He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2561 The Haunted House in the Halloween Chapter!

Chapter 2561 Halloween Haunted House!

There is a hotel built next to the entrance of the Aroma Forest Road, and the decoration of the exterior wall looks very dilapidated and old.

"Oh, that's the famous House of Horrors. There's an old man inside who will tell you a lot of scary ghost stories~!"

Citron still knew something about this and introduced it to a few people:

"And when telling stories, it is said that the curtains inside are closed, and there is only a flickering candlelight. The atmosphere is full, and it can often scare the people who come to the door half to death!"

Hearing this, Serena's face changed suddenly, her cheeks puffed up, and she shook her head repeatedly.

"Sounds interesting?"

Xiaozhi was quite moved.

It’s just that I don’t know what holiday it is today, but there are still a lot of people gathered outside this house of horror. It seems that they are all tourists who are ready to go in to listen to ghost stories.

And the outside of the house is also decorated with some pumpkin monsters, demon fire red fox branches and other decorations.
"By the way, today seems to be Halloween, right?"

Citron immediately understood. No wonder the business here was pretty good today, with so many people queuing up outside.

This group of people probably came to visit the haunted house.

Seeing Xiaozhi's excited expression, he didn't want to miss out on exploring the haunted house.

"Wait a minute, let's not go."

This time, it was Citron who stopped him.

Because compared to tourists who are frightened and screamed by the ghost stories of the owner of the House of Horrors, the tips inside are the scariest.

"You also know that as long as we, Carlos, are in the service industry, we have to collect tips."

Citron spread his hands and said helplessly:

"Although there is no charge to enter this scary thing to listen to stories, tips will be charged, and the tips are ridiculously expensive. The owner will keep stalling for time and tell you all kinds of ghost stories."

In fact, many people screamed because they finally saw the bill.

Serena: "."

When you hear it this way, it doesn’t seem scary all of a sudden?

"Well, there are so many people there, it's boring. If it's Halloween, I'll naturally go explore somewhere with fewer people!"

Yulijia's eyes shone, and then she raised her hand and pointed to the sneaky path in the swamp ahead.

The roads there are narrow, the light is extremely dark, and there are natural wild Pokémon as "ghosts" that scare people and cause trouble along the way. It is a perfect haunted house!

“Let’s go, let’s go, everyone!!”

Yulijia took the lead, shouting and walking at the front.

But she is not actually bold. Yulijia is afraid but wants to play. This is the most exciting thing!
"Be careful, Yulijia, there are swamps everywhere here!"

Seeing this, Citron quickly and carefully followed up, pretending that he wanted to release his furry sheep and use the "Flash Technique" trick to clear the way.

“Turn on the lights in a haunted house, it’s too disgraceful!”

However, this idea was directly rejected by Yulijia. She has now completely substituted herself into the plot of walking through the Halloween haunted house.

"Let's go too, Serena~!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi chuckled and followed suit.

"Uh, do you really want to go this way? In fact, we can also go around to Xiangxuan City by taking the east road."

Serena was trembling a little and looked around at everyone, but in the end she could only lower her head and hold Xiaozhi's arm tightly.

The two people's bodies were almost touching each other. Seeing that the latter didn't react at all, Serena's fearful expression was filled with a hint of red.So she moved closer.

It seems that visiting a haunted house on Halloween is not such a torture, right?

Xiaozhi naturally didn't know what the girl next to him was thinking. Seeing the surrounding environment, his heart moved and he released the garbage he had just conquered with his backhand.

As for the swamp environment, it should be the terrain that Trash and Algae likes, right?


Sure enough, as soon as he came out of the elf ball, Garbage Zao held the metal film and plunged directly into the muddy water of the swamp nearby, swimming happily.

With a smile on his face, Xiaozhi let Garbage and Zao follow them, while secretly exerting force in his heart to explore the surroundings for his own waveguide power.

The waveguide like ripples of water provides a panoramic view of the waveguides of all living things within a radius of several hundred meters.

The wild Pokémon here, most of them on land are Trumpet Bud, Fangcage, and some dangerous and poisonous Pokémon such as Scorpion and Arbor. You need to pay special attention to your steps.

In the stagnant water of the swamp are common Pokémon such as Swamp King, Catfish King, Mudfish, and Mosquito Tadpole.

"A slug-like Pokémon"

Xiaozhi had already seen the appearance of sticky treasure in the illustrated book, and secretly used the waveguide to eliminate it.

It's just that many Pokémon here are also hiding in the mud, and their bodies are mixed with the mud. They are similar in shape to the sticky Pokémon and are difficult to distinguish.

"Garbage, use tornado at that location!!"

Along the way, Xiaozhi also tried some things, directing the garbage algae to attack.

The move Tornado has little power, but it has a strong binding force. It is perfect as a skill for catching Pokémon.


Garbage Algae dived into the mud, his eyes glowing green, and then a tornado formed out of thin air, stirring up all the surrounding mud.

At the same time, a small Pokémon buried deep inside was also rolled up.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that a broken Wu Bo was rushed out, so they didn't pay attention.

Xiaozhi secretly felt regretful, and quickly signaled to Garbage to stop using the tornado, and then the wild Umbao fell from the sky.


But what makes Xiaozhi confused is, don't Ubo and Swamp King both have blue skin?
Although the skin was stained with mud, making this Ubo's body turn tan. But the tornado just now must have swept away a lot of mud.

Even so, Ubo is still tan, as if that is its own body color.

"really weird."

Xiaozhi didn't think much about it. Maybe it was because he had been soaked in the swamp for too long and his skin had been assimilated, right?
"Are you looking for sticky treasure? Then leave it to me!"

Today, Citron was full of energy and was about to take out the machine he had invented in advance to assist in the investigation.

But soon, Yulijia pulled the hem of her clothes and stopped her.

There should be a corresponding sense of ritual when entering a haunted house, and the atmosphere should be a bit spooky.

After the machine started working for a while, it exploded again. Everyone was holding their afros, and it turned into a comedy. She would not be able to hold it back!

"Garbage Zao, keep looking for someone with the same aura as you!"

Xiaozhi can only ask Garbage for help. Although the latter does not have dragon attributes yet, he should have some special perception of dragon-type Pokémon, right?


Garbage Zao nodded, his figure was like a dead leaf seaweed, and once again dived into the swamp mud, looking for an existence with an aura similar to his own.
(End of this chapter)

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