He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2518 The world revolves around, a celebration of wings!

"Great, fourth badge!!"

At the end of the battle, Serena successfully held the plant badge that proved her victory over Bizhi Gym - a blue leaf-shaped badge in her hands.

This kind of medal is both an alliance gym certificate and a delicate and compact medal. For Serena, even if it is just a collection, it is very worth collecting.

"Little girl, your fighting skills are quite good. Next, you can go to the Aromatherapy Gym in the northeast of Bizhi City to challenge, but the gym there is a bit difficult~"

Although the battle failed, Fu Ye gave instructions cheerfully:

"Of course, there is also a gym in Miare City in the south. I think you haven't obtained the badge there yet. You can challenge there first."

Fu Ye saw the arrangement of badges on Serena's badge box, but there was no voltage badge from Miare Gym, so he spoke.

These words made Citron and Yulijia next to them look at each other, straighten their backs, and look embarrassed.

"Miare Gym? That's not Citron's land."

Xiaozhi blurted out subconsciously, while Citron quickly covered Xiaozhi's mouth and said with a dry smile:

"Yes, yes, Miare City is my hometown~"

"It's just a gym or something haha~"

Yulijia was also laughing and chatting beside her.

Serena tilted her head, not knowing what was happening.

Xiaozhi looked at the two brothers and sisters with a puzzled expression. He remembered that when they first met, Citron said that he was the leader of Miare Gym. There was nothing to hide.

But it was no big deal, so he didn't continue to ask.

Before leaving, Master Fu suddenly turned his head and said with a smile:
"By the way, if there is nothing urgent, you might as well stay in our Bizhi City temporarily because in three days, we will hold the annual Bizhi Celebration here~"

"Biyi Celebration?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows. The last time they went to Salo City, there was a Salo celebration there.

This time they catch up with the annual Biyi Celebration. Is the world really revolving around them? !
"Is it possible that we are looking for some keystone again?!"

Citron's eyes lit up, it just so happened that he and Serena couldn't separate each other now because of the keystone bracelet.

One more and it will be perfect!
"Keystone? Haha, there is no precious prize, nor is it an exciting competition~"

Fu Ye smiled and explained:
"It's just a warm little festival between humans and Pokémon~"

After some explanation, everyone finally understood that this so-called Winging Festival is a festival where trainers give gifts to their Pokémon.

While explaining, everyone had already walked out of the huge tree building of Biyi Gym again.

"Legend has it that at the very beginning of Biyi City, only one human came here with his Pokémon, and there was nothing."

"Then the human gave his Pokémon a plant as a thank you gift for always being with him."

"After hundreds of thousands of years, a small plant at that time has now grown into a towering tree, which is the Tree of Oath!"

Fu Ye pointed behind him, a giant tree that was almost a dozen stories high.

"And a city was built around the Oath Tree. So at a specific time every year, people would pile up gifts here, stay there until night, then open the gifts and give them to their Pokémon to express their gratitude. ~”

After listening to Master Fu's story, Xiaozhi and others' faces softened, and they couldn't help but look at their Pokémon.

"What a warm celebration~!" "Sounds good~"

"I want to participate! I want to participate!!"

Yulijia was the first to raise her hand. This celebration of deepening the bond with her Pokémon naturally received unanimous approval from everyone, and they all decided to stay in Biyi City for three days.

"Speaking of which, it seems that I have never given Pikachu any gifts."

Xiaozhi turned his head and looked at the electric mouse on his shoulder.

During this period of time, I have been adventuring with the frog, and Pikachu seems to have disappeared. I really need to find an opportunity to deepen the bond between them again.

"Well everyone, I'm going to prepare the tree decorations first~"

Fu Ye waved his hand, turned around and left leisurely.

When the time comes to give out gifts during the celebration, the tree of vows will be decorated with colorful lights.
The huge tree, which is almost a dozen stories high, is covered with lights. The workload is huge, and he has to work hard for the past three days.

Xiaozhi and his group gathered around the entrance of the Biyi Gym and began to discuss the next action.

"There is a very famous shopping street in the Carlos area in the southern area of ​​Bizhi City! Let's go there and see if we can buy anything good!"

Serena opened the map and enthusiastically recommended it.

If you give a gift, her first reaction is to buy it!
Speaking of which, the layout of Byi City is also very peculiar. It is divided into a high platform area in the north and a coastline area in the south, connected by an urban light rail in the middle.

The highest point of the high platform area is naturally the Biyi Gym, which is also the Tree of Oath - from every location in the city, as long as you raise your head, you can see this towering tree in the north.

The southern coastline is a bustling commercial and shopping street. Since it is adjacent to the city of Miare, a variety of luxury shops are also opened here.

"This seems like a good idea!"

Ash nodded, maybe he could actually buy something suitable for Pikachu on the shopping street.

"I'm not going!"

Citron raised a hand to refuse, and even pushed up his glasses triumphantly:

"Hmph~! Since it's a gift for Pokémon, I plan to make it myself in the next three days!"

He planned to go directly back to the Pokémon Center to retreat.

"Well, there shouldn't be any problems this time, right?"

Yulijia bent her eyes and looked at her brother with suspicion.

But now, only the three of them are left to act alone.
Yulijia looked at Serena from the left and Xiaozhi from the right. Suddenly the corner of her mouth raised slyly, she covered her mouth and snickered:
"Hehe! Then Yurika isn't going either! I want to stay and help my brother!!"

"Ah, no need, Yulijia, you go shopping with Xiaozhi and the others."

Citron waved his hands subconsciously. Apart from complaining about him, his sister was only doing a disservice.

But before he finished speaking, she was interrupted.

Yurika dragged Citron's hand and planned to run towards the Pokémon Center.

Before leaving, Yulijia did not forget to give Serena an ambiguous wink and said in a specially emphasized tone:
"Then work hard next~ Serena~!" (End of this chapter)

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