He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2547 vs. Miare Gang, Wen Mo and Zhenma!

Either Flame Chicken Mask knew how many of them he wanted to see, and deliberately let his Flame Chicken Mega evolve first before coming over to talk.

"Under normal circumstances, do you always maintain the form of Mega Flame Chicken?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but mutter.

His fossil pterosaur is in a state similar to this. Even if it does not use mega evolution, it is always in a "close to mega evolution" state.

If the flame chicken of Flame Chicken Mask can always maintain the state of mega evolution, this would be incredible!
Xiaozhi was immediately curious about the latter's identity, and even wanted to have a battle with the latter's flame chicken.

"Oops, I forgot to use the power of the waveguide just now!!"

He secretly regretted that as long as his waveguide power scanned it easily, it would be like seeing through it.

There is no disguise at all in front of him. With a thought, all underwear and panties can be taken off.

Seeing that Citron and the others had already run away for more than ten meters, Xiaozhi came to his senses and quickly followed them.

It’s better to complete the mission first, just in time to meet the so-called Miare gang in the area!

Soon, they came all the way to the end of the yellow square, with a long and narrow alley ahead.

The left and right sides are not very spacious, and there is a lot of garbage and water on the ground. There are also some overflowing trash cans placed on both sides of the aisle, which looks very dilapidated and dirty.

This actually reminded Xiaozhi of Feiyun City——

The largest city in the Hezhong region also has such dirty and dark alleys.

Speaking of which, Miare City is also the largest city in the Carlos region. In this regard, it is really similar.


Serena, who has always loved beauty, could only hug her shoulders and try to walk huddled up without touching the walls on both sides of the alley.

Everyone walked to the end of the east side path, where there was a fairly spacious open space.

It is still surrounded by a large number of cargo containers and cement pipes, and is a wasteland.

But the surrounding walls were spray-painted with colorful graffiti. At this moment, five or six young men dressed in trendy fashion gathered here, laughing and chatting.

There is also a sign of the Miare Gang at the entrance, as if this is their secret base.

Seeing that an outsider suddenly broke into their secret base, these energetic young men suddenly became alert and cast hostile glances.

The crowd parted, and two people came out, a man and a woman, who looked like they should be the leaders of this small gang.

One of the young men waved his hand impatiently and immediately scolded:
"Hey, hey, hey! This is a private place, you guys, get out of here!"

He wears a black jacket with nails and high-top boots. He has a skinny and rebellious face, a shaved head, and a bunch of green-blue explosive hair on his forehead. He is a standard Carlos gangster.

Next to him was a young woman, also dressed like a delinquent girl, with red dreadlocks, wearing ripped yellow stockings and high-heeled boots under ultra-short jeans, with the same fierce expression on her face:

"It's late at night, don't force us to do anything~"

This posture really calmed Citron.

After looking around at his companions, Citron took a deep breath and walked up on his own initiative.

After all, this is his mission alone, and he can't rely on Xiaozhi and the others for help every time.

So although Citron's voice was trembling, he still responded intermittently:

"Ahem, I. I am Citron! This is a public place in Miare City, and anyone can come here!" Such a weak tone naturally made everyone in the Miare Gang burst into laughter. Citron's face turned even redder.

With a bit of annoyance, Citron couldn't help but speak louder:
"Anyway, let's have a Pokémon battle with me! If you lose, you must disband the Miare gang immediately!!"

Well, he couldn't think of any other way but to launch a formal challenge head-on.

Seeing Citron's serious expression, the faces of the man and woman headed by the Miare gang also darkened.

It's not like a joke.
Some inexplicable person suddenly came to the door at night and wanted to disband their Miare gang.

"So boy, what if you lose? You can't lose nothing, right?!"

The leading punk man named Wen Mo immediately spoke up.

Citron had already thought about it on the way here, and his tone gradually became tougher:

"If I lose, your Miare gang's secret base can be opened in the Prism Tower from now on! There will be a special floor for you!!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone in the Miare Gang lit up.

Who wants to stay in this alley full of garbage and dirty water when you can go to the most luxurious Prism Tower in Miare City?

But, who is this guy, and he can let the Prism Tower free up a floor?
Citron's reputation as a gym leader is indeed ridiculously low, and few locals in Miare City know him.

"Okay! I agree!!"

"Hey Wenmo, what if we lose!?"

Wen Mo immediately agreed, but the bad girl next to him looked anxious and quickly grabbed his sleeves.

"Don't worry, Gemma~ Here's a yellow-haired kid, do you think you can defeat me? Tomorrow we can go graffiti on the Prism Tower~!"

He casually comforted the red-braided girl named "Jemma" beside him. He didn't think that the young and weak-spoken Citron in front of him could defeat him.

"Besides, we set the rules!"

After saying that, Wen Mo laughed ferociously and looked at Citron:

"You can only use one Pokémon, and then you have to defeat mine and Gemma's Pokémon in a row!"

If the opponent is a ruthless character, then there shouldn't be any big problem if they fight each other.

"Okay! I accept this rule!"

Hearing this, Citron agreed wholeheartedly.

He had heard about the Miare gang before, but it was not a real gang.

He was even driven into such a crowded and narrow place by other gangs, so in terms of strength, he was definitely not much stronger.

As long as we can lead a formal, head-on battle, then this matter will be easy to solve.

So all the younger members of the Miare Gang, as well as Xiaozhi and others, retreated to the edge of this secret base. Wen Mo and Zhenma looked at each other, and the woman wearing super high-heeled boots took the lead to walk up.

The Pokémon she sent had a similar temperament and appearance to hers. It was a vulture eagle with sinister eyes and its hair tied with bones on its pink head - Vulture Na!

But seeing that it was a flying Pokémon, Xiaozhi and the others were relieved.

It just happened to hit Citron, the electrical "steel plate"!

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