He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2585 Group battle, vs evil flame bird!


After returning to his normal state, the first thing Doropa did was to stand up, take out his camera, and take a photo of the evil black and red flame bird in the sky.

His first goal when he came here was accomplished, and then the second one
"Flame Bird! Please, please make me and my fire dinosaur stronger!"

Doropa took courage and shouted to the sky, his trembling tone was extremely sincere.


The fire dinosaur next to him cowered, holding his tail, and barked in cooperation.

In the air, this evil flame bird swept over everyone, with displeasure written on its face.

Especially Latias, who flies to the same height as it, what level are you, how dare you fly as high as yourself? !
If it were a normal version of the Flame Bird, when faced with challenges and requests from humans, it would basically agree head-on, and then duel openly.

"Evil drink.!!"

This black and red flame bird directly let out a fierce and long roar towards everyone, and black wind bursts.

Judging from his appearance, he probably agreed to accept the challenge.

But the other party seemed more like he was angry because he was disturbed and wanted to find a sandbag to vent his anger.

"Anyway, come on, Fire Dinosaur!!"

Doropa didn't care anymore and immediately waved his finger.

It's just that the fire dinosaur who suffered from him was timid. Now facing such a ferocious master, he was holding his tail and shivering, and he didn't dare to step forward.

"It's up to you, Rocket Sparrow!"

"Please, long-tailed firefox!!"

Seeing this, Serena and Ash behind them looked at each other and threw their Poké Balls at the same time.

A hand was placed on Doropa's shoulder. The latter turned his head and found Xiaozhi smiling reliably at him.

"Since our opponent is a legendary Pokémon, let's have a group battle, four against one, or three against one."

As he spoke, Xiaozhi raised his head and shouted into the air:

"Latias, use another healing wave on the Rocket Sparrows, and then press the formation from behind. You don't need to take action for the time being!"

If Latias went into battle, everyone would be a divine beast and would not be inferior to the other party, so there would be no need for any group battles.


In the air, Latias' dissatisfied voice came, but he still agreed with Xiaozhi's command.

That's right, she doesn't want to deal with this guy across from her
That evil aura is obviously an evil Pokémon that can restrain itself, so it's better to stay away!

Immediately after Latias dropped another healing wave light ball, he immediately hid far away.

After the light ball hit the ground, it exploded and spread, turning into a healing green light that lit up the bodies of the long-tailed firefox and rocket sparrow.
The fatigue force field of this evil flame bird was quite large. As soon as the two Pokémon came out, they fell down on the ground. Rocket Sparrow lost its ability to fly and fell from the sky due to fatigue.

However, under the influence of the healing wave, the eyes of the two regained their vitality and they stood up again.


Seeing that there were two helpers, Doropa's fire dinosaur finally plucked up the courage and looked up into the sky.

Although the situation was three against one, the evil flame bird in the sky didn't care.

The black-red flame wings flapped forward violently, and a hurricane suddenly blew up all around, and dense and sharp air slashes continued to cut through the sky, shooting towards the direction of the three Pokémon!

Blade of air!Serena quickly cheered up, fighting against the legendary Pokémon also made her stress rise sharply.

"Long-tailed fire fox, wall of light!!"

The long-tailed fire fox jumped up in a few steps, drew out the branch and wooden staff and waved it in front of him, condensing a huge transparent wall of light out of thin air, protecting the three Pokémon behind him.


The power of the originally large and dangerous air blade was immediately reduced by half after penetrating the light wall.

"Now, Rocket Bird (Fire Dinosaur), use Flame Vortex!!"

Xiaozhi and Doropa took back control and commanded at the same time.

Speaking of which, the three on the field are all Fire Pokémon.

The Rocket Bird and the Fire Dinosaur opened their mouths at the same time, and the blazing pillars of fire spit out, turning into spiral flame tornadoes in the air, entangled together, and then collided with the incoming air blade.

Boom boom boom! !

The energy slashes continued to split the flames into pieces, but with the help of the light wall, the air blade was only stronger, rather than overwhelming, and it was temporarily deadlocked.

Serena also seized the opportunity and suddenly said:

"Long-tailed fire fox, use big characters to explode!!"

The long-tailed fire fox stopped casting the light wall, and swung the branch staff forward in his hand. This time, a huge flaming character condensed, and roared into the sky from another angle.

Boom! !
Unprepared, the large-character explosive flames hit the side of the Flame Bird's body, sparking a massive flame explosion in the air!

Seeing this, the three of them looked happy, it worked!
"Evil drink.!!"

However, the joyful expressions of the three people did not last long. The flame bird let out a loud roar and blew away all the smoke and dust with the flapping of its wings. The dark red flames were still burning at the ends of the dark feathers, and it seemed that it had not suffered much damage.

"Doesn't this guy have fire attributes?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but frowned. The boat-shaped version of the Flame Bird had an evil temperament and must have evil attributes.

There is also the previously powerful air blade. So, is the second attribute a flying attribute?

Because from the time the opponent first appeared until now, Xiaozhi has not felt any "warmth" from the opponent.

The same is true even for this volcano. Apart from the black soil and rocks on the ground, it has no connection with the high-temperature volcanic environment.

The world has changed, and the flame bird does not have the attribute of fire?
"Evil drink.!!"

There was another violent cry, and the flame bird's wings were fully opened, like an eroded sun.

Whoosh! !

A fierce black hurricane blew across the entire top of the volcano, along with gray mist and flying sand and rocks!
"Be careful, it's a storm trick!"

Xiaozhi pressed his hat, was startled, and quickly reminded him.

The raging storm move, the area of ​​the light wall was so small, but it was not weakened at all and could not block much. The three Pokémon were hit instantly, and were blown backwards and staggered by the air current.

The violent storm even affected the few humans behind, and Pikachu was almost blown off the cliff.


In the air, Latias's eyes glowed with blue light, and he built a mental barrier around himself and everyone to isolate the storm.

Of course, Rocket Sparrow and the other Pokémon do not receive this kind of treatment. After all, they are still in battle, and Latias does not participate in the battle to protect them. (End of chapter)

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