He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2565 Nian Meier with a metal snail shell?

Chapter 2565 Nian Meier with a metal snail shell?
Soon, everyone walked into the wetland area.

Although it looks like green grass, the soil is soft, and you can even step into a puddle if you are not careful.

But now they didn't care so much. They couldn't help but speed up their pace, and their feet were soon covered with mud.

There were even many local Pokémon rushing over on both sides of the road, ready to guard the rock lair together.

One of the Pokémon caught Ash's attention.

The appearance is somewhat similar to Nian Nian Bao, but the white and purple body is more slender and mature, instead of being a whole ball.

This should be the evolved form of Niannibao, Nianmei'er, right?

The weirdest thing is that it also carries a silver-white metal snail shell lying horizontally on the ground.

This Nianmei'er obviously wanted to support the battle, but the snail shell was too heavy, half larger than its entire body.


I saw it emerging from the hole in the snail shell, and its soft mud-like hands dragged the metal snail shell hard, but it didn't move much even though I tried my best.

Xiaozhi: "."

Is it so interesting that Carlos' Quasi-God lost his ability to move after evolving?
dong dong!

Just as he was passing by it, Xiaozhi curiously bent down and knocked on the metal snail shell, which made a crisp metallic sound. It was not hollow.


This Nianmei'er was not afraid of being approached by humans. Instead, it opened its gray-green eyes wide and looked at Xiaozhi eagerly, as if it was begging for something.

As he was on his way, Xiaozhi didn't hesitate too much. He directly carried the snail shell on his shoulders and ran towards the rock lair.

The slimy dragon immediately let out a "squeak" sound, and all its body got back into its shell, and hitched a ride.

Needless to say, it is quite heavy. It is a very solid and hard metal shell.

"Does Carlos' quasi-god turn out to have the attributes of Gundam and Dragon?"

Xiaozhi murmured quite curiously, why did it sound like it was a pure dragon attribute before?

Everyone else was paying attention to the continuous explosions in the rock lair, but they didn't notice that there was a large iron disc on Xiaozhi's shoulder for no reason -

It is said to be a snail shell, but the overall shape is a flat hollow disk. It is not in the shape of a spiral shrinkage like the shell of an ammonite beast. It only has an extra spiral plane pattern on the upper and lower sides.

After a while, everyone arrived at the rock lair.

From a distance, it looked like a small earth bag, but now that they got closer, everyone realized that it was a giant stone cave more than ten meters high and huge in size.

The front entrance is not wide and can only be seen when you come to the side.

"Hua Jie!"

Seeing that several strange humans suddenly intervened, Mrs. Hua Jie in the air cursed and launched a command attack without mercy.

Immediately, the surrounding ancient giant flies and giant needle bees approached one after another, staring eagerly.

Compared with the special appearance and color, this Madam Hua Jie’s ability is even more peculiar——

As long as a Pokémon that is weaker than her is whipped once with a powerful whip, she can make it her slave and command and dispatch it at will.
Of course, the target can only be the most vulnerable insect-type Pokémon.

The most urgent task is, of course, to stop the opponent's attack first
And such a large wave of bug Pokémon are perfect experience packs.

"It's up to you!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were fiery and he directly threw three Poké Balls, which happened to be the three great generals: Croak, Harry, and Rocket.

"K myself."

The frog's eyes narrowed, and he took the lead in attacking. He rushed forward with a ninja running posture, and instantly gathered a water-flowing blade at his waist, slashing at several Alidos at extremely fast speeds.Rocket Sparrow, which has not appeared for a long time, will naturally show off its skills against the public insect-type Pokémon.


With a high-pitched cry, his whole body was ignited with flames, and he launched a charged flame attack move and rushed towards the giant needle bee in the air.

As for Harry, his performance is even more outstanding.

"Nima, Nima~!!"

As soon as he raised his head and saw Mrs. Hua Jie's arrogant and cold face, he was immediately captured and turned into a nymphomaniac, making love crazily down there with no mercy in sight.

Xiaozhi covered his face and couldn't bear to look at it.

Mrs. Hua Jie: "."

What the hell is that grass hedgehog down there? She hasn't even whipped it with a whip yet, so why has it turned into her own dog?

"Please, long-tailed fire fox, use magic flame!!"

"Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, power rises!!"

Serena and Citron also sent their own Pokémon as support.

The long-tailed fire fox waved the branch staff, and wisps of flames floated in the air. Under the control of mental power, it attacked several ancient giant flies one after another. It was also a powerful move with outstanding effects!
Whoosh! !

The photoelectric umbrella lizard opened its neck umbrella on the spot and let out a low drink. At the same time, columnar currents were raised at several locations on the wetland ground, paralyzing and shocking the chassis abdomens of several Alidos and Pincer-tailed Scorpions at once.

"Trumpet bud, flying leaf sharp knife!!"

As for Xian Zang’s partner, the moves played by Trumpet Bud
It is the same as Gua Sha and cannot be ignored.

The battle was in full swing, and Xiaozhi didn't even realize that he was carrying a 68.5kg Nianmei'er on his shoulders.

The latter's upper body emerged from the metal snail shell, and he immediately joined the battle with great interest.

puff! !
He opened his mouth, and pink-purple flames blasted out. As his head moved, it swept forward. The fierce dragon-shaped flames overturned several large armors at once!
"Is it the dragon's wave? You guys have a lot of skills!"

Only then did Xiaozhi realize that there was a Pokémon on his shoulder, and he hugged it in front of him.

It moved left and right as if holding a laser gun, adjusting the attack direction of the dragon wave.


This Nianmei'er's durability is extremely good, and the power of the dragon's wave it sprays is not particularly strong, but it is victorious because of its continuous flow and extremely strong lung capacity without any interruption.

With Xiaozhi adjusting the direction, it simply spent all its energy on releasing its own dragon wave.

Chi bang bang! !

One person and one dragon cooperated very well, and the "Dragon Wave Laser Gun" in Xiaozhi's hand was even more powerful, sweeping away seven or eight large armored Alidos!

Such movement naturally attracted the attention of Xian Zang and others.

But Nianmei'er's weird appearance also made a few people look stunned. What kind of Pokémon is that?


Even Xianzang, a local, looked stunned.

Is it Nian Meier?
No, the Nian Meier in his impression had a small snail shell on her back, but it was just a fake snail shell, and it was the same color as her body. In essence, she was still a snail soft body.

And this "Nianmei'er" even has such a huge and thick metal snail shell? !

(End of this chapter)

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