He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2520 Sudden challenge, vsmega’s seductive eyes!

"Well Xiaozhi, why don't we go to a store over there with fewer people?"

Serena suddenly suggested as she regrouped and planned to reverse the current situation.

But before he finished speaking, there was a serious and somewhat sullen scolding from the side:
"Hey! Are you that Xiaozhi?! Sure enough, I found you here!!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and Serena turned their heads blankly.

But he saw a young man with short blond hair and an aristocratic temperament standing on the other side of the street.

He had a stern face, wearing a dark blue suit, and was looking at Xiaozhi angrily.

Next to them stood a young lady wearing a wide dress. Her expression was completely opposite, she looked at them with a smile.
It looks like they are a wealthy couple?
But after seeing a seductive eye at the feet of the rich young master, Xiaozhi understood instantly.

Be the challenger of mega evolution!
He had seen the list of mega-evolved Pokémon, and among them was the existence of Eyes.

"I will never forgive the guy who slandered the Kalos region! Come and fight with me. My ecstasy eyes will let you see the world!!"

The rich man snorted coldly, and without waiting for Xiaozhi's response, he turned around and walked towards an open space in the shopping street.

He had studied Xiaozhi's travel route and deliberately waited in Biyi City, and sure enough he caught him!
Xiaozhi naturally did not refuse and immediately followed him.

Every time he watched Serena's gym battles, it made his hands itch. Naturally, he would not refuse the battle now offered to him!
"Serena, let's go separate ways for the time being~ When you choose your gift, we'll meet here at the station!!"

After a quick word with his friends, Xiaozhi ran out quickly.

"Wait a minute, Ash!"

Before Serena finished speaking, Xiaozhi had already disappeared.

This made her so angry that her mouth bulged, and she had nowhere to vent her feelings. This was not the date she had imagined!
Soon, Xiaozhi followed the wealthy couple to an open space in the shopping street.

It seems that this is still a place that needs to be reserved by VIPs to use it. It also has facilities and services such as referees, spectator seats, and rest areas.

"Hmph! One will determine the outcome!"

The blond young master flicked his slightly curly short hair, and the seductive eyes beside him had already jumped up.

The blue gem-like eyes showed no emotion at all, and the two ghost claws were raised, ready to attack.

On the other side, Xiaozhi happened to prepare a Pokémon that could evolve to mega.
The red light fell, revealing a Pokémon that was shaped like a hockey puck, with a pair of black sharp horns on its head. Apart from light blue eyes and white teeth, there were no other organs.

Ice Ghost Protector!
And there is a mega stone inlaid on the corner of the ice ghost guard.
When Xiaozhi first conquered Ice Demon Guard, who was still a snow boy, he already had this mega stone with him, so he didn't even need to look for it.

"Hyogoku, let's fight together again!"

So he reminded him vigorously.

"Mega evolution, Ice Ghost Protector (Ecstasy Eye)!!"

Without any hesitation, both of them shouted at the same time as soon as the battle began.

The next moment, dazzling lights of evolution bloomed at both ends of the field.

The scene of both mega evolutions attracted the interest of many shopping tourists around. The surrounding auditorium with less than [-] seats was filled up in a short time, and many people stood behind and watched.


When the light dissipated, Hyou Guihu's body became even larger, even looking a little bloated.And the mouth seemed to be split open, the black lower jaw could not be closed at all, and the bloody mouth was always open, with biting cold air constantly coming out of it.

On the other side, Mega's seductive eyes have not changed much.

In other words, there is almost no change in the body. It still looks like a purple imp, but the original blue gem eyes have turned into red.

The most eye-catching thing is that a red gem originally embedded in the chest has now expanded into a giant red gem one meter high and escaped from the body.

Since this red gem was larger than the body of the Soul Eye, the latter could only hold it in front of him like a shield.

Through the blood-red gem, you can even see half of the enlarged and sinister face of the seductive eye.

"Then, the game begins!"

The local referee immediately shouted, and both sides launched an attack immediately.

"Ecstasy Eye, use Night Demon Shadow!!"

"Hyogoku, use the headbutt!!"

Mega's seductive eyes missed the huge gem, and two beams of dark energy current burst out from his eyes, shooting out!

As for Mega Ice Demon Guard, his whole body was thrown straight away like a flying ball!
This is not just a simple headbutt.
The edge of the Ice Demon Guard's body was covered with a layer of icy blue luster during the flight, making the whole body like a hard and biting ice ball, and its power continued to rise!
Frozen skin!

This is a new characteristic acquired by the Ice Demon Guard after his mega evolution. It can increase the power of all general attribute moves he performs and turn them into ice attributes!
"That's it, break it open for me!!"

Xiaozhi seemed to be playing a voice-activated game. With the bonus of the frozen skin, this headbutt was so powerful that it actually forcibly broke through all the incoming Dark Night Demon's lightning bolts and hit the enchanting eye behind him. go!

At the critical moment, Juhunyan quickly hid behind the huge gem and held on tightly.

Bang Bang! !
There was a huge impact, and the red gem successfully blocked the blow, but it still shook the little body of Guhunyan.

The body of Hyou Guihu was rebounded and flew into the air.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes narrowed, and his fingers pressed down heavily:
"Right now, use Taishan to press the top!!"

This is still a set of combo punches!

Mega Ice Ghost Guard instantly tightened his body, and his spherical body turned into a hard object weighing a thousand tons, falling straight down!

And he still enjoys the bonus of frozen skin, with a dangerous ice-blue sheen floating all over his body.
This frozen skin shot is overwhelming. If it hits, the damage will be huge!

Even this rich young man couldn't help but his expression changed drastically and his tone became panicked:

"Hurry up and get out of the way!! Ecstasy Eye, use shadow sneak attack!!"

"Jie Jie"

Mega's eyes were in a hurry for a while, and the shadow covering his body became bigger and bigger.

At the limit, the seductive eye still shrank into the shadow below, and threw the red gem on the spot in embarrassment.

Boom! !
One step behind, Hyou Guihu hit the ground hard, and the huge impact caused the entire arena to roar and earthquake.

Fortunately, the seductive eye is hiding in the shadows instead of digging into the ground, otherwise this blow would be enough to cause heavy damage!

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