He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2526 Xiaozhi’s gift!

Chapter 2526 Xiaozhi’s gift!
On the other side, Xiaozhi also took out the gifts he had prepared one by one.

The other Pokémon lined up in a row, looking very expectant. As the big brother in the team, Pikachu naturally stood at the front.

"First, Pikachu."


Pikachu's ears twitched. It knew that Xiaozhi had been searching for it in Byi City for three days, preparing to give him an electric bead.

There is indeed a strong bond between them!

Although the improvement of the electric beads is not that significant to the current Pikachu, this kind of prop is more effective when used on those Muggle Pikachus who are as numerous as wild dogs.

However, it’s not a big problem to use electric beads to grind teeth!

Just the next moment, Pikachu's expression changed when he saw something that looked like a red condiment appearing in the gift box.

There is also a tomato icon printed on the bottle.
"Haha Pikachu, electric beads are really hard to find. But I bought you a bottle of selected tomato sauce. Isn't this your favorite? You can dip it in when you eat in the future!"

After all, raising Pikachu is not popular in Biz City, or even in the Kalos region, and related props are naturally very rare.

The Kanto region may be okay, but it's really hard to find electric beads here.


After taking the bottle of ketchup, Pikachu's face grew long, not hiding his dissatisfied expression.

And it’s also a bottle of sugar-free ketchup.
It's an insult to ketchup!

From electric beads to ketchup
It seems that the bond between us has finally run aground.

"Well~ next time I have a chance, I will definitely help you find an electric bead~!"

Xiaozhi could only rub Pikachu's head, but let's draw a pie first.

With a smile on his face, he finally managed to appease Pikachu.

Seeing the latter walk to the side and start drinking ketchup like he was drinking beer, Xiaozhi then looked at his other Pokémon.

The second one to come up was the Two-headed Tyrannosaurus. As a Pokémon that had been with the team since the Unova region, it was a little overlord in the team.

Of course, it is also a dragon that has seen Pikachu's strength, so it has no objection to staying in the second position.

"Oh~ Two-headed Tyrannosaurus, I have prepared a good thing for you!!"

Seeing Xiaozhi take out a large gift box that was nearly one meter high this time, the two heads of the two-headed tyrannosaurus shook with excitement.

When the box is opened, the first thing that catches the eye is a touch of pink and a few raised pink and white ribbons, which look more like a girl's doll.

Even Citron and Serena came over curiously.

When the gift was completely unveiled, it turned out to be a one-to-one size, fully restored life-size doll of Fairy Eevee!


Looking at this cute doll, Citron scratched his head. What does this mean? !

"Hey, I specifically asked some tour guides on the shopping street, and they highly recommended it. It is said that the two-headed tyrannosaurus family likes Fairy Eevee."


Sure enough, before Xiaozhi could say anything, the two-headed tyrannosaurus roared excitedly and then pounced forward.

Immediately afterwards, he directly pressed the Fairy Eevee doll under him. The back of the doll was slightly deformed under the pressure, causing the upper part of the head to tilt up.
The scene seemed a bit unsightly.

"Is this really the case?"

Serena twisted her lips. Is this a genetic preference?

Well, if I subdue a Fairy Eevee in the future, it seems that I have to stay away from this two-headed tyrannosaurus.

Obviously, the two-headed tyrannosaurus was very satisfied with this gift, and the dragon god swooped next to it.
I wonder how long this doll can last.The Pokémon after Ash are in no particular order, they are all new partners in the Kalos region.

Old partners like Hyou Onigamo, I don’t have them with me.
Otherwise, I would probably have to release all the dozen or so mega-evolved Pokémon, and I would have a hard time choosing gifts.

"This is for the croaking frog~!"

The gift from the croaking frog is a mysterious scroll that looks a bit ancient.

Xiaozhi also accidentally discovered it in an alley of a shopping street. It contains some training experiences on swordsmanship and swordsmanship. Items are specially tailored for Pokémon with ninja talents.

Understanding the things above will probably make the power of the Iai Slash move of the croaking frog even higher.

You can even learn by analogy to understand other blade-like moves such as water rupture, secret attack on vital points, etc.

"K myself."

The frog's eyes narrowed into a thin line, and he took the scroll solemnly with both hands, as if he was accepting the inheritance ceremony of the Jonin.

Compared to having fun, the frog obviously preferred this kind of item that could improve his strength. Then he ran to the side happily and excitedly, sat cross-legged on the ground, and studied the scroll.

"Then this, here you go!"

For the new member of the team, Garbage, Xiaozhi gave it a metal film that he had obtained in his early years, which looked like a silver-black iron ingot.


Garbage Zao immediately took it with joy, and all the seahorse's feet were attached to it, wrapping it tightly like seaweed.
It's just that the metal film does not substantially improve it, and it is not a food source.

It's more like a toy that allows the garbage and algae to be fine while releasing venom to corrode metal.

However, considering the hardness of the metal film, it is estimated that even if the garbage and algae evolve, it will not corrode much.
"As for Rocket Sparrow, this is it!"

Xiaozhi took out another khaki sharp beak.

However, this is only the lowest ten-year bird's beak. The power of moves that can improve flight attributes is limited, and it cannot be compared with the ten-thousand-year-old soul bone of Muke Eagle.


Rocket Bird happily accepted it and put it on his mouth, ready to take it on the spot.

Among Ash's Carlos team, only Harili did not receive a gift.


It stared at Xiaozhi helplessly on the spot, its mouth wide open, and the saliva from the corner of its mouth was already flowing down like a waterfall.

Ha Lili's preferences are extremely simple and crude.


Like Santa Claus, Xiaozhi directly picked up a large sack and placed it in front of Harry.

Let’s not talk about value for now, just in terms of volume, Ha Lili has already won tonight!


Harry put his hands on his hips quite proudly and glanced at the Pokémon around him.

Sure enough, the bond between it and its trainer is the deepest!

And this big sack was opened, and it contained colorful tree fruits of different shapes.

One word, eat!

"Nima, Nima!!"

This gift caught Harry's heart so much that he immediately dove into the pile of fruits and devoured it.
(End of this chapter)

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