He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2556 The three-person team is assembled! ?

Chapter 2556 The three-person team is assembled! ?

In the cafe, Serena and Dora Serena were chatting animatedly.

Especially after knowing that Serena also owned a Tanabata Blue Bird Mega Stone, hoping to allow the future Blue Bird to complete the mega evolution, Dora Serena was even more elated, and even planned to take out the Poké Ball on the spot to complete the exchange ceremony.


At this time, the door of the cafe opened again, and several people in the cafe subconsciously looked up.
It's an acquaintance again!

Three of them came at once!
"Citron, Yulijia and Uncle Limone...?"

Serena was stunned, how could these three people appear here?

"Family party?"

Xiaozhi also looked puzzled. What a coincidence that he chose this place.

The Fire Lion Cafe is not that big, and you can almost see the entire interior from the entrance. Citron caught the sight of Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi at the first glance.


He was also stunned for a moment, why were Xiaozhi and Serena here, and why were they still sitting in two corners separately?

"It's Selei"

Just as Yurika was about to wave and say hello loudly, Limone quickly pulled her in front of her, smiled at the two of them from a distance, and then took her daughter to sit on the inside.

Citron also gave an apologetic wink to the two of them, and did not say hello directly. Instead, he walked to the inside and sat down again, looking a little nervous.

Serena: "?"

It was baffling, but she nodded slightly.

The Citron family sat at the innermost seat of the cafe, close to the backstage of the kitchen, which happened to be back-to-back with Xiaozhi's table.


Although Dr. Bratano also thought this family was weird, he secretly said hello to Uncle Limone.

Professional equipment in the institute.Professional engineers are needed to repair
But when ordinary electrical appliances break down, Uncle Limone is asked to come to repair them, and the two of them are quite familiar with each other.

After hearing the noise here, Serena turned her head curiously, tried to stretch her neck, and finally saw Xiaozhi and the doctor.


Her eyes were a little confused, why were these two people here?

Originally, their team worked separately, but they didn't expect that they would all gather in this inconspicuous little cafe today.

Xiaozhi and Citron's chairs were back to back. The latter glanced at the waiter in front of the desk in the distance, and then he and Xiaozhi lowered their heads in the aisle at the same time, whispering to each other.

"Ehitron, why are you here?"

"Ah, we are here to steal the electric dragon mega stone."

Xiaozhi: "?"

Wait a minute, isn't the Electric Dragon Mega Stone in some Fradari Cafe? It's not here, right?

"That was the previous name. Now Fradali Cafe has changed its name to Fire Lion Cafe."

Citron explained that the orange-red hair of Vladali, the leader of the Flame Team, made his face look like a male flaming lion.

Xiaozhi: "."

Can it still be such a coincidence?

However, after hearing Citron's words, Xiaozhi suddenly became excited, and he introduced himself briefly:
"What do you mean, do you need my help?"

Team Flare is still an enemy unit to him!Steal hard!
Citron pushed up his glasses and pretended to be a family of three here for a family gathering today, but in fact they were here to gather information.

He has already investigated and found that there are only two staff members in this small cafe. One is preparing drinks in the backstage of the kitchen, and the other is a waiter. At the moment, he is sitting on the high chair at the front desk, playing with his mobile phone idly, waiting for the meal. Make.

The entrance to the secret underground base is located in a secret door in the backstage kitchen.

Citron's plan was to let his father cover up the situation in the cafe, while he secretly sneaked into the kitchen to investigate, and then take action again late at night when no one was around.

When the time comes, just smash the window and go in to get the mega stone.

After all, zero-dollar shopping incidents in Miare City are so common that no one should pay attention to their operation.

"Want to investigate? Leave it to me!"

As he had nothing to do, Xiaozhi immediately smiled and started playing, then he sat upright and returned to his position, closed his eyes and started to use his energy.


A burst of invisible energy ripples spread out like water ripples
Dr. Brattano: "?"

Suddenly I felt like I was being spied on for no reason!

He noticed what Xiaozhi and the others were doing, and the people he had made an appointment with hadn't arrived yet, so he simply waited and watched.

After a while, Xiaozhi opened his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth confidently.

Then he quietly lowered his figure and told Citron the information he had used the power of the waveguide to detect:

"There is really a secret base with three underground levels down here, but it's not very big. And it seems to be an abandoned base. There are no biological waveguides in it."

Hearing this, Citron's eyes lit up.

This means that as long as he gets rid of the two people in the cafe, he can directly and smoothly enter the secret base.

The power of waveguide is really great!

Then he sat upright again and looked at his father.

Limo understood in his heart, and his rough face showed a rare hint of excitement.

In the past, people wearing flame chicken masks would do things in broad daylight.Acting as he is really makes him excited!
The father and son had a tacit understanding, and they stood up and walked to the front desk one after the other. Yulijia was left alone at the original table, teasing Dongdongshu with nothing to do, thinking that her brother and father had gone to order food.

"Haha~ Is there any special meal today? Is the raw material of this roasted snail made from sticky treasure?"

Limone walked in front, held up the menu and asked.

"The wild sticky treasures in the swamps of Route 14 have been captured long ago. Now, the roasted snails in the Carlos area are nowhere to be found with such high-end ingredients."

The waiter was also a familiar person and chatted casually.

Limone's huge figure just blocked Citron's figure.

During the chat, the latter seized the opportunity and slipped into the backstage of the kitchen.


Although the front desk clerk did not see Citron's actions, other people in the cafe did.

Even Dragon King Dorasena held up her chin curiously, looked at Serena in front of her, then looked in the direction of Citron, smiled quietly and watched what happened without making a sound.

These people should all be Serena's friends. What are they going to do?

She even squinted her eyes, waved her palms, and greeted the doctor from a distance.

After all, the circle in the Carlos area is so large, everyone is acquaintances.

(End of this chapter)

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