He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2545 Flame Chicken Mask!

Chapter 2545 Flame Chicken Mask!
Taking advantage of the momentum, Serena also launched the final attack:

"Long-tailed fire fox, use big characters to explode!!"

The long-tailed fire fox jumped forward a few steps, as if dancing, then with a sharp look, it raised the tree branch and wooden stick above its head.

The blazing flames roared out, condensing into the shape of a large character of flames in the process.

Finally, it collided with the magic flame that had not yet burned out.

snort! !
In the mid-air of this indoor arena, there was once again a deafening explosion of flames!

The effect is outstanding!

The heavy body of the self-destructing magneto could not help but fall from the air, making a dull sound.

In the smoke and dust, the surface of the magnet's body bore traces of scorch, and the single red eye in the center was already in the shape of a vortex.

"The Magnemite cannot fight!"

This time, Hitroit raised the small white flag and pronounced the verdict loudly:

"Since all three Pokémon owned by Gym Leader Citron have lost their ability to fight, Serena will win this Gym Challenge!!"

At the end of the battle, Citron let out a long breath, but there was a bit of regret on his face.

Serena, on the other hand, patted her chest with lingering fear, then showed a bright smile, ran to the center of the field and hugged the long-tailed fire fox.

"Oh, have you even mastered the big character Explosion?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were astonished, and he clapped his hands and walked up.

During normal training, they would train separately, and he actually had no idea about the specific strength of Serena's Pokémon.

Unexpectedly, the Long-tailed Fire Fox was only in its second stage and had already mastered such a big move as Big Character Explosion.

My croaking frog can't use the high-pressure water pump move corresponding to the big character "Explosive Flame" now.

Of course, the direction of Guatou Frog's practice is not towards such high-power fort moves. The high-pressure water pump is not as flexible and smooth as the water wave.

"Congratulations Serena, this is proof of your victory over Miare Gym, Voltage Badge!"

At the end of the game, Citron also came over and handed over a badge.

The yellow triangular badge is dotted with strips of lightning that shoot out in all directions, which is quite cool - most of the badge designs in the Carlos region are like this, with many variations.

"Thank you~!"

Serena laughed playfully and took the badge with her long-tailed fire fox.

This is their fifth badge, and the journey is already halfway through!

After a long absence, he served as the gym leader again. Although he encountered a waterloo, Citron was in a happy mood.

"Then the next gym leader will continue to rely on you!"

He patted the shoulder of the robot next to him and entrusted him with the important task.

"I will definitely fulfill my responsibility!"

After the program modification, Hitroit now became humble and polite, and answered seriously.

Thinking of this, Citron looked at his friends, patted his chest and said:
"It just so happens that everyone is tired from walking in the wild. Let's take a good rest in Miare City these days~ We have several luxurious rooms in the Prism Tower~!"

Although the Prism Tower is not entirely an asset of their Miare Gym, Citron still has some privileges.

"Oh~! It sounds great!!"

Xiaozhi was overjoyed when he heard this and looked around. He had long wanted to take a stroll on the Prism Tower for a while.

Climb to the top of the Prismatic Tower, the tallest building in the Kalos region.In a sense, it can be regarded as reaching the pinnacle of Carlos, right?
"Great! I'm going to buy some new clothes~! Long-tailed Firefox, I heard that there are some beautiful accessories for Pokémon to wear recently~!"

Serena also held her fists, elated.

But what makes Xiaozhi strange is that Serena always shops in every city she goes to, but she always wears the same set of clothes.
All the new clothes are mailed home. The room must be full, right?
"Then Yulijia will be your guide~!"

Yurika took the initiative to ask for help, took Xiaozhi's hand and ran to the top of the Prism Tower. Serena followed behind humming a tune.

As for Citron, he did not follow suit.
It was a rare trip back to the Miare Gym. He and Xitroit had to check and maintain the facilities in the gym in the past few days.

At night, the city of Miare is still brightly lit, and the streets are full of residents and pedestrians.

Of course, most of them are tourists from out of town, still enjoying shopping.

But at this moment, Xiaozhi and his group walked to the northeast of the city, to a place called Yellow Square——

The streets in Miare are named after seasons, and the squares scattered around are named after colors.

The Yellow Square can be regarded as the place with the worst security management in Miare City. Even the largest and brightest city has some dark corners.

There are not only thieves and thieves running around here, but trivial matters often cause gang fights on the streets.

Even the shops that open here often have their windows smashed at night and people go in to buy them for zero dollars.

“It’s really depressed here.”

Arriving at the Yellow Square, Serena looked around. Most of the lights on both sides of the streets had dimmed.

It was so eerie that she couldn't help but move closer and grasp Xiaozhi's sleeves.

“I didn’t expect to see a place like this in Miare City?”

Xiaozhi was also greatly surprised. It was completely different from the image of Miare City in his impression.

"There is no way, no matter how prosperous the place is, there will still be this kind of gray area without jurisdiction. In addition, the number of high-income people flowing into Miare City has been increasing in recent years, so it is unavoidable."

Citron, a local, couldn't help but sigh.

Then he laughed dryly again and rubbed his head:

"Actually, I can come alone tonight~"

But Xiaozhi was so excited that he waved his hand:
"It doesn't matter, we all want to meet the legendary Flame Chicken Mask!"

Beside them, Serena and Yurika also showed curious expressions and nodded repeatedly.

Tonight is actually Citron's personal mission.

He got information from his father that he can see the Flame Chicken Mask somewhere in the Yellow Square tonight.

After completing the latter's request, you can get information about the rare Electric Dragon Mega Stone!

The Flame Chicken Mask is quite famous in the Carlos region in recent years. Of course, the most famous one is in the city of Miare.

It is said that he always wears the costume of Flame Chicken and Masked Superman, and his partner is also a heroic and powerful Flame Chicken.

He often goes out at night to act chivalrously on the streets of Miare City, specializing in fighting criminals, which makes all local criminals terrified.

As for the specific identity, no one knows.

After learning that there was such a superhero in Miare City, Xiaozhi naturally clamored to watch from the side!

(Caven, one update today.)

(End of this chapter)

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