He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2550: If the tail is straightened, it can also be used as a weapon!

Chapter 2550: If the tail is straightened, it can also be used as a weapon!
"Be careful!!"

Seeing that Citron was still stuck there like a piece of wood, Xiaozhi quickly threw it down on the ground, narrowly avoiding this "heart-breaking" blow.

The other party is serious! ?

"What the hell, who is this person?"

Not only Citron was dumbfounded by such a battle, but Serena and Yurika were also stunned.

"Um, boss, although these people are annoying, there is no need to kill people, right?"

“Just teach me a lesson”

This group of Miare gang members were not real gangsters. They were shocked by this sudden blow and their voices became much softer.

The boss seems a little different today?
"Hey, that's too much!"

Xiaozhi also stood up from the ground, his expression suddenly became serious, and he stared closely at the peeping girl in tight clothes.

He waved his hands secretly behind him, signaling his friends to stay away from him.

This has nothing to do with the Miare gang anymore
"Then leave it to me!"

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi took a step forward, clenched his fists and stretched his muscles.

Since the opponent wanted a real person fight, he wouldn't be afraid.

When Xiaozhi looked at it up close, he noticed that the figure of the helmeted woman looked extremely slender against the tights. However, she was roughly the same height as herself, and she probably wasn't very old.


The other party didn't speak, and they didn't even have a clear target. They attacked whoever was at the front.

Carrying the ghost sword, he rushed forward again!
Obviously there is no inheritance of this kind of ancient martial arts swordsmanship in the Carlos area, but the movements of the helmeted woman are obviously based on swordsmanship routines, and she is not grabbing the sword and dancing wildly.

Flexible slashes such as chopping or stabbing, even mixed with movements of fists and whip legs, turned into black afterimages in the dim alley.

The movements are extremely fast, this is already Pokémon level speed!
"real or fake?!"

Xiaozhi was also shocked. Is this an action that humans can do?
He quickly dodged in panic, retreating and dodging, and the sharp ghost sword blade passed by his neck several times.

This person is serious! !
rub.! !
Not only that, during the swing, the edge of the ghost sword's blade also flashed with a burst of gray-green light. This was the special effect of using continuous cutting moves!
This means that every slash made by the opponent has a bonus, and the attack will only become more and more powerful in terms of speed and sharpness!
"Xiao Zhi, be careful!!"

The helmeted woman suddenly slashed diagonally, causing Serena, who was watching the battle from behind, to scream in surprise, her heart in her throat.

Xiaozhi was already forced into a corner. At his limit, he jumped up suddenly, curled up and rolled forward. After landing, he was able to dodge the blow.

Whisper! !
Even so, the sharp ghost sword still left a deep slash on the wall, and the earth and stone were easily chopped like tofu!
"Tsk, is this a real fight side by side between humans and Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi quickly stood up from the ground, his face was ashen, and he didn't forget to complain.

"In that case, Pikachu! Help me!!"

Xiaozhi shouted quickly, preparing to follow suit and have a "fusion" between humans and Pokémon!
He can also have Pikachu use Steel Tail, and then hold the base of the latter's tail as a weapon.

Even Pikachu's ladder-shaped tail can be turned into a hard, blunt and heavy iron rod as long as it is straightened and enchanted with the properties of the steel tail!


Pikachu was watching the battle with great interest when he was suddenly cueed, and Pikachu immediately looked disgusted.

It's an electric mouse, not a ghost sword that you can hold in your hand and wield!

But since it was Xiaozhi's request, Pikachu still jumped out, ready to help.


But just as it jumped into the air, before it fell down, Pikachu's body suddenly lit up with a burst of blue light.Immediately afterwards, the figure was frozen in mid-air, unable to fall or move anymore.


He was even forcibly dragged by an inexplicable mental force and whipped out.

bang bang! !
In the end, Pikachu was smashed against the wall of a building in the distance, his body deeply embedded in it, and smoke and dust filled the air.


Xiaozhi looked startled, and subconsciously looked up high, only to see a sneaky figure standing on the balcony of the building diagonally in front of him.

The whole body is also flashing with blue light, obviously it released the mental power just now.

But judging from the body shape, it's not human.

Looks like an upright squid?

Before he could take a closer look, the helmeted woman in front of him had already grasped the ghost sword again and was slashing from the front!

"Damn it, do you really think that we newbies have no temper!?"

Xiaozhi was also angered, and this time he simply did not dodge, and slammed his hands together in front of his forehead.

A clear slap sounded, and his palms hit the broad body of the Ghost Sword firmly, causing it to stop there and unable to slash further.


The sudden change seemed to make the helmeted woman stunned.

This was a combination of several consecutive slashes, so he was easily caught with bare hands?

Moreover, she wanted to withdraw the ghost sword, but found that no matter how hard she tried, she could no longer move the ghost sword.

It's as if the blade of the sword is embedded in fine steel and locked tightly? !

"Hey, don't think there's nothing you can do if I keep hiding!"

Xiaozhi smiled proudly and continued to catch the blade with his bare hands, closing his palms tightly.

The distance between their heads was barely half a meter, but Xiaozhi found that the surface of the other person's motorcycle helmet was still pitch black, and he couldn't see through it at all.

In other words, it's not a motorcycle helmet at all?

Seeing that the other party had no intention of letting go, Xiaozhi gave a low shout and prepared to press his palm down, slide it all the way to the handle of the ghost sword, and forcefully snatch it away.

This "weapon" is too dangerous!

shhhhhh! !

But he had just started to slide down when the ghost sword's blade suddenly rotated at a high speed, flying like a drill, and forcibly broke away from Xiaozhi's hand.

And under high-speed rotation, the blade at the edge also becomes sharper!

Even Xiaozhi could only quickly withdraw his palms to prevent his hands from being cut off by the ghost sword.

"Is this a gyro ball move?"

Xiaozhi said with lingering fear that the opponent's "weapon" can use moves.

The gyro ball move of the single scabbard is also very interesting to use——

There is no movement at the hilt, but the sword body rotates at high speed, allowing the sword holder to still hold it firmly.

At this moment, the opponent was completely holding a large saw-toothed drill bit, and it was impossible to pick up the blade with his bare hands!
(End of this chapter)

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