He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2570 Conquer, little Dialga!

"Hua Jie."

The shining Madam Hua Jie also murmured and nodded slightly to express her gratitude to Xiao Zhi and others.

And he glanced sideways at Fat Hali who fell on the ground.

She hadn't been whipping this guy all night last night.

After all, the latter still helped him, and even the humans in front of him were his benefactors.
So Mrs. Hua Jie taught her green grass court moves to this fat Hali.

And it is not an ordinary grass field, but a special ability that can use the field to launch moves across the field.

It is naturally impossible to master ordinary Pokémon.

But this fat Harry is very weird in itself, and the green light power it showed before cannot be underestimated.
Maybe he can also control his own full range of the field, maybe Sunshine Flame!

But she didn't mention this to Xiaozhi. When Xiaozhi finds out in the future, there will be a surprise, right?
"Well, you should come back first."

Xiaozhi had no choice but to take Fat Hali back. He didn't know that there was a inheritance of new moves, and thought that the latter was simply beaten all night.

You should be honest now, right?

Just as everyone was about to leave, a silver-white iron ball next to the wooden house suddenly began to tremble with a "rumbling" sound, attracting everyone's attention.


Immediately afterwards, a water column spurted out of a hole at the bottom.

With the power of the water flow, the flat iron ball was kicked up and stood on the ground.

Grumpy Grumpy!

Then it rolled on the ground, like a large tire, aiming directly at Xiaozhi!
It just doesn't seem to be able to brake on its own. The holes are only open on the left and right sides, but no water cannons can be sprayed from the front and rear.

It wasn't a big problem. Xiaozhi raised his palm and firmly supported the "silver tire" and stopped it in front of him.

"Hey, isn't this...?"

Only then did everyone have the impression that yesterday Xiaozhi seemed to be holding this silver round shell and spraying out the Dragon Wave Laser, right?
Since Nian Meier's body had not come out of the hole at that time, they did not even see the real body.

"Oh, I remember, it's you!"

Xiaozhi said with a happy expression, and quickly placed the silver round shell sideways on the ground, with the side with the hole facing up.


The next moment, a white and purple slug-like Pokémon poked its head and neck out of it.

There are two pairs of snail tentacles on its head, one long and one short. The green in its eyes is darker than the ordinary Nianmei'er, and even looks a little weird and hollow.

However, a big smile appeared on the corner of the grinning mouth, and two small purple clay hands stretched out from the edge of the hole in the snail shell, which looked very cute.

"Is it Nian Mei'er? No, Nian Mei'er doesn't have this kind of silver-white snail shell."

Citron was greatly puzzled. In terms of body, there was almost no difference from the local Nianmeier in Carlos.

Could it be that it is a sticky beauty, like a hermit crab, living in a silver-white snail shell?

Even Mr. Xianzang, a local, shook his head and knew nothing.

This wetland does inhabit some rare sticky treasures, even evolved sticky beauties.

Although the number is very small and they are timid, they are hidden in deep places. Even in the fierce battle like yesterday, they rarely come out.
However, he had seen it several times from afar.

But this one in front of him was his first time seeing it.

Xiaozhi is well-informed and quickly came to his own conclusion:
"No, it's a Pokémon with regional differences."

"Regional differences.?" Citron Serena and others were a little confused. The Carlos region focused more on studying mega evolution, and the idea of ​​regional differences was still a very novel concept here.

"Well, a Pokémon will grow into two completely different looks in two different climates and geographical environments. Even its habits and attributes will be different."

Xiaozhi said softly.

In the past, he would have been hesitant to explain these definitions and concepts.

But since he changed to Carlos's painting style, with the bonus of mature skin, Xiaozhi can speak these awkward theoretical words fluently.

Although he still doesn't know which region this Nianmei'er looks different from.
Maybe even something completely new and yet to be discovered?
But Xiaozhi was sure that the Pokémon in front of him was not the same kind of Pokémon as the local Pokémon in Carlos.

"The combination of steel attributes and dragon attributes..."

Because he has already felt the attribute power of this Nian Mei'er, which has the steel attribute, and is naturally different from the local Nian Mei'er who has pure dragon attributes.

Maybe the Steel Dragon should be called Little Dialga?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi looked at this Pokémon, his eyes gradually becoming fiery.


This sticky beauty also got most of its body out of the hole, holding Xiaozhi's thigh with its soft little hands, obviously liking this human very much.

Yesterday, it felt so good to be carried by Xiaozhi on his shoulders to output!

In fact, this Nianmei'er was originally just a Nianmei'er, but after evolving, it suddenly had a huge metal snail shell on its body, which was completely different from the local Nianmei'er.

And because of the influence of this thick snail shell, even normal actions are greatly hindered.

He couldn't lift it with his own strength, so he had to use a water gun to move it.

I didn't expect that there are humans who have such strength and can carry their heavy bodies on their shoulders.

In an instant, this sticky beauty's favorability towards Xiaozhi was maxed out!
"Oh~ Nian Mei'er, do you want to travel with me?"

Xiaozhi was unexpectedly overjoyed, and it seemed that he even skipped the step of fighting to conquer.

But he had just taken out the elf ball, and suddenly thought of something, his expression darkened, and he could only put down his palm in frustration.


Nian Meier was puzzled as to why this human being suddenly changed his expression.

"Um, I forgot, this is a nature reserve."

Xiaozhi's tone was a little frustrated. According to the regulations, the Pokémon here are not allowed to be tamed.

However, at this time, a hand rested on his shoulder.

He raised his head and found Xianzang looking at him with a smile.

"Although the regulations must be followed, sometimes, maybe we need to be flexible."

Xianzang looked at this strange-looking noodle, not only this Pokémon, but also what happened yesterday.

After this incident, Xianzang's mood has changed a lot at this moment, and he can't help but sigh with emotion:
"If this Pokémon left voluntarily, what reason do I have to force it to stay here?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and then he energetically raised the elf ball again and faced Nianmei'er in front of him:

"How about Nian Mei'er? Do you want to go traveling with me next?"


Naturally, this steel-type slimy dragon screamed with joy. Its elongated snail head touched the elf ball, and it immediately turned into a red light and was sucked into it! (End of chapter)

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