He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2528 Miare Wilderness, strange magnetic field!

Chapter 2528 Miare Wilderness, strange magnetic field!

After leaving Biyi City, Xiaozhi and his party continued on their way south.

Aromatherapy City, where the next gym was originally located, is located northeast of Bizhi City and is even closer.

However, there is no road between the two cities. It is a primitive jungle and it is difficult to get across by walking alone.

So everyone planned to go south first, return to Miare City, and then turn back north and go to Aroma City - after all, Miare City is the central city of the Carlos region, and there are convenient and easy-to-walk links between Miare City and other cities. Avenida.

"Exactly, I want to do that on this road!"

Citron grabbed his backpack with both hands and walked at the front with a bright face. He looked quite excited today.

Xiaozhi had no doubts about him, and he was probably excited to return to his hometown soon.

He remembered that when they first met, Citron said that his gym was forcibly occupied by the robot he invented, which led to the incredible feat of being unable to return home.
It should be taken back now, right?

Then Serena will probably have a gym challenge with Citron.

"I also kind of want to have a battle with Citron."

Xiaozhi held the back of his head with both hands and leaned back slightly to follow, thinking to himself.

Speaking of which, he and Citron have not had a formal battle yet, they just had a quick fight when they first met.

He actually doesn't know much about Citron's complete strength.

However, the latter's destination was not Miare City, but a road located in the northern area of ​​the city, sandwiched between Biz City.

Sa Sa Sa Sa.! !
As soon as they entered Route 13, everyone felt the whistling wind and sand.

This road is called the Miare Wilderness. Everything that comes into view is dark red. There are no vegetation and no Pokémon can be seen living there. The wild wind raises dust and ravages this place all year round.

So even though it is adjacent to the bustling city of Miare, this road is actually rarely traveled by people.

However, the soil here is basically red clay and is extremely dry, making it suitable for building power generation equipment buildings here.
It provides power to the city of Miare and even several surrounding cities, and the largest power plant in the Carlos region is built here.

"But the most important thing is that there is a special natural magnetic field here, which can help some electric and steel Pokémon to complete their evolution~!"

Citron's glasses lit up with a cold light, and there was already an elf ball in his hand.

As a beam of red light shot out, a three-in-one magnet monster appeared in front of him.

Citron raised his arms high and chanted like a great magician:
"This is the destination! Then evolve, three-in-one Magneto~!!"

The three-in-one magnet monster looked at the surrounding wind and sand environment with its three eyes, then raised its body slightly, bent its magnet arm, and began to accumulate power.

It was the first time for Serena and Yurika to see this phenomenon of using the surrounding magnetic field to evolve, and they all expressed surprise.

"I see. Is it an environment similar to Tianguan Mountain?"

Xiaozhi touched his chin, thoughtfully.

When he was still traveling in the Sinnoh region, there was such a special magnetic field in a certain area of ​​Tianguan Mountain, which could allow specific Pokémon such as the three-in-one Magnemite and Northnose to complete their evolution.

It's just that this three-in-one magnet monster has been accumulating power for a long time. The surface of the magnet turned red as if it was constipated, but the white light symbolizing evolution never lit up on its body.

Even the magnets that serve as "arms" are separated from the head, flying around like headless flies out of control.

"Hey, what's going on?!"

Citron suddenly panicked and was a little at a loss.

Although he has never been here, he has seen reports before that many people use the local magnetic field to complete their evolution.Beside you, Yulijia squinted her eyes and couldn't help but complain:
"Have you been infected by your failed inventions, brother, so now even evolution has failed?"

"Anyway, the three-in-one magnet monster doesn't seem to be in very good condition. Should we take it back for now?"

Serena quickly suggested with a dry smile.

It seems that something has indeed interfered with it. Not only can it not evolve, it can't even maintain normal actions.

"Come back first, three-in-one magnet monster!"

Citron quickly took it back, confused.

Xiaozhi subconsciously looked at Pikachu on his shoulder. He seemed to have seen this situation before.

Generally, a chaotic magnetic field will cause electric Pokémon to become abnormal, and even fall into a violent and irrational state.


Pikachu was very cooperative and immediately stuck out his tongue and leaned on his shoulder.

Xiaozhi: "."

Well, Pikachu's performance is nothing interesting anymore, I don't know whether it's true or not at all.

"Come out, furry sheep"

However, when Citron sent out his own furry sheep, the latter fell down on the ground as soon as it came out, looking very tired.

The sheep's wool around the neck was also full of static electricity, making a crackling sound.

Citron quickly took it back, then straightened his face and looked at the red earth wilderness in front of him.

It seems that there is something wrong with the magnetic field here!
As the gym leader of Miare City and an invention expert specializing in electrical attributes, Citron will not sit idly by.

"Anyway, let's go to the Carlos Power Plant to see the situation."

Citron soon had an idea.

The Carlos Power Plant has been under construction for decades, but he has not been involved in this project. Over the years, he has not heard of any impact on the nearby magnetic field.

"Power plant? Let's go, let's go!!"

After hearing the novelty, Yulijia became very happy.

Serena looked at the whistling red earth and sand in front of her, frowned secretly, and could only walk carefully with her skirt pressed down.
The environment here is not very friendly to women!
As Xiaozhi walked behind, the violent thunder drum that he had conquered recently appeared in his mind.

Maybe the latter will like the environment here?

After walking for more than ten minutes in the Miare wilderness, a modern building gradually appeared in front of everyone in a red desert.

Along the way, every time they walked a certain distance, a bulge of quicksand would appear on the ground, and it would also move, stretching towards their direction quickly.

When they were approaching, a Pokémon jumped out of the quicksand and launched a bite attack at them!

"Be careful, the wild Pokémon here live in the quicksand mounds, and are very aggressive. They will actively chase and attack pedestrians passing by!"

Citron quickly reminded that Route 13 is not a safe zone.

However, there are pulley tracks and bicycle lanes built on the edge of the desert - with these two means of transportation, you can travel quickly.
(End of this chapter)

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