He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2569: Mother and daughter take all

The fighting subsided, and after a while, everyone walked into the rock lair together.

The path at the entrance is not wide and extends diagonally downward to a low-lying stone cave five or six meters away. At the end of it, in the center of a stone room, there is a clear spring.

The area is only five or six meters, and the spring water is not deep, but a faint green light can be seen floating on the water surface, which is obviously not an ordinary cave spring water.


Mrs. Hua Jie gently placed her child, Hua Yedi, in the water.

The latter looked weak, with his eyes closed tightly, his face extremely haggard, and he was still unconscious at the moment.

"No wonder."

Xiaozhi stood behind and nodded secretly.

This kind of injury is obviously not normal. The general elf center's Miss Joy's methods are probably at a loss. She really can only look for a place with a strange healing effect similar to this spring.

Everyone looked at Mrs. Hua Jie, who showed her gentle motherly glory. She was completely opposite to the arrogant and cool queen before. Naturally, they did not pursue the previous attacks launched one after another.


"Lotus hat."

Even the local indigenous Pokémon, Swamp King, Hooded Boy, etc. were generous enough to let Huayidi use this place first.

Although their bodies are still scarred from previous battles,
It's not a big problem. I can just go find a place outside and lie down for two days and I'll recover. There's no need to compete with seriously ill patients for a seat.

"Hua Jie."

Mrs. Hua Jie was deeply moved by the generous performance of these wetland Pokémon. She knelt down on the bank of the spring, held her hands and lowered her head, sobbing with tears in her eyes.

Until a figure gently lifted her head up.

Mrs. Hua Jie took a closer look and saw a fat Hali supporting her.

At this moment, her lower limbs were bent on the ground, and her height had become the same as Fat Hali's.

"Hey, Fatty Hali, you kid!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but remind him, but the latter didn't look back. He just waved his hand towards Xiaozhi, signaling to calm down.

Just like a chaotic state, it can be resolved by taking back the Poké Ball and releasing it again. At this moment, Fat Hali has also recovered from the previous state of confusion and dementia.


He even gently lifted Mrs. Hua Jie's chin with one hand and called her softly.

It saw that this flower leaf was extremely pitiful and seriously injured, but compared to the physical level of healing, perhaps.
She should find a reliable father for her first!

For example, I am Fat Hali!

Xiaozhi and his party: "."

Although he has regained his sanity, his brain is still crazy.

However, Mrs. Hua Jie's expression was different from everyone else's. She was very grateful to Fat Hali who had just given a helping hand.

Although the other party was just interested in sex before.

But when she was about to stand up and thank her, she found that Fat Hali's eyes were no longer on her.

Instead, he stared directly at the spring water next to him. Due to the special power, his body was floating on the water, revealing a flowery and leafy face that I felt pity for.

That look of a haggard and delicate sleeping loli.

Fatty Hali immediately stuck out his tongue and started gluing in excitement.

Compared to cold and glamorous women, it seems that little lolita like Huayedi are more exciting!

Coupled with the special glittering pattern on this flower leaf pedicle, Fatty Hali is a little overwhelmed.
However, the next moment, Mrs. Hua Jie stood up again, her face was ashen, and her eyes were as cold as electricity.

Da da da!
Several vines extended out of his hands, and he tied up Fat Hali at an extremely fast speed and hung him in mid-air.Snapped!
Then he was whipped mercilessly.

Damn it, what a beast it is, even if it is against oneself, it still dares to think against her daughter!
Xiaozhi didn't scold him, but instead held up his hand to show that he could use more force.

This guy really needs to be taught a lesson.

clap clap clap! !

Mrs. Hua Jie twitched her several times in a row, and without even letting go of her anger, she directly walked out of the rock lair while hanging fat Hali's figure.

Her binding skills were very sophisticated, and she tied up the bending parts of the body, so that Fatty Halikong had brute strength but could not break free at all, and could only be tightly tied into a big rice dumpling.


Everyone watched in silence, but Mr. Xianzang was the first to break the deadlock.

"Let's go, let's all go outside. This flower leaf needs to rest alone in the spring water."

Everyone nodded, and then the group slowly exited the cave and returned to the surface of the wetland.

Afterwards, the wetland Pokémon unanimously agreed that the rock lair could be temporarily given up to Mrs. Hua Jie and her daughter for treatment until Hua Yidi's injuries were fully recovered.

This answer made Mrs. Hua Jie deeply moved again, and she secretly regretted her previous despicable behavior.

"The Pokémon in the nature reserve have not had too much contact with humans, their souls have not been polluted in the slightest, and they maintain the most original nature of mind."

Citron couldn't help but sigh, they are all a kind-hearted Pokémon.

"Hua Jie.!"

Mrs. Hua Jie naturally reciprocated this.

She immediately said that she and Huayidi would stay here in the future and use her special and powerful power to guard this pure land.

Of course, this time she is no longer the cruel and cold leader, but just an ordinary member of the wetland.

Xianzang was very happy about this. Mrs. Hua Jie had a brain with high IQ that could communicate with him, and she also had strong power.
He and Trumpet Bud will have less trouble in the future!
The chaotic battle during the day made everyone quite tired.

Xiaozhi and his party did not leave the wetland that day and go to Aroma City. Instead, they stayed in the wetland for another day.

But at night, when everyone was enjoying a delicious dinner in the house, Fat Harry was still hanging outside by Mrs. Hua Jie.

clap clap clap!
Even throughout the night, everyone could vaguely hear the sound of whipping coming from the distance.

There were also the screams of Fatty Hali howling like a ghost.

Of course, there seems to be some inexplicable excitement in the voice.?

The next day, Xiaozhi and his party got up, packed their luggage, and prepared to say goodbye.

Before leaving, I made a special trip to the rock nest to see the seriously injured Huayedi.
He barely regained consciousness and was even waving to a few people in the spring.

However, his body is still extremely weak, and it is estimated that he will need to soak for three or four days to recover.

When everyone returned to Mr. Xianzang's cabin.


Fat Hali was also tied up and thrown back, like a ball, rolling all the way to Xiaozhi's feet before stopping.


Its eyes were spinning, and it had lost its ability to fight.

Xiaozhi: "."

You deserve it, you actually want to take it all!

This evil trend of perverts must be nipped in the cradle! (End of chapter)

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