He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2533 The power from the earth monitor?

Chapter 2533 The power from the earth monitor?

"This again...?!"

Xiaozhi stared blankly at his Harili, which was very similar to the scene he saw in Shixiang Town last time.

Ha Lili seems to have mastered some kind of move that can explode energy?

In an instant, he killed two Pokémon on the opposite side with overwhelming power?

"This is.!?"

Behind the crowd, the white-haired giant stood out from the crowd. His pupils suddenly shrank under his thick hair, and he was also staring closely at Harry.

This power, if he guessed correctly, should be that person.
But why did it appear on a grass hedgehog?
"Nima. Nima"

After delivering this exaggerated blow, Ha Lili lay on the ground like a deflated rubber ball and started panting continuously.

And visible to the naked eye, there are green streams of light constantly flying out from the body, causing the green light on its body to gradually dissipate and return to its original appearance.

It may not even realize what happened. After a while, it looked up and looked around blankly.

"K myself."

The croak-headed frog looked at the former with solemn eyes.

If the target of the attack just now was me, could I have blocked it?
"Come back, red-faced dragon"


On the other side, Akobi and Momiji quickly took back their Pokémon and looked at Harili with fear on their faces.

This force seems familiar?

Then his eyes fell on Xiaozhi behind him.

Sure enough, this guy is not something they can stop.

"Operation cancelled, retreat."

Even the aggressive Akabi immediately chose to give in and commanded in a low voice.

Momiji beside her didn't refute and nodded.

Suddenly, the small soldiers of the Flare Team behind them dispersed and fled in panic.

After taking a deep look at the white-haired giant for the last time, the two of them could only choose to turn around and leave.

Forget it, this white-haired giant just appeared suddenly, and the target key can only be regarded as an unexpected surprise.
Just pretend it never appeared, and there is no need to forcefully collect it.

It's better to go back first and inform the leader of the information.

As for the Carlos Power Plant
In order to realize their great dream of Team Flare, they need a huge amount of energy, and their target naturally falls on Kalos' largest power plant.

However, the occupation of the power plant has been going on for some time, and a steady stream of electricity has been delivered to the Flare team base - which has also led to a large-scale power outage in the northern area of ​​Miare City, which is quite chaotic.

For now, the energy collected is enough.

Moreover, it seems that no matter how much electricity is collected, it will not have much effect on their plan.
Akebi and Momiji no longer lingered on each other and immediately withdrew from the power plant area.

Xiaozhi and his group just watched from a distance and did not stop him.
If others take the initiative, they still have reason to resist.

But if Team Flare turns around and runs away, there is absolutely no reason to stop them!

After a while, everyone in the Flare Team disappeared from everyone's sight.

The surrounding ground was also shattered by Ha Lili's explosive blow, with gravel and cracks everywhere.

Fortunately, the power facilities and equipment were not affected, otherwise the entire power plant would have been directly detonated, right?

The matter came to an end for the time being. Without the Flare Team, everyone relaxed their tense emotions and immediately surrounded Harry in curiosity.

"Is it the power of Shixiang Town last time? What kind of power is this?"

"That's really weird. Could it be that Harry is the transformation of a legendary Pokémon?"

"Is it possible that Harry is deliberately pretending to be a fool?!" Xiaozhi and the others exchanged words with each other, and the discussion was heated.

Although Ha Lili didn't know how to act, it felt good to be noticed!


It immediately held its head with both hands and became proud.

However, I accidentally caught a glimpse of the croak-headed frog next to me. There were still some ice chips on the latter's head.

Ha Lili's expression suddenly became unnatural, and there was something strange in his eyes when he looked at the frog.
At this time, a hoarse voice sounded, attracting the attention of Xiaozhi and his party.

"The power of the earth.!"

Several people were stunned and looked at the white-haired giant behind them.

Yes, they almost forgot about this weirdo. They also have many questions to ask the latter.

"The power of the earth? What kind of energy is it?"

Citron couldn't help but wonder, he had never heard of it before.

The white-haired giant shook his head, his eyes always falling on Harry.

"The divine power of the earth is a move, or in other words, an ability."

Xiaozhi's eyes couldn't help but fall on his Harili.

"Wait a minute, are you saying that the move that Ha Lili used to blast away the ground just now was called the Power of the Earth?"

Xiaozhi was the first to react and said quickly.

The name sounds very handsome, but this is the first time he has heard of it.

Judging from the posture just now, it is somewhat similar to the power of the earth. This should also be a ground attribute move.

It's really strange, Halili has a grass attribute, and even when Bronkari has evolved to the final stage, it still has an extra fighting attribute.

How could it be related to the special ground attribute moves?

"Um, this giant uncle, did you see something?"

Xiaozhi could only ask tentatively.

Not to mention, the white-haired giant's three-meter-long body was so oppressive that anyone who stood in front of him would soften their tone.

There is also the clothes of a homeless man, but there is no dirty smell, but a vague and ancient smell.
Xiaozhi didn't know how to describe it, it was like opening a warehouse that had been dusty for a long time.

"I don't know the specific power of this from the Earth Monitor, but how could it appear on an ordinary grass hedgehog?"

The white-haired giant rubbed his knitted hat head and spoke slowly.

However, there were few expressions on his face, and he seemed listless about everything.

I guess if they hadn't appeared, the latter wouldn't have felt anything wrong if they were captured and imprisoned by Team Flare people, right?

"Speaking of which, uncle, may I ask who you are?"

Serena was about to ask the other party's identity, but for a moment she didn't know how to describe the other party's existence.

Is it really human? !
"Me? Just a person trapped in eternity and enduring torture forever."

"This is not the place I'm looking for, huh"

"I hope there are more people like you in this world, young trainers. But it seems difficult to achieve."

The white-haired giant was very riddle-like in his words.

He didn't thank him and didn't intend to stay any longer.

Carrying the huge and worn-out backpack, he turned around and left, walking into the wilderness like a zombie again.

(End of this chapter)

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