He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2523 Ai Lan and Manon!

"Who is this young man?"

He touched his chin and thought with serious eyes.

A young expert who uses mega evolution, but I have never seen this character before.

Is he a foreigner?
"Ai Lan Ai Lan! That person seems to be more powerful than you!!"

At this time, the lively and somewhat reckless red-haired girl beside her suddenly became very excited.

These words made Ai Lan raise her eyebrows.

Ai Lan, the winner of this Kalos Alliance Conference, was the final that Xiaozhi saw on the big screen at the airport the day he just arrived in the Kalos region.

The tournament winner who used Charizard to kill Shota with great force.

"Humph, people who have never fought against each other cannot easily say who is stronger or weaker."

Ai Lan snorted coldly and replied.

He seemed quite impatient with the red-haired girl next to him, but with another strange emotion, he still responded to the latter's inquiries.

"Ai Lan, haven't you been looking for powerful masters from all over the world who can use mega evolution!!"

Manon was dancing and seemed extremely excited:

"Why don't you challenge that trainer!?"

Manon wore a green round hat and yellow-green overalls, looking like a tomboy.

"Nima, damn~!"

She was accompanied by a Harry, who was obviously a novice trainer who had just set out on a trip with his starter Pokémon.


Ai Lan couldn't help but look at Xiaozhi in the center of the arena, and there seemed to be something strange in his eyes.

But he turned around and glanced at Manon, but in the end he didn't come forward.

"Today's mission does not include a battle, let's go!"

After finally remembering Xiaozhi's face, Ai Lan did not stay there and turned around to leave.

If this guy stays in the Kalos area, they will always have a chance to meet and fight.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Wait for me! I still want to say hello to him!!"

Manon couldn't help but complain and could only follow him quickly.

Hearing that Manon still wanted to say hello, Ai Lan moved faster, which made Manon with short legs and Harry next to him have to trot to follow.

On the field, after explaining to the wealthy couple, the latter quickly believed Xiaozhi's words out of their trust in the strong.

The misunderstanding was resolved and the relationship became harmonious.

"Someone is maliciously smearing you. Xiaozhi from the Kanto region. Don't worry, I have some influence in the local area and will help you investigate~!"

The blond young master flicked his short hair and said cheerfully.

However, the so-called "power" was obviously not enough in front of Carlos' leader, Team Flare, and Xiaozhi didn't take it to heart.

After seeing the couple off, Xiaozhi stretched and when he turned around, his eyes subconsciously fell in one direction.

Ai Lan and Manon had just turned to leave, and Xiaozhi probably saw half of the former's profile.

"Wait a minute, that person isn't."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but remember the Kalos League finals he saw at the beginning.At that time, the opponent was using Mega Charizard

"How come the winner of the Kalos region's tournament is here?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his head, quite puzzled. Is the other party also here to shop?

He remembered that this guy had brutally beaten Shota at that time, and his strength was far beyond that of ordinary trainers.
The flames of war that had just been extinguished quietly began to burn again.

It would be very interesting to have a battle with this guy, right?

"By the way, there are also gifts from Pikachu and the others!!"

Keeping focused on the battle, Xiaozhi had forgotten all the important matters today.

Seeing that the other party was already far away, he could only suppress his desire to fight, and hurried to the shopping street, looked around, and picked out gifts.

He had a hunch that there would always be a chance to fight with the winner of the tournament who used Charizard X.

Three days later, night.

The Biyi celebration is coming as scheduled.

At this moment, many people have gathered at the entrance of Biyi Gym, including locals and foreign tourists who came here specifically to experience the customs and culture.

Everyone is surrounding the Biyi Gym - the Tree of Oath.

The Tree of Oath at this moment is completely different from when Xiaozhi and the others came to challenge the gym three days ago.

The towering tree looks like a high-rise building, and its surface is covered with colorful lights and other decorations. The tree trunk is densely covered like an ivy, and even extends all the way to the top branches dozens of meters high.

But now, the lights are not on.

Fu Ye, the master of Biyi Gym, was standing at the entrance of the gym, with a huge electric switch beside him.

When the auspicious time arrives and the switch is turned on, the gorgeous lights on the Oath Tree will completely illuminate the entire Bizheng City.

"Xiaozhi, you are too slow!!"

Seeing that Xiao Zhicai was late in the end and looked a little sullen, Yulijia couldn't help but complain.

In her hand, she held a flat gift package in the shape of a painting - Youlijia didn't have anything to offer, so she drew an oil painting for Dong Dong Mouse as a gift.

Next to her, looking at Xiaozhi's face, Serena's expression softened a lot.

Although the 'date' in her mind was shattered
But it seems that this is reasonable.

Maybe there is no concept of "dating" in Xiaozhi's mind, right? !
No, the "date" in his mind might be a passionate battle?
Thinking of this, Serena felt relieved. Ash was Ash and there was no way he could force those things.
In her hands, she also held several small boxes. These were all trinkets she carefully selected for Long-tailed Firefox, Turtle-footed Foot, and Flower-leafed Lady.

Even for the ice and snow dragon egg that has not yet hatched, Serena prepared a warm scarf ribbon and planned to tie it on it later.

"Well~ Anyway, it's good to catch up~"

Citron said with a smile. His face was also quite embarrassed, with some machine oil that had not been wiped off. It seemed that he had been busy making gifts for several days.
The gift made by Citron this time did not have much technological content, so there was no need to worry about it exploding.

What he gave to his Pokémon was an exquisite music box with a cartoon avatar exclusive to each Pokémon.

Turn it gently and you can play beautiful songs.

As the time arrived, Fu Ye and his partner mounted the goat and opened the main power switch together.

Deng! !

The next moment, all the lights on Nuoda's Oath Tree lit up, and it instantly turned into a dreamy tree shining with endless dazzling light!

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