He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2564: Hang him up and beat him up, then shake hands and make peace!

Chapter 2564: Hang him up and beat him up, then shake hands and make peace!
"Hua Jie!"

Seeing that this group of weak natives still refused to give up their position, Madam Hua Jie snorted and launched an attack without mercy.

As the leader, she naturally did not take any action. She only commanded the ancient giant flies to rise into the sky to show her status.

But other ancient giant flies fluttered their wings and flew out with translucent sonic boom slashes!
The giant sting wasps of the ten thousand-year-old villain raised their double needles and shot out dense purple poisonous needles!

Even Alidos, Pincer-tailed Scorpion and other poisonous insects below also raised their tails and shot out several emerald-green missile needles, all blasting out!
There is no other way, these wetland native Pokémon can only choose to fight back.


Several swamp kings, mosquito-repellent frogs, mosquito-repellent tadpole brothers, and lotus leaf boys opened their mouths wide and fired powerful water guns to fight back!
The melting beasts spit out venom bombs, and the Sticky Baby among them also wanted to do the same, but he opened his mouth and sprayed out a water gun, which immediately revealed his secret.

Boom boom boom! !

In an instant, there were a series of explosions near the rock lair.

It's just that the opponent's firepower is obviously stronger, and Mrs. Hua Jie is commanding her from above.
Several Alidos dispersed at extremely fast speeds, hiding among the grass, and surrounded the target in the center.

Boom boom boom! !

This time, the missile needles fired again struck from all directions, but the water cannon fired back in only one direction. The sound of the explosion instantly covered up several Swamp Kings.

"Hua Jie~!!"

Mrs. Hua Jie stretched out her voice, and the ancient giant flies and giant needle bees with super high flying speed in the air also formed a queue, waiting for the opportunity to find the target, and dived from the air to launch a sneak attack!

The battle was completely one-sided, and the Pokémon in the wetland were completely suppressed.

Boom boom boom! !

After a burst of sparks exploded, most of them fell to the ground in confusion and whined.

"Hua Jie~!"

Upon seeing this, Mrs. Hua Jie's eyes squinted with disdain, and she prepared to lead the army straight into the rock lair.

But after a while, some Pokémon such as Hippopotamus and Lotus Leaf Boy emerged from the cave to stop them.
There are many local Pokémon who want to guard the spring.

Boom boom boom! !

The sound of explosions continued.

"Well, the fight started."

"By the way, aren't we going to help?"

"The Pokémon in the wetland looks very dangerous."

Watching from a distance on the rooftop of the wooden house, Xiaozhi and the others couldn't help but become anxious. It was obvious that Mrs. Hua Jie was on the bully's side.

But when he looked at Mr. Xianzang, the latter's face was hesitant and he didn't seem to intend to help.

"Well, these are just natural battles between Pokémon. They should be resolved by themselves. We humans shouldn't interfere, right?"

This is his idea and the nature reserve regulations he has always followed.

Although the Swamp King and the others are local Pokémon, so are Alidos and the Styropods.

You can't delete someone's household registration just because they look evil, right?

Fighting for territory between Pokémon is all too common.

"But, that Mrs. Hua Jie is not local, right?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but point to Mrs. Shining Flower Jie who was still in the air directing and watching the battle in the distance. "If this Pokémon hadn't been in command, it wouldn't be such a one-sided situation."

"However, the nature reserve only prevents humans from entering. If Pokémon from outside the area enter, it is reasonable and will not prevent them."

Xianzang said, this is not the first day in this situation.

Mrs. Hua Jie led this group of bugs to attack this rock lair for several days, beating these wetland Pokémon to bruises almost every day, but they were never able to break in.

When evacuating, Pokémon in the wetland will use the spring water in the rock lair to heal their injuries.

With that magical power, even a seriously injured body can still be active and vigorous in the defense battle the next day after soaking in it for one night.

Basically every day at dawn, Mrs. Hua Jie would lead an attack and retreat at dusk, which put the fight between the two sides at a standstill.

"As the guardian of the nature reserve, you must not only protect this area, but also let the Pokémon inside live a stable and peaceful life, instead of watching them fight among themselves!"

Citron couldn't help but speak, his tone was a bit serious, he didn't agree with Xianzang's idea.

"Yes, there must be some reason for the two sides to fight. If the key to the problem is found, maybe they can live in harmony."

Serena also spoke.

Since the spring water of life is something that is shared by everyone, it would be great if Mrs. Hua Jie can also use it. There is no need to start a dispute.

Is it possible that this Lady Huajie really has the character of a queen and does she need a private bathroom?

"And 002 in my backyard is also an old guardian. Every time he encounters a fight between Pokémon in the backyard, he will intervene and take the initiative to resolve the conflict."

Xiaozhi mentioned his Myrtle Grass.

Basically, with the intervention of the Myrtleweed, the fights between Pokémon in the Oak Laboratory will stop and they will shake hands and make peace.

If it doesn't stop.
Then hang up both sides with rattan whips, beat them severely, and then shake hands to make peace.


Xianzang couldn't help lowering his head and thinking, his brows furrowed deeply and he was still struggling.

Although the regulations of the protected area are here, he once felt that there were some problems with this regulation.

Especially in the past week, I have watched these Pokémon fight every day. The Pokémon in the wetland were soaked in the spring water to heal their wounds every night.
He actually had the idea of ​​​​intervening, but he thought "wait a little longer, maybe the Pokémon will solve this problem by themselves soon", and put it off until now.

Suddenly, Xianzang's palm was held by the leaves of the trumpet bud.


After looking into Trumpet Ya's small mung bean eyes, Xianzang's eyes gradually changed.

Yes, as the guardian of the nature reserve, his job is not just to drive away alien humans.
Perhaps the Pokémon in the wetland are the ones he should take care of the most!
"Just relying on the power of me and Trumpet Ya"

Xianzang frowned again. His trumpet bud vine whip was fine for lashing humans, but it was against the arrogant Mrs. Huajie.
In fact, he had wanted to help for a long time, but with his own strength, he was unable to deal with such a large melee involving nearly 50 Pokémon!

However, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he immediately patted his chest and said:
"As long as you agree to let us enter the wetland, leave the rest to us!"

The people around him also had bright eyes and couldn't wait.

Seeing this, Xianzang nodded solemnly:

"Then please stop it without further ado, let's go in now!"

(End of this chapter)

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