He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2517 Biyi City! vs Biyi Gym!

Chapter 2517 Biyi City! vs Biyi Gym!

In Biyi City, after leaving Azure Bay and heading south along Route 12, Xiaozhi and his party arrived at a new city.

And immediately, Serena launched a challenge to the local gym.

The Bizhi Gym is built on a huge tree - the Tree of Oath - as its foundation.

At this moment, the group of people had entered the Biyi Gym, which was like a small primitive jungle.

Xiaozhi and others were sitting on the grass nearby watching the battle, while Serena was already standing at the challenger's seat, engaging in a fierce battle with the gym owner opposite.

snort! !
The blazing flames roared out and violently washed over the face of a dumb-mouthed flower. The strong fire energy even hit the dumb-talking flower against the trunk of the tree behind it.

The long-tailed fire fox shook the branch and dispersed the flames, looking heroic.


And the dumb-mouthed flower had already fallen to the ground, whining for a while, unable to fight.

"Little girl, you have some skills. It seems that I can't be careless, old man~"

The Bizhi Gym Leader squinted his eyes and could only take back the defeated Kou Duhua.

The owner of this museum is named Fu Ye. He is about 60 years old and looks a little short.

Wearing a gardener's overalls and a round hat, he was holding a huge potted plant pruning scissors in his hand.

His personality is just like the grass attribute he is good at, friendly and gentle. Even if he loses the battle, he smiles and does not get angry.

At this moment, this 3v3 gym challenge has reached its final stage.

Serena only had her ace Long-tailed Firefox left to fight, but the fire-attributed Long-tailed Firefox was extremely dominant in this battle.

After Fu Ye took back the dumbfounded flower, he also sent out the last Pokémon.

The red light fell, revealing a goat Pokémon with a stern face.

The hair on the body is brown, the neck and back are covered with a layer of green leaves, and a pair of curved corners extending backwards on the top of the head look like a motorcycle steering wheel.

"Is the last one a goat?"

Xiaozhi blurted out in the audience next to him.

They saw a lot of this Pokémon when they passed Route 12 - there was a Mount Goat Ranch on Route 12. As the name suggests, this Pokémon has a gentle and honest personality, making it very suitable for use as a mount.

Xiaozhi and his team were still in the ranch and experienced riding a goat.

However, due to space issues, I did not write it in detail.

"Biyi Gym. The difficulty is not too high."

After watching the previous two battles, Xiaozhi has a general understanding of Biyi Gym and Fu Ye.

It's more like a beginner's gym. The difficulty is not high. Basically, as long as you master the attribute restraint, you can pass it smoothly.

"Long-tailed Firefox! Use flame jet!!"

This is Serena's fourth gym challenge, and she appears to be able to command with ease.

The long-tailed fire fox flicked the branch in his hand, and blazing flames suddenly spurted out.

"Energy Ball!"

The mount goat opened its mouth, and a powerful energy ball was also thrown out.

The difficulty is from easy to easy, but after all, it is the last Pokémon, and the level of this mount goat is not too low.

Boom! !
The two moves collided, and the flames were unable to shatter the energy bomb for a while, causing a violent explosion in the center of the arena.

"That's it now, Mud Shot!!"

Under the cover of the smoke, it was Fu Ye's turn to take the initiative to attack, choosing to restrain the long-tailed fire fox's ground-based moves.

The mount goat opened its mouth, and several balls of mud shot out like cannonballs!
"Long-tailed Firefox, use the wall of light!" The Long-tailed Firefox was like a magical girl, spinning the branches in front of her, condensing a transparent wall of light out of thin air, reducing the power of the mud shot by half.


The remaining mud shots fell on the long-tailed fire fox. Even though the effect was outstanding, the damage caused was very limited.

Fu Ye raised his eyebrows and raised the potting scissors in his hand forward, this time launching a physical attack:

“Then there’s the wooden horn!!”

The mounted goat immediately sprinted forward violently, splashing countless dust. In the process, it lowered its head slightly, and the two long and curved horns turned into emerald green, turning into a dangerous green arc, and pierced the target boldly!

Serena grinned and responded calmly:

"Long-tailed Firefox, use the reflective wall this time!!"

The long-tailed fire fox followed the same pattern and turned the branches again, once again condensing a transparent light wall in front of it. Under the sunlight, the color was slightly different from the previously opened light wall.

Keng! !

After the wooden horn pierced the reflecting wall, the mount goat's offensive dropped suddenly.

The long-tailed fire fox simply held the branch of the wooden stick in front of him, was hit by the corner of the wood and fell back two meters before completely blocking the blow.

Although they were injured twice in succession, both Serena and the Long-tailed Fire Fox looked proud.

Now, both walls are open and they are almost invincible!
"Oh, the tactics are very good!"

Seeing this, even Xiaozhi couldn't help but applaud.

Although the Long-tailed Firefox has not yet acquired the superpower attribute, the torturous fighting methods of the superpower Pokémon have begun to take shape!
"It's going to be difficult."

This made the owner Fu Ye rub his head, feeling a little helpless.

"In that case, use the parasitic seeds!"

He had no choice but to use a war of attrition, which had nothing to do with reflective walls and light walls.

Serena smiled confidently, and it was finally her turn to raise her hand to attack.

"It's useless, Long-tailed Firefox is a fire Pokémon that uses flame jet!!"

The long-tailed fire fox flicked its branch, and blazing flames roared out, instantly burning the few small seeds thrown by the opponent into charcoal.

"Then, magic flame!!"

Then he raised the branch high, and several groups of flames instantly condensed in the air, moving around like will-o'-the-wisps under the control of his mind.

This dazzled the mount goat for a while, and it, which was always calm, couldn't help but sweatdropped on its forehead.

Chi bang bang! !

As the magic flames all fell down, the mount goat was tired of defending and was finally hit by the flames, causing a huge flame explosion on the spot.

"End it in one go, use the flame jet!"

Finally, the long-tailed fire fox jumped a few steps lightly, the branches danced in its hands, and the flames at the front exploded like fireworks in an instant.

Connected with the magic flame from before.
Boom! !
A huge flame explosion rose in the Biyi Gym again!

The effect is outstanding!


When the smoke and dust dissipated, the mount goat had fallen there completely black and completely unconscious!
"The mount goat has lost its ability to fight. So this gym challenge will be won by Serena from Chaoxiang Town!"

The referee, a young man dressed as a gardener, immediately made a decision in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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