He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2524 A naughty panda causing mischief?

On the dim and pitch-black high platform of Bizhi City, only a dreamy Oath Tree shone brightly, like a bright star.


There were even several fireworks and fireworks rising in the starry sky, filling the atmosphere with a sense of ceremony.

The Biyi Celebration has begun!

The trainers handed over the gifts piled beside the Oath Tree to their Pokémon.

Although most Pokémon may not understand the meaning at all, they can still feel the bonding emotion of their trainer.

Seeing that everyone was already taking action, Fu Ye also took out a seed pendant from his pocket.

"I'm going to ask you to continue to help me in the next year, Mount Goat."

With that said, he hung the miracle seed pendant around the mount goat's neck. This prop can make the grass attribute moves performed by the latter even more powerful.

Of course, when worn regularly, the rich grass-attribute scent will also make the goat more comfortable.


The mount goat let out a low cry, lowered its head slightly, and allowed its trainer to put the pendant on it. Then it moved its head closer and rubbed the furry side of its face against Master Fu.

The same scene appeared in other places.

For example, the local Miss Joy gave her partner Pang Keding a new nurse uniform.

Miss Junsha prepared an electrostatic comb, squatted down, and prepared to comb the hair of her partner, the police dog Thundermon, to release the residual static electricity flowing in the hair.

The same goes for Xiaozhi and his group.


Citron's gift music box was opened, and a beautiful melody came from it. There were several Pokémon dolls spinning in the box, which looked very cute.

"Mea~!" "dig~!"

This made the Furry Sheep and Diggy Rabbit squat there curiously, looking at the music box eagerly.

"Dong Dong!!"

The Dongdong mouse was running around around Youlijia's oil painting. It had already seen the painting during the day.

It was completely graffiti-like, and the Dongdong rat in the painting looked more like a little beast with teeth and claws, making everyone burst into laughter.

"Qiang Qiang~! This is a gift for you!"

Serena also opened a few small gift boxes, and the Long-tailed Firefox Pokémon gathered around them.

The gift of the long-tailed firefox is its branch staff
Serena deliberately borrowed it in advance, took it for waxing and maintenance, and added some fire-producing powder materials at the front of the branches.

This allows the long-tailed fire fox to increase its speed and power when releasing flames!

The long-tailed fire fox took the branch staff with bright eyes. Compared with these actual improvements, it preferred the position of the branch handle and the added red ribbon decoration!

Of course, you have to take off this decoration during the battle, otherwise you will be burned by your own flames in minutes.

"Then there's Turtlefoot~it's wet rock!"

Serena handed another gray-blue stone to Turtlefoot, the surface was wet.

Although it has the ability to prolong rainy weather, Serena pays more attention to the appearance of the wet rock itself.

The rocks are rich in moisture, which perfectly matches the properties of turtle feet!
Maybe the latter's barnacle body can jump out from the original rock and live on this damp rock ever since.

"Ghost feet~!"

Turtlefoot took the rock with satisfaction and held it in his hand. At this moment, it was more like a dumbbell, with a rock on top and bottom, and a barnacle arm in the middle as a connecting support.

"Then there's Huayedi. This is the miracle seed!" For Huayedi, Serena presented the same miracle seed item as Fu Ye.

It seems that because of the local grass-type gym, it is easy to buy props that enhance the power of grass-type moves in the shopping street.


Huayedi took the seeds with a smile. Instead of wearing it as a necklace, she stuffed the seeds directly into the Graxitia flower.

With the double boost of the Flower of Semi and the Miracle Seed, the power of the energy ball condensed by Huayedi will only be stronger!

"Then it's yours~ you need to hatch it as soon as possible and healthily~!"

Even the ice and snow dragon's eggs, Serena prepared a scarf and hung it carefully.

As if he really heard the trainer's words, the ice and snow dragon's egg shook slightly.

It seems that the time for hatching is coming soon.

Everyone was enjoying themselves here, but there seemed to be some commotion and noise on the other side of the Oath Tree.

"Hey! Whose Pokémon is it? Don't ruin the celebration!!"

"Damn it, this panda tore the gift I gave to Gardevoir. These aren't stockings, they're just warm black pants!"

"Is it a wild naughty panda? No, there is no such Pokémon living near Biz City."

Still gently wiping the ice and snow dragon egg, Serena didn't want to pay attention to the noise on the other side at first.

Just the words coming from the crowd made Serena stand up curiously and cast a look.

But among the cluttered crowd, I saw a small panda with a bit of cunning in its naughty face, jumping around and escaping, attracting waves of exclamations, and seemed particularly eye-catching.

"Wait a minute, this is not that child.?"

The first thing Serena noticed was that this naughty kitten was wearing a pair of sunglasses on its forehead.

Although it is normal for evil-type Pokémon to carry props such as sunglasses to increase the power of evil-type moves.
But this pair of sunglasses with red frames was a fashion item that I bought specially two months ago, and then gave it to a naughty kitten in a bamboo forest next to Guxiang Town.

She would remember this unmistakably.

"Is it the same naughty panda? Why does it appear here?!"

Serena was stunned. Could it be that they came after her specifically?
This naughty kitten is agile and jumps on the heads of the crowd. It bites a bamboo leaf in the corner of its mouth. Its chubby hand is placed in front of its eyebrows. Its black eyes are still looking around, as if it is looking for something.

Until I found my target in a corner of the Forest of Oaths.


The naughty panda was overjoyed and immediately ran towards Serena, then flew into Serena's arms.


Serena could only subconsciously raise her hand to catch it.

Before I could ask, there was a group of people behind who had been stepped on by naughty pandas, and they came over aggressively and were ready to hold them accountable.

"Hey, are you the trainer of this naughty panda?"

"I don't care about my Pokémon!"

"My gifts are all torn!"

There was nothing she could do, Serena quickly lowered her head to admit her mistake and apologized again and again:

"I'm sorry, this kid is so naughty" (End of Chapter)

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