He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2549: This is how the ghost sword is used!


The rioting hooves of cattle trampled the ground, causing countless smoke and dust to rise. The huge movement even threw the photoelectric umbrella lizard into the air.

But this scene was exactly what Citron had expected.

"Now, use wide-area destruction!!"

The photoelectric umbrella lizard that was thrown into the air retracted its neck umbrella, and its body continued to rotate in the air to accumulate power.

The surface of the slender tail was even covered with a layer of bright blue energy sheen. Finally, it was pressed under the body and slashed down!

Bang Bang! !
Wide-area destruction, hitting the head of the afro-headed buffalo!
Although the strength is not very strong, it has become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.


The afro-headed buffalo finally couldn't bear the damage any longer. His limbs spread out and he fell to the ground!

Although the Opto-Electric Umbrella is a general and electric Pokémon, it can also be regarded as a pseudo-dragon. Moves such as wide-area destruction, dragon wave, scale shot, and even dragon dive can all be practiced. .

And as the smoke and dust dissipated, under the thick hair, the eyes of the afro-headed buffalo had turned around, and it had completely lost its ability to fight.

"The battle was perfect, Optoelectronic Umbrella! Thank you for your hard work!"

After Citron praised it, he took the photoelectric umbrella lizard back.

Next, he planned to leave the self-destructing magnet monster in the gym for Hitroit to use, and he would take the photoelectric umbrella lizard with him on the trip.

Looking at the gloomy Miare gang in front of him and the atmosphere becoming silent and stiff, Citron still tried his best to calm down his tone:

"Um, everyone, as agreed, the Miare Gang should be disbanded."

"Of course, it doesn't mean that you can't meet each other anymore. You can also chat as friends, but please don't continue to be a gangster!"

Citron naturally understood that the Flame Chicken Mask's idea was not to punish the Miare gang, but more to persuade them to do good.

Taking back the defeated afro-headed buffalo, Wen Mo stared at Citron, his expression constantly changing.

His sullen mood continued to rise, and it was obvious that he could not listen to Citron's persuasion at all.

In the end, he even spread his hands and acted like a rogue:
"It's useless to defeat us. Only if you defeat the real boss of our Miare gang will I recognize you!"

Citron suddenly became anxious:
"What? Didn't you just say that I only need to defeat you two? Why did you change your words again!"

Seeing that the situation seemed to have changed, Xiaozhi quickly walked behind Citron to support him.

"I can agree to disband, but it's useless to agree. I'm not the real boss of the Miare Gang!"

Wen Mo gritted his teeth and continued to defend, but he was not going to admit it.

The younger brothers next to him also had different expressions and looked quite troubled.

Seeing that the situation seemed to be at a deadlock, at this time, a black shadow suddenly fell on the face of the Miare gang.

Everyone subconsciously looked up, only to see a figure appear on a high platform nearby, and the shadow was stretched out under the dim light.

"Oh~ Is it Flame Chicken Mask?!"

Citron's first reaction was that he was overjoyed, thinking that Flame Chicken Mask was coming to help.

But when he looked up, his expression suddenly changed, it was not the Flame Chicken Mask.

This man was wearing black tights with orange decorations on his shoulders. He also wore something like a motorcycle helmet on his head, covering his entire head.

No, the whole body is covered, very mysterious.

But the figure under the tights is slender and not very tall. It looks like she should be a woman?
"Who is this person? !"

Xiaozhi curled his lips, could he be another superhero? "Ah! Boss! Have you been paying attention to us?!"

"Boss, these are the guys who want to attack our Miare gang!!"

"Help us teach them a lesson!!"

However, everyone in the Miare Gang obviously knew the woman in tights and a helmet, and they immediately cheered enthusiastically and praised her.

The woman in a tight-fitting helmet jumped down from a five- to six-meter-high platform and landed steadily with unusual agility.


But she didn't say a word, and no expression could be seen under the helmet. She was just facing Xiaozhi and his group.

"Uh, are you the boss of the Miare gang?"

Although the opponent seemed a bit mysterious, Citron still had considerable confidence after winning for the second time in a row and had the courage to go up.

"So as long as I defeat you, can the Miare gang be disbanded?"

He was still thinking about his goal.

"Hey, hey, kid, you don't think you can really defeat our boss, do you?"

"What's the point of disbanding then? It won't happen anyway!"

This group of Miare gang members were obviously very confident in the helmeted man, and they kept cheering and cheering from behind.


But this mysterious man remained silent, and his style of painting seemed a bit out of tune with the Miare Gang.

However, with a flick of his hand from his waist, an extra Poké Ball appeared, which seemed to have agreed to the request for a battle.

The red light fell, and it turned out to be a Pokémon that looked like an ancient sword.

The body is an ancient sword. The pattern on the handle can be vaguely seen as a facial expression, and there is a long blade ribbon on the front end.

"Is it a single scabbard?!"

Citron blurted out, and Serena, who was watching the battle, also quickly took out the illustrated book to investigate:
"Single scabbard, with steel and ghost attributes. It is said to be a Pokémon born when the soul of the dead resides on the ancient sword. It will wrap the blue cloth around the arm of the person holding the sword hilt, sucking the life out of it until it collapses."

The introduction of the illustrated book was a bit creepy, which shocked Serena, who was always afraid of ghosts.

However, if the opponent is a single scabbard, Citron is relieved and ready to release the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard again.

Although it looks weird, the single scabbard is still a first-stage form after all, and it can evolve to the upper level twice.

This means that the opponent's level is not very high, and it should not be difficult to defeat him.

But the single scabbard was suspended in the air, and it actually moved slightly back, and the hilt of the sword slowly landed on the palm of the helmeted man.

She grasped this mysterious helmet tightly, and the blue silk of the scabbard wrapped around her wrist.


The scene was a bit weird. Citron looked puzzled. Why was he holding the Pokémon in his hand?

But the next moment, he understood the answer.

I saw this man in a tight-fitting helmet stepping on the ground with strong steps and rushing directly towards Citron!
The scabbard of the single sword held tightly in his hand was raised into the air, making a thrust, aiming directly at Citron's chest, trying to poke a hole in that position!

Citron's face turned pale, he was frozen in place, unable to move, and his breathing almost stopped.

Wait a minute, is this how the ghost sword is used? ?

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