He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2560 Say goodbye to Miare and head to Aroma City!

Chapter 2560 Say goodbye to Miare and head to Aroma City!
A square in front of the Prism Tower.

"Please give me more advice in the future, Qingmianniao~!"

Serena released a sky-blue, swollen bird with white wings on both sides as soft as cotton. She came closer and said hello.

This is the green cotton bird she received from Dora Sena, and she officially joined the team today.


After the green cotton bird circled in the air for a week, it landed firmly on one of Serena's shoulders, with its cotton wings curled up, and its appearance was unusually cute.

Serena even directly strung the Tanabata Blue Bird mega stone as a necklace and hung it on the latter's neck.

On the other side, Citron also released his furry sheep and took out the electric dragon mega stone he had just obtained as a treasure.


The furry sheep held its little hands in front of her, looking eagerly at the little bead with a look of yearning in her eyes.

Next, the two of them have the same goal. They strive to complete the evolution of their Pokémon, and then they can start trying to use mega evolution.

"It's going very smoothly~!"

Seeing the excited expressions of the two friends, Xiaozhi looked at them with his hands on his hips and nodded as if he had been through it before.

He had the same look before he was about to try mega evolution for the first time.

Turning around, he saw Uncle Limone standing beside him, looking at Citron and the other two with the same sad smile.

Ash was a little confused, could Uncle Limone also use mega evolution?
Subconsciously he glanced at the electric dragon standing behind Limone. Although he was just his partner in repairing second-hand electrical appliances, he seemed to be of a high level.

However, there is no mega stone decoration on this electric dragon.

Speaking of which, Uncle Limone is just a maintenance worker. How did he become so tall and strong?
"Dong dong rat, let's work hard too!!"

Yulijia held up Dong Dong Mouse and encouraged each other, feeling that their scenes had become less and less recently.

This is a traveling foursome, not a threesome!

"Dong dong~!"

The dongdong rat barked in response. It has been learning from its predecessor Pikachu in the past three months, and now its sense of presence has become less and less!

After everyone was playing around for a while, Limone waved and motioned for everyone to gather in front of him:

"Anyway, you should go to Aromatherapy City next, right? There are many fashionable and cute girls there~"

"Especially Miss Ma Xiu, the leader of the Aromatherapy Gym. Some people have always said that she is the most beautiful woman in the Kalos region, surpassing Miss Kalunai~"

Limone touched his chin, and his tone couldn't help but become much lighter.

Hearing this, Citron's cheeks turned red first, and he couldn't help scolding:

Yulijia's eyes lit up when she heard:
"It means there are many candidates for sister-in-law!"

Limone immediately patted Yulijia on the shoulder and said sincerely:

"Yu Lijia, then your brother's future will be left to you!"

"Don't worry, Dad!"

Citron: "."

He held his forehead and saw that neither of the two relatives in front of him was serious.

"Aromatherapy Gym, a gym specializing in fairy attributes, my sixth badge..."

Serena clenched her fists and encouraged herself secretly. "Fairy attributes"

Xiaozhi is quite new, this is the first fairy-type gym he has ever encountered, right?

You must know that in some areas, the fairy attribute does not even clearly exist at all.

"If you want to go to Aroma City, you have to take the Aroma Forest Road on Route 14 in the north of Miare City. There is a swamp here and the road is not easy to walk~"

Uncle Limone coughed and returned to the topic:

"Xiao Zhi, I heard that you are planning to gather a dragon team? What a pity, there used to be a lot of sticky treasures living in that swamp~ Now there are no traces~"

He shook his head regretfully.

Nian Nian Bao is the initial form of Carlos's quasi-god Nian Meilong. However, it is very weak before it evolves. It has almost no attack ability or escape ability. It can be caught easily.

People at the time didn't know that Niannibao could leap over the dragon's gate after evolving and be directly promoted to a powerful quasi-god, so they didn't take it seriously and started poaching and trading at will.
Snails are extremely popular ingredients in the Carlos region.

"Is there such a thing?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi felt a pity secretly. It seemed that this kind of thing happened in every region.

But it's not a big problem. He has the power of the waveguide. If he investigates carefully along the way, he might be able to miss a sticky treasure.

"Guys, the trip went well~ I also asked Xiaozhi and Serena to take care of my son and daughter~"

Limone laughed innocently as a farewell.

Speaking of which, Xiaozhi and his party have been in Miare City for a while, and it's time to head to the next stop.

"Dad, please remember to go back to the gym when you have time. If Hitroit can't handle it, please help!"

Before leaving, Citron did not forget to warn him.

"I know, I know, I know~!"

Limone responded perfunctorily, but Heroite beside him also came to see him off, and said seriously in a mechanical voice:
"I know Master! I will protect Miare Gym!"

Citron felt relieved. He left the lantern fish, naughty bomb, and self-destructing magnet monster in the gym. He should be able to deal with most of the challengers.

After doing this, Xiaozhi and his party waved goodbye, packed their luggage, and walked towards the north of Miare City.

On Route 14, around noon, the group officially entered this area.

Completely different from the magnificent modern cities in the south, the painting style of the aromatic forest road suddenly became strange.

The soft loess ground feels soft when you step on it. It is rich in moisture at first glance. If you are not careful, you may even step directly into the pit and sink into it.

The entrance is fairly bright, but on both sides of the road ahead, there are thick trees growing with tangled roots.

The yellow-green forked trees almost completely obscured the light, making the roadway below look dark and eerie.

There are many low-lying potholes along the way that form stagnant water, small lakes, and even dangerous swamps.
This place is obviously not suitable for humans to walk, but it is a paradise for water-loving Pokémon!
"Xixi~!" "Yiyi~!"

In the distance, you can still hear the sneaky calls coming from the swamp jungle. Although they are the sounds of wild Pokémon, they are exaggerated and elongated by the forest, just like the shrill screams of ghosts!

Serena's face turned green, and she quickly grabbed Xiao Zhi's sleeves, not daring to let go.

"It's okay Serena, they're just wild Pokémon~!"

Xiaozhi comforted him carelessly and secretly used his waveguide power in an attempt to find wild sticky treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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