He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2563 The shining Mrs. Hua Jie is coming!

Chapter 2563 The shining Mrs. Hua Jie is coming!
The next day, it was still dark.

The entire wetland area was still gray, and the light gradually turned white.

On the rooftop of the second floor of the Xianzang cabin, Serena leaned on the railing with high spirits and called her friends back:

"Hurry up, hurry up~ The sun will rise soon~!"

Enjoying the sunrise in such an open area with a vast plain is no worse than a sunrise over the sea.

"I'm coming."

Xiaozhi yawned and walked up from the stairs, accompanied by the Citron brothers and sisters.

Xianzang was leisurely holding a breakfast plate with his trumpet bud. He had seen the sunrise in the wetland countless times, but he was not as excited as a few others.

As the sunrise approached, a faint white light emerged from the end of the wetland as far as the eye could see. The entire wetland seemed to be turned on and became much brighter.

Everyone squinted their eyes and quietly admired the sunrise, until when the sun rose about one-fifth of the way up, a burst of chaotic noise came.

"Hey! Is something coming here?!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly exclaimed. There seemed to be some small black dots in the blazing white sun.
And these small dots continue to enlarge, as if something is approaching quickly!

Everyone raised their hands to cover the light and squinted their eyes, only to see three ancient giant flies coming quickly towards their direction.

There is even a woman standing behind the ancient giant fly in the middle?
"Not just the ancient giant flies."

Xiaozhi has the best eyesight, and he was the first to notice that there were not only three ancient giant flies, but also six or seven giant sting wasps scattered nearby, flying in an array!
After the figure was slightly enlarged, everyone could clearly see the "woman" on the ancient giant fly.

This is actually a human-shaped Pokémon, with a figure as graceful as a willow, and clusters of flowers blooming around its face, like the gorgeous decorations of a female noble.

The slender torso is dark purple in color, like a flower pedicle supporting and connecting the petal head below.

"It's Mrs. Hua Jie!"

Serena blurted out and exclaimed, and Xiaozhi beside her subconsciously took out the illustrated book.

"Mrs. Huajie, with fairy attributes, is the evolved form of Huayedi. The color of the petals on her body will change depending on the type of petals held in Huayedi's stage. She has a proud personality and will show no mercy to those who destroy her garden, even if she begs for mercy. A relentless attack."

The illustrated guide indicates that it is a Pokémon with the personality of a queen.

Just looking at the picture in the illustrated book, Xiaozhi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and looked into the air.

The flower pedicles of Mrs. Hua Jie on the ancient giant fly are dark purple, while in the illustration, the flower pedicles of normal grass leaves are green.
"Wow, is it still a Shiny Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi became interested.

"Is this the sparkling Mrs. Huajie?"

Beside him, Serena was also staring with red cheeks. She owned a Fatigue, and she had some understanding of this kind of Pokémon.

The color of the petals on Mrs. Hua Jie's head will change due to various factors, but the flower pedicles on the body are always green and will not turn into messy colors.

Not only did the pedicle of this sparkling Lady Huajie turn purple, but her eyelashes and upturned leaf-like ears on both sides also turned a seductive purple color, adding a bit of charming and cold temperament.

"Uh, isn't it coming towards us?!"

Citron was in a hurry, as several ferocious-looking flying insects were flying over menacingly.

"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with us." At this time, Xianzang also walked to the railing and comforted him calmly.

Looking at this posture, it is obvious that this is not the first time such a movement has been seen.

Everyone stood on the rooftop of the wooden house and watched, but they saw this fierce army of insects flying to a huge protruding rock two or three hundred meters away and stopped moving forward.

Then it circled around the rock and earth bag, forming an encirclement shape.

It wasn't just the air force. Among the grass on the ground below, a step behind, many Alidos soon appeared, mixed with a few large armored and pincer-tailed scorpions.

They are all classic villain Pokémon.

"Are they all bugs?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but complain, especially the back of the tallest ancient giant fly, with the shining Lady Huajie riding on it, like a proud and noble queen, the leader of this army of insects.

"So, what are they doing surrounding that big rock?"

Citron raised his glasses and couldn't help but ask.

"It's not actually a rock, it's a rock nest."

Xianzang explained that from their side they could only see the backside of the rock lair, which looked like a dirt bag, nothing unusual.

But on the other side, you can see the entrance to the nest, which is made up of several huge rocks stacked up. The cave extends downwards and slopes down, and there is a clear and sweet spring at the end.

"This is the only rock nest in the entire wetland that has such a structure, and the spring water in it has its own unique ability. It has the magical power to heal Pokémon's body and mind. It has always been regarded as life by all Pokémon in this wetland. The source is shared by everyone.”

Xianzang quickly explained:

"But recently, this shining lady Huajie suddenly came to this wetland, tamed all the local insect-type Pokémon, and directly launched an attack on this rock lair, seeming to want to take it completely for herself."

He has been here for several years, but has never seen this shining Lady Huajie.

It's strange to say that I don't know what method Mrs. Hua Jie used, but she was able to take over the surrounding insect-type Pokémon for her own use in a short time just like a human trainer.

But these are not the point.

As Mrs. Hua Jie was surrounded by coercion, several Pokémon also walked out of the rock lair, with a bit of unwillingness in their expressions——

The Swamp King, the Lotus Leaf Boy, the Mosquito-Celerated Frog, the Mosquito-Celerated Tadpole, and the Solvovore that I saw before.

There were not many of them, with several of them clustered together. The slimy treasure from before was mixed in among several molten beasts.

But compared to the well-trained and ferocious insect army in front of them in the sky and on the ground, these Pokémon looked very weak.

Especially since they were not led by someone like Mrs. Hua Jie, they were completely scattered and couldn't compare with the enemy in front of them.


The Marsh King, who could barely be called the leader, stepped forward and whispered in response to Mrs. Hua Jie.

It's just the look of Mung Bean's squinting eyes, which is not intimidating at all.

They are local Pokémon and regard this rock lair as their home. The spring of life in it is their most important thing, so naturally they cannot just hand it over.

(End of this chapter)

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