He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2527 Ai Lan: Did I make a mistake?

Chapter 2527 Ai Lan: Did I make a mistake?
All the Pokémon (except Pikachu) were playing with their gifts contentedly.

Xiaozhi even took out the egg of the baby Tyrannosaurus and wiped it carefully with a soft cloth.

The latter shook its eggshell body, and in response, it looked like it was about to hatch, just like the ice and snow dragon.

After the gift-giving session, Xiaozhi and his party sat on the lawn, admiring the Oath Tree in front of them with the Pokémon around them, enjoying the peaceful and comfortable atmosphere of this moment.

At the other end of the Oath Tree, Ai Lan and Manon are also here.

The two of them happened to be traveling through Bizhi City. After learning about this celebration, Manon happily took Ai Lan to participate.

"Hey, Hali-kun! This is a gift for you~!"

Manon's partner is also a Halijun named Halijun, but his personality is completely different from that of Xiaozhi.

What was unexpected was that Halili had a stable and mature personality, but the trainer had an out-of-the-box personality. Every time he got into trouble or got into trouble, Halili needed to take care of him.


Even the barking stopped using curse words. The Harry took the gift with a smile and a sigh of relief.

It's not in vain that it has been doing its best to take care of the trainer in front of it!
The small box was opened, and inside there was still a miracle seed of the same style as Fu Ye.

Without him, there are so many miracle seeds in Biyi City that they can all become regional characteristics.


Ha Lili was naturally happy to accept it. This prop could enhance the power of some of its grass-type moves.

However, looking at Ai Lan's indifferent expression next to him, he did not release his trump card Charizard, but just looked straight at the Tree of Oath.

Manon was quite puzzled. After all, she had seen Ai Lan not only with a Charizard, but also with powerful Pokémon such as Metagross and Bankelas.

"Today is the Biyi Celebration! Ai Lan, why don't you let everyone out? You want to give gifts!"

Manong was beaten twice on the head by Ailan, but he put his hands on his hips and lectured like a little adult.

Ai Lan raised her eyebrows but did not refute.

However, he did not prepare to take out the ball. Instead, he walked to the corner of the Oath Tree and picked up a gift box:
"Of course I've already prepared gifts from the fire-breathing dragon."

It's just that his Pokémon is too big and seems a bit out of place with the atmosphere here.

Moreover, Ai Lan did not have the habit of releasing his Pokémon in a multi-person environment, which would expose his intelligence capabilities.

It's better to wait until you go back, find a place where no one is around, and give gifts to the Charizards.

"What a strange person."

Manon couldn't help but complain, but looking at the gift box held in Ai Lan's hand, Manon couldn't help but blush.

But he is also a gentle person
Ai Lan and Xiao Zhi's group were not far apart, and they could see each other almost as soon as they turned their heads.

"Hey, is there anyone else with Harry~?!"

While looking around, Manon quickly noticed the second Hari chestnut not far away, with half of his body buried in the pile of fruit, and was eating a gluttonous meal without any appearance, and he suddenly became very curious.


Harry next to him couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and licked the corners of his mouth with his little tongue.

However, it was a Harry with a stable personality, so he suppressed his impulse and just watched from a distance.

If it were Xiaozhi and Harili's character, he would have pounced on it now. He didn't care whose food it was, just eat it together. "Hey Ai Lan, look! It's the powerful trainer from before!!"

After Manon saw Xiaozhi's face clearly, he immediately grabbed Ai Lan's wrist enthusiastically.

Is the other party the trainer of that Harry Li?
Ai Lan raised her eyebrows, turned her head subconsciously, and soon noticed Xiao Zhi.

"Is it that guy?"

His eyes were focused, and although he only saw one game, he could tell that Xiaozhi's strength was by no means an ordinary trainer.

Although he is young, he is at least as good as the king of the alliance.
He should be much stronger than the trainer named "Shouta" he met at the alliance meeting.

Then Ai Lan's eyes fell on the Pokémon around Xiaozhi, and he couldn't help but frown.

The powerful mega ice ghost guard disappeared that day.

Instead, it looks more like a baby team that has yet to take shape.
Such a team should appear for an entry-level trainer who has just traveled for three or four months and has just lost the title of rookie.

It doesn’t look strong at all!
"Isn't the Ice Guard back then his Pokémon?"

Ai Lan was quite puzzled. Is he just borrowing other people's powerful Pokémon to fight for him?
Moreover, if all six Pokémon in a general trainer's team are released, they will consciously take a position with different statuses based on their strength.

Even if the trainer doesn't force it, this is the nature of Pokémon.

Ai Lan glanced at the Pokémon, and stood at the front, the Pokémon in the boss position.
"An electric rat?"

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twist. What could a Pikachu do?
Is this the opponent's strongest Pokémon?

"Did you make a mistake? You're actually just an ordinary trainer?"

It's just that Xiaozhi's commanding ability at that time could not be faked. He was obviously an experienced person.
"How's it going, Ai Lan! They seem to be a group of very interesting people. Why don't we go over and get to know each other and say hello!"

Manon, who has an out-of-the-box personality, immediately thought of walking over to say hello.

Ai Lan, on the other hand, did not act in a hurry and lowered his head to ponder for a moment.

Now he is not completely free to move. He still has to complete a commissioned mission from Team Flare and find the mysterious...
Although this Team Flare has become increasingly strange recently, which always makes Ai Lan feel a sense of resistance.

It's just that the leader of this organization is kind to him, so Ai Lan can only bite the bullet and take it one step at a time.

I don’t have time to make friends casually.

Of course, Manon is a special case.

"Forget it, it's better not to disturb them."

After thinking again and again, Ai Lan stopped Manon.

Regardless of Xiaozhi's strength, he had a hunch that they would meet again in the future.

Then we will know what Xiaozhi's true strength is.

With that said, Ai Lan turned around and left, preparing to find an empty space with no one to release the fire-breathing dragon and the others and give out gifts.

"Hey, what a pity. Let's go, Hali-kun~"

Manon had a look of regret on his face, but he could only follow him unwillingly.

Her idea is simpler - she wants to keep traveling with Ai Lan more than making other new friends!

(End of this chapter)

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