He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2522: Defeated, and can defeat one more! ?

There are more and more spectators in this roadside arena, and the battle in the center has also entered a fierce stage.

"Hyogoku, use the headbutt!"

"Big Mouth Boy, Iron Head!!"

Both Pokémon used their melee moves and flew toward the center of the arena.

The Mega Ice Ghost Guard on one side was once again covered with icy blue light, and its frozen skin properties continued to exert force.

On the other side, the big-mouthed baby has also entered a mega-evolved posture. His body shape has not changed much, but the original strange mouth on the back of his head has now turned into two strange mouths like twin tails.

The dancing posture is even more eye-catching.

At this moment, the two strange jaws and big mouths were dyed with silver-white blunt light, and they smashed out together.

Bang Bang! !
There was an unusually loud collision, and Mega Big Mouth had the upper hand in terms of power. The twin-tailed iron heads directly smashed the Ice Demon Guard into the air!

After Mega Evolution, Big Mouth Baby also gained a god-level characteristic - Hercules.

All the melee moves performed by its two jaws are so powerful that even the Ice Ghost Guard cannot resist them head-on.

However, it bounced into the air, and Xiaozhi repeated his old trick:

"Mount Tai overwhelms the top!!"

Mega Ice Ghost Guard's whole body is covered with ice light, and he is about to fall down like a nest of melons.
But the eldest lady from the rich family responded first:

"Use Pounce!!"

The Mega Big Mouth Kid immediately jumped up nimbly, and the twin-tailed monster's jaws swung up like a punch to the sky. Before Taishan could fall from the top, he hit the ice ghost guard's face hard!

Bang Bang! !
There was another violent critical attack, and the figure of Hyou Guihu immediately exploded and fell down.


But Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, Pounce was an evil attribute move.

It would be incredible if this move was a steel-type move that Dazuiwa is good at, which can restrain the Ice Demon Guard.

"Ice roar.!!"

The Mega Ice Ghost Guard resuspended from the gravel pit and roared rather violently.

Since its mega evolution, its jaw has completely cracked and it is unable to close its mouth. This makes Hyou Oniigo in a state of agitation and irritability almost all the time.

After a fight, Xiaozhi roughly understood that the opponent in front of her was much stronger than her boyfriend, the young master.

But for his ice ghost guard, he is not an invincible opponent!


The next moment, a violent storm of snow spewed out from the big mouth of Mega Ice Ghost Guard that could not be closed, and the figure of the big-mouthed baby was submerged and covered in an instant.

The latter could only move the twin-tailed monster's mouth in front of him and try his best to resist.

Pfft! !
But the blizzard had just ended when a blue water ball was shot towards the face, exploding in the big-mouthed baby's face with great accuracy and speed.

The power of the water wave was not high, but it made the big-mouthed baby soaked all over, as if water was dripping down from his body wearing a training hakama.

"And then there's Frozen Light!!"

Taking advantage of the cover of the blizzard, Xiaozhi directly launched a set of combo punches.

The ice-blue electric snake shot out and hit the big-mouthed baby again. It gathered with the water droplets on the latter's body and instantly froze it into an ice sculpture.

The rich lady's face was no longer calm, but she still dealt with it attentively:

"It's useless, use Spirit Fang!!"

In the ice, the strange jaws on the back of Big Mouth Baby's head suddenly floated up, forcibly breaking through the ice.There was a strange telepathic energy surging between his grinning teeth.

The next moment, all the ice cracked, and the Mega Big Mouth Kid returned to free movement, and rushed straight towards the Ice Ghost Guard.

The strange big mouth behind the head seemed to have its own meaning. It was at the forefront and was about to bite the ice ghost guard fiercely!
“Freeze drying!!”

At the critical moment, a burst of violent ice and snow energy spewed out of the Mega Ice Ghost's mouth guard. At almost zero distance, the two strange jaws of the big-mouthed baby were completely frozen, and ice was filled and sealed between the teeth!

As for the big-mouthed baby's body, he was fine, only feeling a biting chill.


It was just this kind of attack that finally made the mega-big-mouthed kid panic. He swung his frozen twin-tailed mouth in an unorganized manner and forgot to attack.

"it is as expected"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi showed an expected smile.

Whether it is offense or Hercules characteristics, the opponent needs to use this strange mouth to launch it.

The main body is more like a "tool".

Then all you need to do is concentrate all your energy on the attack and seal the strange mouth at the back of the head, and the big-mouthed baby will naturally completely lose its ability to resist.

Without further delay, Xiaozhi's eyes sharpened and he immediately shouted:
"Ultimate Shock!!!"

Mega Ice Ghost Guard understood, and his whole body turned into a spiral shock wave again and blasted out. With the addition of the frozen skin, the power continued to increase!
Despite the fact that Big Mouth Baby has steel attributes, it can resist ice-type moves.
But its steel properties are more concentrated on its hard, strange jaws.

As for the torso and body, it is really just like the appearance of a weak and sloppy lolita.

boom! !

The Frozen Skin·Ultimate Impact hit the big-mouthed kid on the face without any hindrance, and the terrifying force knocked him away hard, almost flying out of the arena upside down.

The latter's figure also flashed with light during the inverted flight, and the twin ponytails on the back of his head returned to a single ponytail before falling to the ground.

After landing, his eyes had completely turned into vortex eyes, looking quite embarrassed.

"Big Mouth Baby loses the ability to fight! It's still Hyou Onihu and the red player who wins!!"

The referee immediately shouted, with an excited tone.

The ability to defeat two mega-evolved Pokémon in succession without any rest is quite impressive.

And judging by the stamina of this mega ice ghost guard, I guess I can fight another one!

"Thank you for your hard work, Big Mouth Boy. You have behaved very well."

After being defeated, the eldest lady of the rich family took back the big-mouthed baby, lowered her head, and looked a little lonely.

The blond young man next to him also leaned over and comforted him repeatedly, but when he looked at Xiaozhi, his eyes were still full of hostility and unwillingness.

"That's enough Hyou Demon Guard, your performance is impeccable, let's have a good rest~!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand and took the Ice Ghost Guard back. The addiction to fighting today was over. He was in a happy mood and did not intend to accept new challenges one after another.

Then he looked at the wealthy couple in front of him.
Xiaozhi was familiar with the road, so he naturally quickly stepped forward to communicate and explain, and the expressions of the latter two gradually relaxed.

Apparently, he believed what Xiaozhi said.

The crowd around them saw that there was no good show to watch, started to talk a lot, and began to disperse gradually.

Only the man and woman who were watching the battle still stayed where they were.

Especially the tall man, who was wearing a handsome outfit and a weird blue scarf around his neck, staring straight at Xiaozhi in the center of the arena.

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