a few rounds, the extremely durable Thunder Drum's physical strength has bottomed out.

Finally, its limbs spread out and fell to the ground, and its eyes began to spin.

The fierce thunder drum has lost its ability to fight!
"Emperor Yan!"

Xiaozhi shouted quickly, and Emperor Yan in front of him understood, his eyes narrowed, and he exerted force from a distance.

The golden-white flames on Meng Lei Gu's body began to gradually dissipate, revealing Meng Lei Gu's skin full of scorch marks.

The pressure that seemed to come from the Phoenix King himself dissipated in an instant.

This made several people at the back feel relieved and let out a sigh of relief.

They are all from Johto, and although they may not all have seen the Phoenix King, as long as the Phoenix King's aura appears, they will naturally feel doubly oppressed.

"In that case.!"

Seeing that he successfully defeated this thunder drum, Xiaozhi no longer hesitated and threw an empty high-level ball with his backhand - which happened to be the one he had picked up in the trash can of the Santeanu.

Successfully hitting the target, a beam of red light sucks it into it.

As everyone watched with bated breath, the high-level ball shook three times on the ground.
After making a crisp sound, the struggle finally stopped.

Thunder drum, conquered successfully!
"Successful, conquered in one go!!"

Xiaozhi immediately laughed and ran forward to pick up the high-level ball, holding it in his hands as if he had found a treasure.

"Emperor Yan also did a great job, he is still so reliable!"

"Flame Roar~!"

Emperor Yan lowered his head and cupped Xiaozhi's side, successfully defeating a strange-looking Three Holy Beasts. It was very satisfied and let out a long and loud roar in response.

Well, it’s not in vain to follow that boy Ajin for so many days!
The group of people from the city behind had different expressions.

Although it is a good thing to successfully capture the rare Thunder Drum
But the bad news is that it was not conquered by our own people!

However, Johto has a very close relationship with the Kanto region, so if you borrow it from Xiaozhi for research, there should be no problem.


Ah Jin's expression was also quite strange. He rubbed his head and regretted greatly.

Originally, I wanted to send out Xiaozhi's Flame Emperor to suppress the situation, weaken the Thunder Drum, and then send in his ace Fire Beast to defeat the opponent in one go and complete the conquest.
As a result, Xiaozhi came out halfway, and even reached the stomach with one step, and cut off the beard directly!
"Forget it, it seems that I have no fate with this thunder drum." After a while of depression and irritation, the optimistic Ah Jin quickly gave up these thoughts and thought to himself:
"Next, I'll go find the Flame Emperor's Qixingzhong. When the time comes, I'll ride over and have a battle with Xiaozhi's Flame Emperor!"

After all, I heard that traces of Suicune of the strange species have been discovered in the Kanto region next door. It seems to be called "Wadang Shui".

They found the Thunder Drum again.

There are two of the three holy beasts, so the Emperor Yan should naturally have a corresponding paradox species.

It probably looks like a combination with some kind of dinosaur.
For example, the Ankylosaurus Yandi, whose back is covered with a hard tortoise shell and has a meteor hammer tail?

"I'm sorry, everyone, I stole your research target."

At this time, Xiaozhi also came over, looked at everyone with a somewhat embarrassed smile, and then quickly assured:
"But since you discovered it first, if you want to study this violent thunder drum, you can come to our Damu Research Institute for research at any time!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions softened and even became happy.

It doesn't matter, as long as you can study it, it doesn't matter who you conquer.

I don’t know Ah Jin very well either.

Next, Xiaozhi released the Thunder Drum again and treated it with the help of the investigation team. After a while, the Thunder Drum regained consciousness.

"Then I'll give you more advice in the future. I'm Xiaozhi!"

It's just that Xiaozhi's show of goodwill did not seem to successfully establish a friendship with the other party.


Meng Leigu's long neck was still lying on the ground, his head turned away, not intending to talk to Xiaozhi.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was not in a hurry. He was already familiar with the way to subdue the disobedient Pokémon.

The other party doesn't seem to be used to communicating with humans, and may have been in an uninhabited wild environment for a long time. Then let it live in the Oak Research Institute for a few days, so that it can communicate with its own Pokémon first.

Speaking of which, Thunder Drum is also a dragon-type Pokémon, so it can be the backbone of your Carlos Dragon team!
After retrieving the Thunder Drum, Xiaozhi was ready to return to the Santianu.

Calculating the time, there is still some time left for the two trips to other places.

I still can't see myself. I don't know if Serena and the others are worried. Anyway, they should go back first.

Ajincris and the others looked at Xiaozhi blankly, and climbed up behind the high rocks with the frog again.

I don't know what happened on the back side of the rock.
After a while, Xiaozhi's aura disappeared completely, as if he had never appeared at all.

"This kid is very mysterious now."

Ah Jin put his hands on the back of his head and retorted casually, not knowing how serious it was.

Then he looked at Yandi next to him. Xiaozhi did not take Yandi away.

Ah Jin's eyes lit up, and he immediately followed Xiao Zhi's example, waved his hand, and pointed at a nearby mountain top:
"By the way, let's do it again, Emperor Yan, use the sacred flame there!!"


However, Emperor Yan just lay there, yawned, and had no reaction to Ajin's command.

Yandi is not close enough to you, so he chose to be lazy this round.

This is usually the case when playing a borrowed Pokémon on behalf of others.

Akin: "."

(End of this chapter)

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