He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2586 Group battle, vs evil flame bird!

In the raging storm, Serena was the first to fight back:
"Leave it to me, Long-tailed Firefox, use imitation!!"

This is a move used by Miss Maxiu's fairy Eevee in the Aromatherapy Gym, but in fact, her long-tailed fire fox, which did not appear at the time, also mastered this strange new move.

The long-tailed fire fox's eyes flashed, and then he swung the stick in his hand, blowing out a violent tornado in the opposite direction.

Of course, the power is far inferior to the opponent's.

But at least it can disrupt part of the airflow direction.

"In that case, let's come too, Rocket Bird, use Tailwind!!"

Xiaozhi quickly ordered, first disrupting the storm blowing from the opponent's front.

Rocket Bird understood, and flapped its wings before, blowing a strange forward airflow.

Although it is not very powerful, it can even be said that the air flow has no strength, but it contains strange power.

Not only did the three own Pokémon feel relieved and as light as a swallow, even this small air flow was not disturbed by the storm and was still blowing forward.

Upon seeing this, Doropa immediately gave instructions:
"Let's come too, fire dinosaur, use smoke screen!!"

The fire dinosaur opened its mouth suddenly, and immediately spit out a burst of pitch-black smoke, which got entangled with the surrounding airflow and acted as a stirrer.

The next moment, the entire volcano summit area was shrouded in black mist, and the airflow and wind direction were extremely chaotic, which could not be easily blown away.

"good chance!"

Xiaozhi was delighted. The three little ones on their side were small and difficult to see or attack.

But the huge figure of the flame bird opposite and the strong sinister aura were very obvious even in the black mist.

It's not a fire Pokémon, so the fire moves of the three of us can have very good effects!

"Rocket Sparrow, find an opportunity and use charged flame attack to attack!!"

"Long-tailed Fire Fox, we use big characters to explode!!"

"Fire dinosaur, spray flames!!"

So the three of them launched an attack together.

The three Pokémon also used the cover of the surrounding smoke to condense their moves and get ready to go.
"Evil drink!!"

However, the next moment, a sharp and penetrating cry suddenly came from high in the black smoke airflow.

Everyone still didn't know what happened, but they saw that the black mist in the sky was suddenly engulfed and covered by a black-red flame, dyeing everything in front of them crimson.

Puff! !
With the flame bird's body as the center, black and red flames burned crazily all around!
Like a flame barrier aura, it quickly spreads around and swallows everything.

The three Pokémon in the black mist could not hide at all.

By the time they reacted, they were already surrounded by a sea of ​​fire.

"Ao", "Wu" and "Gu"

The three Pokémon all made uncomfortable muffled sounds and lowered their heads, obviously suffering from the impact of the damage.

not just hurt
The next moment, Rocket Sparrow and Long-tailed Firefox had extremely frightened expressions on their faces, and they were sweating profusely.

His body was constantly trembling in the crimson flame energy field, and he could not even complete basic attacks or dodges.

"Is this the Flame Bird's move?!" Xiaozhi was startled. At that moment, he also felt a chilling aura passing through his body.

Although his eyes were filled with crimson mist flames, the aura spread like a sea of ​​fire burning and spreading.

But...it's not a flame!
He didn't feel any heat.

"It's an evil attribute move! It feels like a fire move!"

Xiaozhi quickly reminded him, but the two friends beside him seemed to be affected by this move. Their bodies and shoulders were shaking slightly, and their faces were frightened.

"A cringe-like effect?"

Xiaozhi's brain began to work rapidly. This should be an evil attribute move. All targets hit will fall into the effect of cowering and fear, unable to move, and at the mercy of others.

Is it possible to ask Latias to help?
Xiaozhi quickly shook his head. Latias, not to mention the superpower attribute, was not good at facing such an opponent.

This evil flame aura must have made Latias so sick that he wanted to fly away and vomit, right?
This battle is a challenge for these three Pokémon, and no one else can interfere.

But as a trainer, he is no outsider.

"Rocket Sparrow, wake up and don't be frightened by the opponent's attack!!"

Xiaozhi immediately shouted loudly from behind, and also used his bond power to connect with Rocket Sparrow's mind, trying to improve the latter's five senses and willpower.

Don't look at it, it's a sea of ​​fire, it's bound again
In the final analysis, it is just a cowering state, and all you have to do is forcefully break away.


With the assistance of the power of bondage, Rocket Bird's eyes instantly returned to clarity, but his body was still shaking uncontrollably and it was difficult to move.

Obviously, relying on Xiaozhi's assistance alone is not enough. Rocket Bird's own will is needed to break through the limitations.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi swung his fist upwards and roared loudly:
"Break through its cowering shackles!! Rocket Sparrow, use your strongest flame charge!!"

Although Rocket Sparrow has not been able to use Flare Charge well before, only in this state of being on the verge of the limit can it be more likely to fully master this ultimate move!


Rocket Bird gritted his teeth and kept tensing up his body, trying to regain control of his body.

On the surface of the fiery red feathers, flames were constantly flickering, rising and then extinguishing, rising and then extinguishing.
But the next time the flames rose around him, there were more and more flames.

Boom! !
Finally, Rocket Bird broke through the limit, and the flames all over his body burst out, forming a huge crimson fireball!
The bird-shaped body turned into white light, and was reborn and transformed in the flames, becoming even bigger and more mature!
"Fire Arrow!!!"

As a sharp and high-pitched cry sounded, Rocket Bird blew away the flames around it, finally revealing a brand new posture.

Its wings are waving calmly and powerfully, obviously it has completely got rid of the fear-binding effect of the flame bird!

"Success, evolved into the Fierce Arrow Eagle!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi looked overjoyed. The family bird was finally the first target of Team Carlos to complete its final evolution.

The Arrow Eagle is not very large, and Carlos's family birds are generally very small.

It is covered in fiery red feathers, with the fire feathers on its head raised high, and the tips of its wings are black.

The feathers on the lower body and abdomen are gray-white, revealing a pair of yellow bird claws. The tail feathers on the rear end have a "V"-shaped yellow pattern, which can perform sprinting and flying movements like the wind. (End of chapter)

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