He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2521 2nd company battle, vsmega evolution!

"It moves quite quickly."

Even though the attack failed, Xiaozhi was not annoyed.

The opponent's strength can only be said to be average, and it is more about letting him experience the fighting style of the Mega Eye.

"Use Qi Fist!!"

However, when he emerged from the shadow, the little enchanting eye actually formed a fist and attacked from behind, preparing to launch a full-force punch!

"It's useless, use freeze drying!"

However, Xiaozhi just responded calmly.

Mega Ice Ghost Guard didn't even move his body. In an instant, fierce cold air and snow light spread out from 360 degrees all over his body!
The eyes that rushed towards him were as if he had hit the muzzle of a gun, and his face was covered by the biting cold air.

"Jie Jie!"

Under freeze-drying, Juhunyan's small body was shivering from the cold, and the zhenqi fist he swung was naturally completely interrupted and froze in mid-air.

boom! !

Mega Ice Ghost Guard turned over and hit him, sending him flying away.
Even a simple impact is a freezing skin impact, which is extremely powerful!

"Skin-like properties are really incredible properties."

This made Xiao Zhi couldn't help but sigh.

After all, strikes, headbutts and other moves are the most common movements, but skin-like properties can transform these simple and basic moves and give them new life.

However, so far, he has only seen the characteristics of flying skin and fairy skin. I wonder if the eighteen attributes have corresponding skin characteristics?
"Damn it, are you so strong?!"

The blond young man's expression had lost its initial elegance, his face was livid and his teeth were gritted.

However, in this case, he was still thinking about strategy:

"Ecstasy eyes, distance yourself, use the power gem!!"

Obviously, this ice ghost guard is no match for him at close range. The best strategy is to extend the distance and use the most effective moves to fly a kite!

Mega ran back behind the red gem in embarrassment with seductive eyes, and then waved his ghost claw, condensing countless broken rocks and throwing them away.

However, after Xiaozhi basically understood the information about Mega's Soul Eye, he lost interest in this game.

The key to the mega seductive eye should be the red gem, which has a strange light. It probably has some special effect on defensive moves.

However, if a small figure has to hold such a large gem, the Ecstasy Eye itself is also greatly restricted, and it is a double-edged sword.

It's just that this blond guy didn't take advantage of the red gem at all.

Xiaozhi was not polite anymore and immediately roared loudly:
"Then let's decide the winner at once, Hyou Demon Guard, use the ultimate impact!!"

Mega Ice Ghost Guard understood, his body spun in the air, and then he rushed straight towards the target!

In addition to condensing spiral energy light waves, the surface of the body is also covered with a layer of icy blue luster.

The two merge with each other, doubling their power!

Frozen skin·ultimate impact! !
The power broke through the sky, and the incoming power gems turned into powerless pebbles and were easily crushed into dregs.

A huge ice-blue energy shock wave has already rushed in front of you.

"Jie Jie?!"

This caused Mega to be stunned in place for a moment, and subconsciously huddled behind the gem, playing the role of Squirtle.

Boom! !
The violent impact caused Guhunyan's small body and the large gem to be knocked out together!

He jumped over the blond young master's head and fell heavily to the back of the arena.

rub.!Then the figure of Soul Eye flickered, the huge gem shrank in size, returned to its chest, and exited the state of mega evolution.

"Hey! Seductive eyes!!"

The face of this rich young man changed drastically, and he quickly ran up and shouted urgently.

The referee also looked around. Although his eyes were still in the shape of gems and were not the round eyes of the public, he fell there motionless with his belly turned to the sky, and he obviously lost consciousness completely.

"The eye of the soul loses the ability to fight. This game will be won by the ice ghost protector and the boy from the red side!"

The referee immediately said that he did not know Xiaozhi's name, but the half of the field where Xiaozhi was located was the red side, so he simply referred to it directly.

This was a crushing game, and the whole audience was in an uproar. Hyou Guihu barely lost any physical strength.

The last violent final impact only caused him to freeze in place without causing any damage.

"Well done! Hyoukigo!"

Xiaozhi gave a thumbs up, laughed and praised loudly.

Compared to when he was traveling in the Sinnoh region, Hyou Onigo has fully grown up now!
However, his hands were just getting warm, and his seductive eyes were a bit unsatisfactory.
"Can your mega Ice Demon Guard continue to fight?"

At this time, the rich lady who had been standing next to me also walked up. She lifted her dress and asked politely.

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, still not understanding what was going on.

The next moment, this generous lady from a wealthy family also threw a love ball.

The red light fell, and it turned out to be a human-shaped Pokémon. It looked like a little girl wearing a yellow martial arts uniform, which was quite cute.

There was just a huge black mouth trailing behind the head, slightly cracked, revealing a row of sharp teeth inside, which made people shudder.

"Big mouth baby...?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he naturally noticed the root of this big-mouthed baby's weird mouth, with a mega stone tied like hair.

This is another Pokémon that can undergo mega evolution!

It seems like she wants to avenge her boyfriend?
This made Xiaozhi's almost extinguished flame burn again:

"Can we continue fighting, Ice Demon Guard!"

"Ice Roar~!!"

Hyou Demon Guard did not withdraw from his mega-evolved posture, and let out a low roar. The cold air wafting out of Honkai's jaw became even stronger!
"Then the second game begins!!"

The referee is also a fun man and shouted immediately.

The sudden battle between two consecutive mega evolutions also made the surrounding audience more and more excited.

Even many tourists in other parts of this shopping street moved towards this side after learning that there was an exciting battle here.

At the same moment, there was another location on Biz City Shopping Street.

A man wearing black long-sleeved boots and a somewhat gloomy face was accompanied by a short red-haired girl with the opposite personality, wearing green suspenders.

The two seemed to be shopping here, walking side by side.

The short girl kept chattering about something, while the man with short black and blue hair listened silently, occasionally replying.
This pairing looks a little weird together.

"Hey, hey, have you heard? There is a kid over there who challenged two mega-evolved Pokémon in a row?!"

"There is such a thing! Let me go and see!!"

At this time, the comments from passers-by made the man stop and look away curiously.

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