He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2555 Dora Sena and the Green Cotton Bird!

Chapter 2555 Dora Sena and the Green Cotton Bird!

Of course, Harili also surprised Dr. Bratano.

Although he is a foodie with mediocre qualifications, his brain is not very good either.
But after listening to Xiaozhi talk about the two energy bursts, Dr. Buratano could only lament that he had also made a mistake.

So this is also a ghost?
"The power of the earth? Well, I seem to have heard of this move. It is the exclusive power of the legendary ancient god, Zygarde."

Dr. Buratano doesn't know much about the specific details. Maybe it has something to do with the Z-god polyhedron he invented?
To discover the potential in Harili, Xiaozhi can only rely on Xiaozhi to develop it himself.

"Anyway, you're going to meet someone with me today!! I've just made an appointment!!"

After looking at his watch, Dr. Buratano excitedly pulled Xiaozhi out of the research institute, which puzzled Xiaozhi.

Anyway, I was idle, so I simply followed behind.

Along the way, the two also chatted about the "Diamond Mining Country" and the legendary Pokémon in Kalos.
But Dr. Buratano's research focuses on mega evolution, and he is not very familiar with these.

But Xiaozhi also knew one piece of information——

There is no secondary god in the Kalos region!
For example, there are three holy birds, three toilets, three holy swords and so on that can be found in other areas.
There is no record of this in the Carlos region!
Skip the second-level gods and go directly to the ancient god-level beasts.

"Tsk, what a pity"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi suddenly felt regretful. He always felt that the Kalos region was missing a lot of elements.

I walked on the streets of Miare for almost 20 minutes. This large city has so many side roads that it is difficult to tell the direction.

But what surprised Xiaozhi was that Dr. Buratano finally brought him to a shop called "Fire Lion Cafe". On the left and right sides of the door sign, there were cartoon logos of male and female Fire Lions respectively.

The location of this cafe is not in the bustling area of ​​the city, and is even a bit bleak.


When I opened the door and entered, there were not many customers in the cafe.

"It seems that the distinguished guest I made an appointment with has not arrived yet. Let's go in and order a cup of coffee to wait for him~! I'm treating you today~!"

Buratano smiled kindly and sat in a seat inside with Xiaozhi.

But not long after the two of them sat down, the door of the coffee shop opened again.

This time it was a familiar face, which made both Xiaozhi and Dr. Buratano look puzzled.

Serena. Why did you come to this cafe too?

The two looked at each other, and seeing the same confused look in the doctor's eyes, Xiaozhi was sure that the person the latter wanted to meet was not Serena.

They had a clear understanding of each other, and at the same time, they subconsciously lowered their heads on the table to hide.

Xiaozhi became interested, crossed his arms and quickly looked behind Serena.

Meeting in such a stylish coffee shop, Serena suddenly saw a yellow-haired boy!

But he is not a young man with yellow hair and spirit.

She is an aunt with a kind face and a certain age.

Although he didn't realize it, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he wasn't a strange person.

"Hey, isn't this person?" Buratano raised his eyebrows and recognized the middle-aged woman. Seeing Xiaozhi's confusion, he quickly lowered his voice and introduced:
"That one is the king of our Kalos Alliance, Ms. Dora Sena who is good at dragon attributes~!"

By the way, why are you so sneaky?
"Dragon King?"

Xiaozhi looked at it with confusion, it was a little different from what he thought of a trainer who was good at dragon attributes.

This aunt is wearing a brown-red dress, has long smooth gray-blue hair, and has bracelets on her neck and arms that look like dragon teeth and scales.

But his face looked very kind and smiling, and he didn't look like a trainer who could use domineering and powerful dragon beasts at all.

What's strange is how did Serena know this Dragon King?

Along the way, I didn’t hear Serena mention it.

So Xiaozhi couldn't help but propped up his ears and listened secretly.

"Cough cough."

Dr. Bratano coughed slightly. Although he did not take the initiative to say hello, he still sat upright in his original position, maintaining his etiquette image as a Pokémon doctor.

On the other side, Serena and Dorasena found a seat near the display window.

There was a pillar between the two groups of people, so they couldn't see each other.

After sitting down, Serena's expression looked very reserved and her cheeks were red.

In fact, she just found out that the "netizen" she met online was actually the famous Carlos Dragon King. When they met outside just now, she was so shocked that she could hardly speak.

Serena obtained a Tanabata Blue Bird mega stone from her mother, and her next goal was naturally to conquer a Tanabata Blue Bird, or a Blue Cotton Bird.

But there are no traces of this Pokémon inhabiting the wild in the Kalos region.

There was no other way, Serena could only set her sights on the Internet to see if omnipotent netizens had any relevant clues.

But what surprised her was that a netizen said that she had a blue sheep bird and needed to find a new trainer.
Serena was overjoyed and immediately took the initiative to get in touch and wanted to win the right to raise this green sheep bird.

The latter also said that he could give it to Serena, but he must go through her offline interview first!

At first, Serena doubted whether it might be an online scam, but when she saw that the offline location was in Miare City and they met at a cafe near the street, she immediately agreed!

Unexpectedly, after meeting, he turned out to be Carlos’ Dragon King!
"Miss Dora Sena, I am from Chaoxiang Town. My mother is an excellent armored rhinoceros rider named Saki! Although I am a newbie who only started traveling this year, these are the five badges I have collected!"

Naturally, the King of Heaven could not be some weird person. Serena quickly used her energy and introduced herself seriously.

It's probably because this king has extra Pokémon that he doesn't know what to do with, so he looks for a suitable trainer online, right?

"Hmm, very good resume~"

Dorasena nodded, she was a new trainer with great potential.

As Serena guessed, the egg laid by her ace Tanabata Blue Bird hatched, but she could not find a suitable junior trainer to give it to.

Simply search online, and then conduct an offline assessment to choose a suitable trainer for the Green Mianniao.

In fact, when she saw Serena for the first time just now, she was already quite satisfied.

At this moment, after listening to Serena's self-introduction, she smiled and nodded repeatedly. She is a good entrusted person!
(End of this chapter)

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