He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2532 Harry Li suddenly broke out! ?

Chapter 2532 Harry Li suddenly broke out! ?
These two senior members of the Flare Team were no small soldiers, and they recognized Xiaozhi's appearance at first sight.


Momiji also took off her detection glasses and glanced at the two Pokémon in front of Xiaozhi.

Although the frog and Ha Lili didn't seem to be of very high level, in a real fight, they were no match for the young man in front of them.

Even if all the subordinates at the rear were put together, it would probably be in vain.
"Red Roar!!"

However, the grumpy red-faced dragon no longer cared so much. He roared and rushed out, and the dragon's claws struck the frog's head straight!
"Wait a minute red-faced dragon!!"

Akabi quickly raised her hand to scold her. Although her temper was equally violent, she could only hold it in at the moment.

But her Pokémon didn't recognize Ash and launched a merciless attack!

The Croak-headed Frog's face hardened, and a sharp blade formed in the palm of his hand. He lowered his lower body, preparing to take the blow.

However, before the opponent's attack could arrive, the friendly forces intercepted him forcefully.

"Nima, Nima!!"

Harry, who was eager to show off, rushed forward, jumped up and landed in front of the frog.

Then he opened his mouth to its maximum, and his face turned red from holding back, as if something was stuck in his throat.


The next moment, a seed the size of a walnut was spat out and shot straight towards the target.

Boom! !
It's just that grass-type moves are not effective against dragon beasts. The red-faced dragon easily chopped the seed bomb into pieces with a slashing claw, causing a smoke explosion in the air.

But Dragon Claw's offensive was not over yet, and it continued to rush out.

A huge dragon was close at hand, raising its claws and approaching, causing Ha Lili's expression to change suddenly.

Why can’t I control my legs?
"Hey Harry! Follow the command and don't act randomly!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but complain, his body felt better, but why did he feel that his IQ was lower?
Fortunately, the other one was very reliable. Xiaozhi quickly said:
"Cathead Frog, use the freezing wind to cover!"

The croak-headed frog then jumped up, and with the cover of Ha Lili's body in front of him, he suddenly appeared like a ninja.

And he opened his mouth, and bursts of biting cold wind blew out, covering the face of the red-faced dragon.

However, the power was not very high and it did not cause much damage, but it successfully interrupted the red-faced dragon's movements and froze in place.


Only then did the croak-headed frog fall down steadily, folding his arms across his chest, breathing long and peacefully, as if he was beginning to assume the posture of a ninja.

At present, it does not have the ability to master freezing light, and can only use small control-assisted moves such as Frozen Wind.


Both of them on the opposite side were on top, which made Momiji's Ma Xuanla unable to bear it any longer. She immediately opened her mouth and pushed forward with her palm.

In an instant, the snow and ice blew out from the sky, forming a huge blizzard!
Akobi and Momiji looked at each other, took a deep breath, and did not stop their two Pokémon's reckless attacks.

Well, let's test it out a little bit.
Even if they were defeated, it could be said that it was the two Pokémon's own ideas. They never thought about attacking.

sassy sassy! !

The sky-wide blizzard immediately completely submerged the figures of the frog and Halili. For the former, it was okay, the damage was not high, but for Halili, the ice attribute blizzard was a critical hit!
But the next moment, the figure of the frog suddenly moved in front of Harry, blocking most of the wind and snow.

Seeing the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, Ha Lili's face was suffocated and he was very confused. "Nima.?! (Why do you want to help me?!)"

After all, it attacks each other every day, and the relationship between the two is not very friendly.

The frog managed to block all the snowflakes. Although the effect was average, it could not withstand the accumulated damage.

After the blizzard ended, he suffered a minor injury.

There was still some ice and snow on its head, so the frog slowly turned its head and responded:

"K. (I don't know why, my body came over involuntarily)"

This answer made Ha Lili feel as if he had been struck by a bolt from the blue, and he was stagnant in place and did not come back to his senses.

"Red Roar!!!" "Nula!!"

But the dragon-slaying group on the other side didn't care so much. They rushed forward with a roar and launched another fierce attack.

The whole body of the red-faced dragon spurted red flames, and the power of the scale-reverse was revived!

Ma Xuanla clenched her claws into fists, and charged quickly with double freezing fists!

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, these two guys. Pikachu, use [-] volts to stop them!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's expression changed slightly, and he quickly tilted his head and called for outside rescue.

Inexplicably, Frog and Ha Lili became two buddies with deep brotherhood, and they are still fighting now!
But before Pikachu took action, he saw Harili suddenly lowering his head on the spot, and a burst of dazzling green light bloomed all over his body.

A strange and majestic aura suddenly rose up, sweeping across the whole place as if it could judge and probe, making everyone feel tense, as if they were being watched by something.

This sudden scene also made Pikachu stop the rescue operation and look at it curiously.

The next moment, the surrounding power plants, as well as the areas outside the power plant, and even more distant places that are beyond the reach of the eye.
Countless streams of green light shot out from all directions, turning into parabolic arcs, and densely packed light spots continued to flow into Harry's body.

This caused the latter's momentum to surge in an instant, with dark green flames gushing out from his whole body.


The frog that was closest to him froze on the spot. Why did Harry look a little strange today?

Xiaozhi and his party were even more so, confused. This was obviously not a characteristic of Fierce Grass!


And as Ha Lili raised his head and uttered a burst of swear words, he raised the sole of one foot and stepped on the ground.

In an instant, dark green light surged around like a real tide, and the ground of the power plant began to tremble violently.

The center of power is directed at the red-faced dragon and Mahuola who are charging forward.

Boom! !

Only then did the two Pokémon realize that the ground beneath their feet was completely cracked, and sharp and hard stones suddenly shot up, accompanied by a powerful and violent green light energy impact, which washed hard on their chests and abdomens. !
boom!boom! !

In an instant, in the thick smoke and dust, the red-faced dragon and Ma Huola were blown away by this irresistible force, and fell heavily in front of Akobi and Momiji.

And his head tilted on the spot, and he lost consciousness tragically, unable to fight.

Due to the sudden change, not to mention the members of Team Flare, even Xiaozhi and his team were stunned in place, and the atmosphere in the power plant seemed a bit silent.

(End of this chapter)

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