He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2546: Eliminate the Miare gang! ?

In the yellow square, everyone came to a fountain pool, waiting for the Flame Chicken Mask to appear.

Of course, no one usually cleans this square, and there is a lot of garbage on the ground.

The fountain behind him is also in disrepair and has not been maintained for a long time. It has stopped spraying water for a long time. The remaining water in the surrounding pool also looks dirty.

The appointed time is almost here, and the Flame Chicken Mask has not yet appeared. Xiaozhi was a little impatient while waiting, and couldn't help but ask:
"By the way, Mr. Limone, how do you know that masked man?"

Limone, the father of the Citron siblings, runs a second-hand electrical appliance repair shop in Miare.

"I don't know either."

Citron scratched his head. He often told his father what he had seen on his journey, but his father's own condition was rarely mentioned to him or Yulijia.

After thinking about it, it seemed that this was the only possibility. Citron smiled and raised a finger and said:
"But my father often comes to repair electrical appliances. He is a well-known know-it-all in Miare City. I guess that's how I got to know Flame Chicken Mask."

"You guessed it right, boy~!"

Before they finished speaking, a deep voice suddenly came from behind everyone, startling several people.

Turning around, he saw a figure appearing out of thin air on the top of a sea demon lion statue fountain in the center of the pool behind.

He was tall and burly, wearing black and gray tights, which made him look extremely muscular.

He wore a mask similar to that of the Flame Chicken on his face, with yellow decorations standing on both sides of his eyes. Only a chin with a beard was exposed, and the exact face could not be seen clearly.

There is also a dark red cloak on his back, which is quite cool.

It's Flame Chicken Mask!
"Get scared.!"

Even a real flame chicken stood on a water-spouting statue of a sea demon lion next to it, with its paws on its chest and its breath restrained and calm.

"It's Flame Chicken Mask!! It really appeared!!"

Yulijia was the first to shout loudly, and the scream was very harsh in the silent yellow square.

"Hello, Mr. Flame Chicken Mask, I was introduced by Limone. My name is Citron! These are my companions!"

Citron's cheeks flushed, and he bowed down to greet him cautiously. Xiaozhi and the two also greeted each other quickly.

Hearing this, Flame Chicken Mask immediately raised his head and laughed, and said cheerfully:

"Oh haha! It turns out to be that guy from Limone! The people he introduced must be excellent trainers~!"

However, this laughter made Yurika, whose eyes were shining and staring straight at the superhero, instantly become downcast and take on a suspicious look.

This laugh, this burly figure, and a brown sideburns peeking out from under the mask.
Why does it feel like I've seen it somewhere?

"Ahem.! Let's get back to business."

Noticing the look in his daughter's eyes, Flame Chicken Mask quickly coughed and changed the subject.

In his heart, he secretly thought that Yulijia was indeed smart, but he discovered his flaw so quickly!

Unlike his stupid wooden son, who completely regards himself as an outsider!

Yes, Flame Chicken Mask's true identity is Limone.

Although during the day he is just an ordinary middle-aged electrical appliance repairman.
But once night comes, he transforms into a superhero who helps the weak and fights crime in the alleys of Miare City!

But Limone doesn't plan to tell his children this secret so soon. He is also planning to indulge in the addiction of being a flame chicken mask!

Neither of them even knew that they had subdued a flame chicken.

"Ahem. Then according to the agreement, you have to do one thing for me. After it is completed, I will tell you all the information about the electric dragon mega stone." Hearing this, Citron's face turned rosy and he nodded in agreement.

"Then the task I entrusted you with is to help me eliminate the Miare gang!"

Limone raised his hand and said in a deep voice.

"Miare Gang?"

Xiaozhi and Serena, two outsiders, looked at each other in confusion, but Citron, as a local, knew something about the Miare gang.

"These are some gangs that hang out on the streets of Miare City. Strictly speaking, they are not complete gangs. They are just a group of young gangsters, and they are not very old."

Taking up Citron's words, Limone added:
"Yes, they are just 17 or 18-year-old young people who have gone astray. They have not committed any particularly serious crimes. At most, they just smashed some windows and went in to steal Apple computers."

In other places, buying something for zero yuan might be a serious crime.

But in Carlos, it was just a daily occurrence and nothing serious.

His mission is to punish some real criminals and send them to Miss Junsha.

But faced with the Miare gang, young Limone was a little reluctant to do anything.

After all, he himself has children. Looking at these young people who have gone astray, he wants to help them get back on track.

Just in time, his son returned to Miare City.

Young people should be able to communicate better among themselves, right?

"So purge means."

Serena swallowed, thinking that Limone was going to let Citron destroy the Miare gang.

"Well, there's no need to be so exaggerated. Your mission is to teach these bad boys a lesson, and it's best to disband the Miare gang!"

Hearing this, Citron probably understood the meaning, and felt even more admiration in his heart.

Sure enough, Flame Chicken Mask is a superhero with a full sense of justice!
"give it to me!"

Citron immediately agreed, patting his chest.

For some reason, he felt an inexplicable sense of trust in front of the Flame Chicken Mask, and the urge to show off in front of the latter.
"Then the last piece of information is that the Miare gang likes to gather in the alley on the east side of the Yellow Square at night~ As for the time, it's almost right now!"

After saying that, Flame Chicken Mask suddenly lifted up his cloak and jumped back.

Although he was tall and burly, his movements were extremely flexible, and the flame chicken next to him was completely in sync with him, jumping continuously as if he was one, and disappeared into the night.

"Xiao Zhi! Let's go to the east street quickly!!"

Today, Citron was full of energy and ran at the front, even urging his companions.

He was usually slow and slow, but he was always the one being pushed.

Serena and Yurika also quickly followed.

Only Xiaozhi was left there for a moment, staring at where the Flame Chicken Mask left, thinking about everything.

That flame chicken
If he read it correctly, it should be in a mega-evolved state, right?

The light in the yellow square was dim, and none of the others in Citron could tell the difference, but Xiaozhi could see it clearly.

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